Albert Menkveld,
Anna Dreber,
Felix Holzmeister,
Juergen Huber,
Magnus Johannesson,
Michael Kirchler
et al.:
Non-Standard Errors
Thierry Post,
Iñaki Rodríguez Longarela
Risk Arbitrage Opportunities for Stock Index Options
Operations Research 2020
Iñaki Rodríguez Longarela
Explaining vertical gender segregation: a research agenda
Work, Employment and Society 2017
Iñaki Rodríguez Longarela
A Characterization of the SSD-Efficient Frontier of Portfolio Weights by Means of a Set of Mixed-Integer Linear Constraints
Management science 2016
Iñaki Rodríguez Longarela,
Silvia Mayoral
Quote inefficiency in options markets
Journal of Banking & Finance 2015
Iñaki Rodríguez Longarela
SDF-based estimation of linear factor models with alternative loss functions
International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives 2013
Oleg Bondarenko,
Iñaki Rodríguez Longarela
A general framework for the derivation of asset price bounds: an application to stochastic volatility option models
Review of Derivatives Research 2009
Iñaki Rodríguez Longarela
A Simple Linear Programming Approach to Gain, Loss and Asset Pricing
Topics in Theoretical Economics 2002
Alejandro Balbás,
Iñaki Rodríguez Longarela,
Ángel Pardo
Integration and Arbitrage in the Spanish Financial Markets: An Empirical
Journal of futures markets 2000
Alejandro Balbás,
Iñaki Rodríguez Longarela,
Julio Lucia
How Does Financial Theory Apply to Catastrophe-Linked Derivatives?
An Empirical Test of Several Pricing Models
Journal of Risk and Insurance 1999