Anne Grete Sandaunet
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Publications outside Cristin
- Sandaunet AG: The challenge of fitting in: non-participation and withdrawal from an online self-help group for breast cancer patients, Sociology of Health and Illness 2008, 1: 131-144.
- Sandaunet, AG: Pasienten som ikke passer inn, i Aksel Tjora (red), Den Moderne Pasienten. Gyldendal, Oslo (Oversatt og bearbeidet versjon av artikkelen: The challenge of fitting in: non-participation and withdrawal from an online self-help group for breast cancer patients, Sociology of Health and Illness 2008, 1: 131-144).
- Trondsen M., Sandaunet AG: The dual role of the action researcher, Evaluation and program planning, (2009)vol 32, s 13-20.
- Sandaunet AG: A space for suffering? Communicating breast cancer in an online self-help context, Qualitative Health Research, 2008, vol 18, nr 12, s 1631-41
"Helsevesenets nye kunde", kronikk i Dagens Medisin 15.01.2009