Bilde av Erhart, Claudia
Bilde av Erhart, Claudia
Department of Arctic and Marine Biology +4777644738 You can find me here

Claudia Erhart

PhD candidate

Job description

PhD candidate in Marine Ecotoxicology, interested in multigenerational exposure of fishes and molecular toxicology.  I study reproductive and developmental toxicity arising from parental exposure to petroleum compounds using Atlantic cod and polar cod.

  • Claudia Erhart, Jasmine Nahrgang, marianne Frantzen, Bjørn Henrik Hansen, Øyvind J Hansen, James P. Meador et al.:
    Effects of parental exposure to a crude oil water-soluble fraction on the fertilization success and embryo development in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
  • Claudia Erhart, Jasmine Nahrgang, marianne Frantzen, Bjørn Henrik Hansen, Øyvind J Hansen, James P. Meador et al.:
    Multigenerational effects of crude oil in Atlantic cod early life stages
  • Claudia Erhart, Jasmine Nahrgang, marianne Frantzen, Bjørn Henrik Hansen, Øyvind J Hansen, James P. Meador et al.:
    Parental exposure to crude oil on fertilization success and embryo development in Atlantic cod
  • Claudia Erhart, Jasmine Nahrgang, marianne Frantzen :
    Biological effects of crude oil in fish species from the Barents Sea
  • Claudia Erhart, Jasmine Nahrgang, marianne Frantzen, Bjørn Henrik Hansen, Øyvind J Hansen, James P. Meador et al.:
    Parental exposure to crude oil on fertilization success and embryo development in Atlantic cod

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Publications outside Cristin

    Kirla, K. T., Erhart, C., Groh, K. J., Stadnicka-Michalak, J., Eggen, R., Schirmer, K., & Kraemer, T. (2021). Zebrafish early life stages as alternative model to study 'designer drugs': Concordance with mammals in response to opioids. Toxicology and applied pharmacology, 419, 115483.

    Research interests

    My research interest is in elucidating how environmental contaminants, such as crude oil related compounds, affect reproduction and development of fishes. I am investigating the effect of parental exposure to a crude oil water-soluble fraction on gamete quality and embryo development. Furthermore, I am interested in the impact of petroleum compounds on the regulation of the reproductive axis in the reproducing adult fish.


    BIO-3020: Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology - Lab assistant 

    BIO-1104: Zoology - Lab leader/Lab assistant

    Member of research group
