Svein Jentoft
Fiskeripolitikkens premisstrømmer
Orkana Forlag 2023
Ragnar Nilsen,
Ottar Brox,
Einar Eythórsson,
Svein Jentoft
Forvaltning av felles naturressurser
Orkana Forlag 2023
Moslem Daliri,
Ali Salarpouri,
Ehsan Kamrani,
Mostafa Zahirinia,
Mohammad Momeni,
Morteza Salahi
et al.:
Fishers’ Traditional Knowledge: A Primary Requirement for Adaptive Fisheries Management in the Northern Persian Gulf
Svein Jentoft
The Image Fallacy: Rethinking the Tragedy of the Commons
International Journal of the Commons 2023
Svein Jentoft,
Siri Ulfsdatter Søreng
Fjordfiskenemdas betydning for samiske fiskerier
Orkana Forlag 2023
Ratana Chuenpagdee,
Moenieba Isaacs,
Alicia Bugeja-Said,
Svein Jentoft
Collective Experiences, Lessons, and Reflections About Blue Justice
Springer Nature 2022
Ratana Chuenpagdee,
Alicia Bugeja-Said,
Moenieba Isaacs,
Svein Jentoft
Towards Blue Justice for Small-Scale Fisheries
Springer Nature 2022
Milena Arias Schreiber,
Ratana Chuenpagdee,
Svein Jentoft
Blue Justice and the co-production of hermeneutical resources for small-scale fisheries
Sebastian Linke,
Maris Boyd Gillette,
Svein Jentoft
Institutionalizing Injustice? Aligning Governance Orders in Swedish Small-Scale Fisheries
Springer Nature 2022
Svein Jentoft,
Ratana Chuenpagdee
Blue Justice in Three Governance Orders
Springer Nature 2022
Svein Jentoft
Small-Scale Fisheries in the Blue Economy
Springer Nature 2022
Svein Jentoft,
Ratana Chuenpagdee
Interactive Learning and Governance Transformation for Securing Blue Justice for Small-Scale Fisheries
Administration & Society 2022
Mbachi Ruth Msomphora,
Friday Njaya,
Svein Jentoft
Ecosystem-based governance according to the Malawi principles: a test for the southern Lake Malawi
Joeri Scholtens,
Derek Johnson,
Svein Jentoft,
Mirjam Ros-Tonen,
Ratana Chuenpagdee,
Joyeeta Gupta
et al.:
Forging connections, pursuing social justice: a tribute to Maarten Bavinck’s conceptual and institution-building contributions to maritime studies
Romeo Saldívar-Lucio,
Armando Trasviña-Castro,
Narriman Jiddawi,
Ratana Chuenpagdee,
Lars Lindström,
Svein Jentoft
et al.:
Fine-Tuning Climate Resilience in Marine Socio-Ecological Systems: The Need for Accurate Space-Time Representativeness to Identify Relevant Consequences and Responses
Frontiers in Marine Science 2021
Ratana Chuenpagdee,
Raquel de la Cruz-Modino,
María José Barragán-Paladines,
Jenny A. Glikman,
Julia Fraga,
Svein Jentoft
et al.:
Governing from images: Marine protected areas as case illustrations
Journal for Nature Conservation 2020
Svein Jentoft
Splitting Hairs
Samudra 2020
Svein Jentoft
Life above water: small-scale fisheries as a human experience
E. Kamrani,
M. Daliri,
Svein Jentoft
Promoting governability in small-scale capture fisheries in
the Persian Gulf: The case of Qeshm Island
Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences (IJFS) 2020
Svein Jentoft
On and By the Water
Samudra 2020
Svein Jentoft,
Maarten Bavnick
Reconciling human rights and customary law: legal pluralism in the governance of small-scale fisheries
Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 2019
Philippa J Cohen,
Edward H Allison,
Neil L Andrew,
Joshua Cinner,
Louisa S Evans,
Michael Fabinyi
et al.:
Securing a just space for small-scale fisheries in the blue economy
Frontiers in Marine Science 2019
Mohammad Mahmudul Islam,
Svein Jentoft
Creating an enabling environment to support disaster risk reduction in the context of the SSF Guidelines: a case study from Bangladesh
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 2019
Oran R. Young,
D.G. Webster,
Michael E. Cox,
Jesper Raakjær,
Lau Øfjord Blaxekjær,
Níels Einarsson
et al.:
Moving beyond panaceas in fisheries governance
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 2018
Ratana Chuenpagdee,
Svein Jentoft
Transforming the governance of small-scale fisheries
Jose J. Pascual-Fernandez,
Raquel De la Cruz Modino,
Ratana Chuenpagdee,
Svein Jentoft
Synergy as strategy: learning from La Restinga, Canary Islands
Svein Jentoft,
Jan Maarten Bavinck,
Enrique Alonso-Población,
Anna Child,
Antonio Diegues,
Daniela Kalikoski
et al.:
Working together in small-scale fisheries: harnessing collective action for poverty eradication
Maritime Studies 2018
Svein Jentoft,
Bjørn-Petter Finstad
Building fisheries institutions through collective action in Norway
Alicia Said,
Ratana Chuenpagdee,
Alfonso Aguilar-Perera,
Minerva Arce-Ibarra,
Tek Bahadur Gurung,
Bonnie Bishop
et al.:
The Principles of Transdisciplinary Research in Small-Scale Fisheries
Svein Jentoft
Differences Matter -Norway
Svein Jentoft
Governing Change in Small-Scale Fisheries: Theories and Assumptions
Mbachi Ruth Msomphora,
Svein Jentoft
Transdiciplinary Science for Small-Scale Fiheries
Milena Arias-Schreiber,
Sebestian Linke,
Alyne E. Delaney,
Svein Jentoft
Governing the Governance: Small-Scale Fisheries in Europe with Focus on the Baltic sea
Ratana Chuenpagdee,
Svein Jentoft
Transcending Fisheries Knowledge: From Theory to Integration
Ragnar Nilsen,
Ottar Brox,
Einar Eythórsson,
Svein Jentoft
Allmenninger i nord - felleskap og grunnrente
Orkana Forlag 2023
Svein Jentoft
The things that matter: Remembering Paul Onyango
Maritime Studies 2022
Svein Jentoft
The Insider
Samudra 2022
Svein Jentoft,
Ratana Chuenpagdee,
Alicia Said,
Moenieba Isaacs
Springer Nature 2022
Elana Tovah Wilson Rowe,
Svein Jentoft,
Sverre Johansen,
Sven-Roald Nystø
Livet ved havet
Svein Jentoft
From I to we in small-scale fisheries communities
Maritime Studies 2020
Edward H. Allison,
John Kurien,
Yoshitaka Ota,
Dedi S. Adhuri,
Jan Maarten Bavinck,
Andrés M. Cisneros-Montemayor
et al.:
The Human Relationship With Our Ocean Planet
Mbachi Ruth Msomphora,
Camilla Brattland,
Svein Jentoft
Fisheries and aquaculture management: Experiences from small scale fisheries in Norway
Svein Jentoft
Small-scale fisheries in the Blue Economy
Svein Jentoft
Life Above Water. Essays on Human Ecperience of Small-Scale Fisheries
Svein Jentoft,
Bjørn-Petter Finstad
Correction to: Building fisheries institutions through collective action in Norway (Maritime Studies, (2018), 17, 1, (13-25), 10.1007/s40152-018-0088-6)
Maritime Studies 2019
Daniela C. Kalikoski,
Svein Jentoft,
Patrick McConney,
Susana Siar
Empowering small-scale fishers to eradicate rural poverty