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Academy of Music Tromsø

Thomas Richard Hilder

  • Jill Halstead, Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Deep Listening with Pauline Oliveros: The Queer Ear and Radical Care
    Oxford University Press 2023
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Stories of Songs, Choral Activism and LGBTQ+ Rights in Europe
    Music & Minorities (M&M) 2023 ARKIV / DATA / DOI
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    LGBTQ+ Choirs, Community Music, Queer Artistic Citizenship in London
    Springer Nature 2022
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Sámi Musical Performance, Media and the Politics of Globalization: The Case of Sápmi Sessions
    Liverpool University Press 2019 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Nordic Sexual Exceptionalism and Indigenous Rights: Sámi Alternative Visions of Europe at the Eurovision Song Contest
    Institut für Volksmusikforschung und Ethnomusikologie, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien 2017
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Sámi Music
    Bloomsbury Academic 2017 DOI
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    The Politics of Virtuality: Sámi Cultural Simulation through Digital Musical Media
    University of Rochester Press 2017
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Music, Indigeneity, Digital Media
    University of Rochester Press 2017
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Sámi Festivals and Indigeneity
    Oxford University Press 2017 DOI
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Sámi Popular Music, Indigenous Feminism, Environment: Mari Boine as Grenzgängerin
    Jahrbuch Musik und Gender 2016
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Repatriation, Revival and Transmission: The Politics of a Sámi Musical Heritage
    Ethnomusicology Forum 2012 DOI
  • Thomas Richard Hilder, Henry Stobart, Shzr Ee Tan :
    Music, Indigeneity, Digital Media
    University of Rochester Press 2017
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Sámi Musical Performance and the Politics of Indigeneity in Northern Europe
    Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 2015
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Keynote Lecture: "LGBTQ+ Choirs, Public Intellectuals, Queer Pedagogies"
  • Thomas Richard Hilder, Sletten Snorre, Misza Czerniak, Hsien Chew, Mary Ellen Kitchens, Holly Patch et al.:
    LGBTQ+ Choirs, Care, and Activism since the COVID Pandemic
    2022 DATA
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Collaboration, Community, Care: LGBTQ+ Choirs, Social Inclusion, 21st Century Europe
  • Thomas Richard Hilder, Holly Patch :
    From Musical Asylum to Queer Choral Mobilization
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Autoethnographic tales of LGBTQ+ choral performance in Warsaw, London and Rome
  • Thomas Richard Hilder, Bjørn-Terje Bandlien, Kristine Utstøl :
    Musikkfaget i grunnskolen, et lite men stort fag
    2022 FULLTEKST
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Keynote Lecture: "Imagining Music Scholarship as Radical Care: Stories of Research, Pedagogy, and Activism"
  • Thomas Richard Hilder, Snorre Sletten, Amanda Nicole Fayant, Julie Nesset, Mette Thobro :
    Community music making: Mangfold- og inkluderingsarbeid i musikalsk tiltak i Trondheim og Norge
    2021 FULLTEKST
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    LGBTQ+ Choirs and Queer European Citizenship
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    LGBTQ+ Choirs and Queer European Citizenship
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Book Review: Gregory Barz and William Cheng, eds. Queering the Field: Sounding Out Ethnomusicology. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020
    Music & Minorities (M&M) 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Keynote Lecture: “Imagining Music Scholarship as Radical Care: Stories of research, pedagogy, and activism”
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Keynote Lecture: "Choral Activism, LGBTQ+ Rights, Queering Identity in 21st Century Europe"
    2021 FULLTEKST
  • Thomas Richard Hilder, Tai Murray, Floren Anna, Einar Idsøe Eidsvåg :
    How to Increase Diversity in Classical Music?
    2021 FULLTEKST
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    “Transgressive Pedagogies in the Musicological Classroom”
    2021 FULLTEKST
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Queer Choirs in Corona Crisis
    LGBTQ+ Music Study Group Blog 28. October 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Pedagogical Experiments in the Musicological Classroom
    NTNU Samfunn, språk og kultur blogg 10. September 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Choral Activism and Queer European Citizenship
  • Nina Eidsheim, Garth Paine, Hanna Musiol, Thomas Richard Hilder, Ajotikar Rasika, Andreas Bergsland :
    Modalities of Listening, NTNU ARTEC Seminar Series Seminar
  • Sarah Schulman, Nat Raha, Tone Hellesund, Jennifer Branlat, Libe Garcia Zarranz, Thomas Richard Hilder et al.:
    Pandemics, Archives, Justice: A Webinar with Sarah Schulman
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Pride, Protest, Parade: Listening to Queer Voices
    NTNU Samfunn, språk og kultur blogg 13. September 2019 FULLTEKST
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Hand in Hand Cardiff 2019
    Proud Voices 2019 FULLTEKST
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Event Review: «Music – Gender – Activism: Transcultural Conversations». The 9th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Gender
    Musikk og tradisjon 2017
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Book Review: Stephen Amico: Roll over, Tchaikovsky! Russian popular music and post-Soviet homosexuality. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2014
    Ethnomusicology Forum 2016
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Book Reveiw: Christine Dettmann. 2012. Ein anderes Gesicht: Lokale brasilianische Musiker in Lissabon. Intercultural Music Studies, 16. Berlin: VWB—Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung.
    Journal of World Popular Music 2015
  • Thomas Richard Hilder :
    Website Review: Soundscapes Rostock: An Ethnomusicological View of City Sound
    Yearbook for Traditional Music 2012

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →