Bilde av Skandfer, Marianne
Photo: Adnan Icagic
Bilde av Skandfer, Marianne
The Arctic University Museum of Norway +4777645064 99506234 You can find me here

Marianne Skandfer

Professor in archaeology

Job description

I have the professional responsibility for the museum's Stone Age Collections. This includes public management concerning documentation, analyses, research, exhibitions and depositions in other museums.

I am professionally responsibile for selected archaeological excavations.

I do research-based popular outreach,supervising on PhD-level and some teaching. 

My research focuses on Northern Stone Age and related themes. Among my research interests are technology and resource availability and knowledge as conditions for northern Stone Age societies. Resource use and management has changed time, and there are differences in material culture between various parts of the northern region. At the same time, much is similar and maintained through millennia. How critical knowledge concerning the use of the local environment is maintained, modified and changed in a time when people lived far between is of general interest to me. II am interested in how social identity is established and maintained within particular historical conditions, traditions and nature. I have special  interest in the introduction of the first Stone Age pottery in Norway c. 5300 calBC,  a phenomenon spatially restricted to easternmost Finnmark. I am interested in changes in lithic materiales and technologies and their various spatial distributions over time. I also work on early Sámi identity. Recently I have been studying attitudes towards wild animals in hunter-gatherer societies.   

I am 2017 - 2020 PI of the NFR-granted research project "Stone Age Demographics: multi-scale exploration of population variations and dynamics " together with Charlotte Damm, IAR, UiT. I am member of the transfaculty and multi-institution Stone Age Research Group (SARG) (established 2014) supported by the Faculty of Humanities, Social Science and teaching education, and of the Arctic Archaeology research group (established 2018) at the Arctic University Museum,  which includes permanent staff researchers and PhDs working on various periods of prehistoric as well as recent historical archaeology. Both groups actively engage in establishing relevant collaboration networks. 

I am 2019 - 2023 member of the Arctic University Museum board. 

  • Marianne Skandfer :
    Culture-History Overview: From ethnography towards archaeology
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Hans Peter Blankholm, Marianne Skandfer :
    House Pits in the Northern Interior
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Marianne Skandfer, Bryan Hood :
    Investigations in Inner Finnmark 2: Small Investigations in Western Finnmark and Investigations of House-Pits in the Bácheveaij/Pasvik and Deatnu/Tana River Valleys, Eastern Finnmark.
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Marianne Skandfer, Bryan Hood :
    Landscape and Resource Management in Interior Sápmi, North Norway
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Marianne Skandfer, Bryan Hood :
    LARM Investigations in Inner Finnmark 1: The Kárášjohka/Karasjok Region.
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Marianne Skandfer, Bryan Hood, Hans Peter Blankholm :
    Previous Archaeological Research in Interior Finnmark and Troms
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Bryan Hood, Marianne Skandfer :
    Concepts and Methods
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Hans Peter Blankholm, Bryan Hood, Marianne Skandfer :
    Conclusions. Resource Management and Landscape Use in a Long-Term Perspective.
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Bryan Hood, Marianne Skandfer :
    Reflections on Living in Landscapes
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Marianne Skandfer :
    Den aller eldste keramikken i Norge
    Orkana Forlag 2024
  • Marianne Skandfer :
    En blodflekket kniv fra steinalderen
    Orkana Forlag 2024
  • Carol Lentfer, Marianne Skandfer, Samantha Presslee, Richard Hagan, Harry K. Robson, Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Cut above the Rest: a Multi-disciplinary Study of Two Slate Knives from Forager Contexts in Coastal Norway.
    Oxford Journal of Archaeology 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marianne Skandfer :
    Hunting for Hide. Investigating an Other-Than-Food Relationship between Stone Age Hunters and Wild Animals in Northern Europe
    Open Archaeology 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Erlend Kirkeng Jørgensen, Johan Eilertsen Arntzen, Marianne Skandfer, Madison Llewellin, Sven Isaksson, Peter Jordan :
    Source-sink dynamics drove punctuated adoption of early pottery in Arctic Europe under diverging socioecological conditions
    Quaternary Science Reviews 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Marianne Skandfer :
    A Neolithic Corridor between East and West.
  • Bryan Hood, Erling Krog Ravna, Trine Merete Dahl, Marianne Skandfer :
    Preliminary geochemical analysis of asbestos minerals from geological and archaeological contexts in Finnmark, north Norway Evaluating the potential for sourcing tempers in asbestos ceramics
  • Marianne Skandfer, Charlotte Brysting Damm, Jan Magne Gjerde :
    Stone Age dwellings, sites and environment in coastal northern Norway: surveys and documentation of house-pit sites
    Самарский научный вестник 2021 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Charlotte Damm, Marianne Skandfer, Peter D. Jordan :
    Peopling Prehistoric Coastlines: Identifying Mid-Holocene Forager Settlement Strategies in Northern Norway
    Journal of Maritime Archaeology 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marianne Skandfer :
    The Appreciation of Reindeer: Rock Carvings and Sami Reindeer Knowledge
    Equinox Publishing 2021 ARKIV
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Marianne Skandfer, Erlend Kirkeng Jørgensen, Per Johan E Sjøgren, Kenneth Webb Berg Vollan, Peter Jordan :
    Investigating long-term human ecodynamics in the European Arctic: Towards an integrated multi-scalar analysis of early and mid Holocene cultural, environmental and palaeodemographic sequences in Finnmark County, Northern Norway.
    Quaternary International 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marianne Skandfer, Hans Peter Blankholm, Bryan Hood :
    Archaeological Perspectives on Hunter-Gatherer Landscapes and Resource Management in Interior North Norway
    Equinox Publishing 2024
  • Roger Jørgensen, Marianne Skandfer, Inger Storli :
    Fragmenter av Nord-Norges fortid
    Orkana Forlag 2024
  • Elias Bakken Johansen, Marianne Skandfer :
    Ikke gull alt som piper. Er det bare oss eller er det flere "unike" funn enn før?
    22. March 2024 FULLTEKST
  • Marianne Skandfer :
    Løse kulturminner og finnerlønn. Innspill til Kulturmiljølovutvalget
  • Marianne Skandfer :
    Hvordan kan sektoravgiftsprosjekter bygge opp under hverandre med tanke på kunnskap om fortida – sett med et perspektiv som dekker hele landet?
  • Marianne Skandfer :
    Blyplomber som metallsøkefunn. Oppstart av et prosjekt på en vanlig funnkategori, som knapt finnes i museets magasin
  • Marianne Skandfer :
    Local relations in northern environments (Key note lecture)
  • Sofie Retterstøl Olaissen, Katharina Lorvik, Marianne Skandfer :
    50 menneske er funne i massegraver på Træna - ingen veit kva som har skjedd
    23. November 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Marianne Skandfer :
    Skiferspiss fra Finnsnes
    Årbok for Lenvik 2023
  • Marianne Skandfer, Roger Jørgensen, Stephen Wickler :
    Nordlendingen tar de geologiske ressursene i bruk: et arkeologisk perspektiv
    Museumsforlaget AS 2022 ARKIV
  • Marianne Skandfer :
    Dokumentasjon av bruk og gjenbruk i steinalderen. Erfaringer fra et forskningsprosjekt
  • Anja Roth Niemi, Marianne Skandfer :
    Folket i Sørøysund - en reise gjennom forhistorien
    Øyfolk. Årbok for lokjalhistorie og kultur i Hammerfest 2022
  • Marianne Skandfer :
    Hunters and animals: Appreciating the wild
    2022 ARKIV
  • Marianne Skandfer, Kenneth Webb Berg Vollan :
    Dwelling in the Past
  • Marianne Skandfer :
    Farmers at the Frontier. A Pan-European Perspective on Neolithisation Kurt J. Gron, Lasse Sørensen & Peter Rowley-Conwy (eds.): Oxbow books, Oxford/Philadelphia, 2020, 464 pp. ISBN 9781789251401
    Norwegian Archaeological Review 06. July 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Marianne Skandfer, Kenneth Webb Berg Vollan :
    Rapport fra befaring og registrering på Fella, Vatnan og Gåshopen i Hammerfest kommune, Finnmark fylke 2019
    2021 FULLTEKST
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Marianne Skandfer :
    Rapport fra befaring på Seiland, Slettnes og langs Vargsundet i 2018 under forskningsprosjektet «Stone Age Demographics»
    2021 FULLTEKST
  • Marianne Skandfer :
    Markus Fjellström Food Cultures in Sápmi: An interdisciplinary approach to the study of the heterogeneous cultural landscape of northern Fennoscandia AD 600–1900
    Current Swedish Archaeology 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marianne Skandfer, Charlotte Brysting Damm, Jan Magne Gjerde :
    Stone Age dwellings, sites and environment in coastal northern Norway. Surveys and documentation of house-pit sites.
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Marianne Skandfer :
    Dokumentasjon av kulturminneområdet på ID 27272 Taborshamn, Hasvik kommune, Finnmark, 2018, under forskningsprosjektet "Stone Age Demographics"
    2020 FULLTEKST
  • Marianne Skandfer, Kenneth Webb Berg Vollan, Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Dokumentasjon av tuftefelt i Hasvik kommune, Sørøya 2017 under forskningsprosjektet «Stone Age Demographics». Feltrapport
    2020 FULLTEKST
  • Jørn Erik Henriksen, Roger Jørgensen, Keth Elisabeth Lind, Anja Roth Niemi, Marianne Skandfer, Ingrid Sommerseth et al.:
    Faglig program 2020 - 2025. Arkeologiske undersøkelser. Norges arktiske universitetsmuseum
    2020 ARKIV
  • Marianne Skandfer :
    Tracing hide craft as human-animal relations in Stone Age Norway
  • Marianne Skandfer :
    Hva gir verdi?
    Ottar 2019
  • Marianne Skandfer :
    Fantes det "gamledager" i steinalderen?
    Ottar 2019
  • Marianne Skandfer, Anja Roth Niemi, Tanja Larssen, Janne Oppvang, Erik Kjellman, Mathea Hovind :
    Bevare meg vel! Arkeologi og miljø
    Utforsk UiT 2019
  • Marianne Skandfer :
    Tradisjoner gjennom tusenvis av år. Om tid i jakt-fangstsamfunn
  • Marianne Skandfer, Magnus Sjöström :
    Samenes tid (TV-serie i samarbeid Utbildningsradion (UR), Sverige,og NRK).
    05. February 2019
  • Paul Satchell, Marianne Skandfer :
    America's Lost Vikings
    TV-serie 2019
  • Marianne Skandfer, Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Dokumentasjon av tuftefelt i Hasvik kommune, Sørøya 2016 under forskningsprosjektet «Stone Age Demographics». Feltrapport.
    2019 FULLTEKST

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Publications outside Cristin

    Other recent publications are listed in the "Cristin" database (see below), see also publications listed in BIBSYS

    Research interests

    • Northern archaeology
    • Stone Age - Mesolithicum - Neolithicum
    • Early Metal Age
    • The role of material culture in social relations and Identity
    • Past Technologies and Crafts
    • Knowledge transmission
    • Hunter-gatherer - animal relations
    • Chronological revision
    • Sámi cultural history
    • The use of Sámi ethnography in understanding Stone Age societies
    • Dissemination of archaeology and the past in museums
    • Culture heritage management



    From 2019: Professor in archaeology, The University Museum, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

    2017 - 2020: Co-leader (together With prof. Charlotte Damm, UIT) of the Research Project "Stone Age Demographics" (NFR_FRIHUM).

    Since 01.05.2015: Associate professor at Tromsø Museum, UIT

    2009 - 2013: Project leader for the reseach project "Landscape knowlegde and resource management in interior Troms and Finnmark, 2500 BC - AD 1000 (LARM)".                  

    2008 - 2010: Project leader, Tromsø University Museum: Archaeological excavations at Tønsnes, Tromsø Municipality.                                                                                  

    2003 - 2008: Post-doctor in archaeology on the emergence of Sámi ethnicity in light of landscape use in interior Finnmark ca. 2300 BC - AD 300.

    2003: Project manager in Berlevåg municipality: Culture heritage and public planning.

    1999 - 2003: PhD on Early Northern Comb Ware in northern Fennoscandia: Typology - Chronology - Culture.

    1996: Main thesis in archaeology on Sámi antler spoons as material expressions on the relationship between Sámi and Norse from medieval to modern times.


    1997 - 1999: Advisor/executive officer in the Sámi Culture Heritage Management, the Sámi Parliament, Norway