Bilde av Bohus, Kata
Bilde av Bohus, Kata
Office for Research and Innovation +4777660397 You can find me here

Kata Bohus

Senior Adviser

Job description

External research funding (EU), Project Establishment Support (PES), Arctic MSCA program, UiT Priority Program for thematic EU projects, development of externally funded international cooperative projects, High North Academy courses

  • Kata Bohus :
    The Opposition of the Opposition – new Jewish identities in the illegal underground public sphere in late communist Hungary
    Rutgers University Press 2022
  • Kata Bohus :
    The most anti-Zionist Zionist Communist. István Szirmai’s role in the Hungarian communist movement and his views on Zionism and the ‘Jewish Question’
    Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2022
  • Kata Bohus :
    Parallel memories? Public memorialization of the antifascist struggle and martyr memorial services in the Hungarian Jewish community during early Communism
    Central European University Press 2022
  • Kata Bohus, Elisabeth Gallas :
    Dubnow Institut Jahrbuch/Yearbook 2019 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Kata Bohus :
    Review of Benjamin Ginsberg, How the Jews Defeated Hitler. Exploding the Myth of Jewish Passivity in the Face of Nazism (Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto, Plymouth, UK: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2013)
    European Review of History 2016
  • Kata Bohus :
    Anne and Éva: two diaries, two Holocaust memories in communist Hungary
    Remembrance and Solidarity Studies in 20th Century European History 2016
  • Kata Bohus :
    Review of Jan Čulík (ed.), National Mythologies in Central European TV Series. How J.R. Won the Cold War (Brighton, Chicago, Toronto: Sussex Academic Press, 2013)
    European Review of History 2015
  • Kata Bohus :
    Not a Jewish question? The Holocaust in Hungary in the Kádár regime’s propaganda during Adolf Eichmann’s trial
    Hungarian Historical Review 2015 ARKIV
  • Kata Bohus :
    Institutionalized Confusion. The Hungarian Communist Leadership and the ‘Jewish Question’ at the beginning of the 1960s
    Judaica Olomucensia 2013
  • Kata Bohus, Stephan Stach, Peter Hallama :
    Growing in the Shadow of Antifascism. Holocaust Memory in State-Socialist Eastern Europe
    Central European University Press 2022 ARKIV
  • Kata Bohus, Atina Grossmann, Werner Hanak, Mirjam Wenzel :
    Our Courage - Jews in Europe 1945-48
    Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter) 2020
  • Zsófia Farkas, Kata Bohus :
    Historical Introduction in: Így történt. A holokauszt emlékezete szemtanú művészek alkotásain
  • Kata Bohus :
    War, Gender and Memory – Interdisciplinary Approaches to WWII in Hungarian History
    H-Net 13. July 2023 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Kata Bohus :
    Jenő Lévai and Raoul Wallenberg - Memory and Politics in Hungary and Sweden
  • Kata Bohus, Dóra Pataricza :
    Hungarian Jewish Survivors in Sweden. A Study of their Experiences and Integration
  • Kata Bohus :
    Agony or Revival? The Holocaust and Central European Memory Wars Expressed Through Monuments and Counter-Monuments
  • Kata Bohus :
    Kádárizmus és zsidópolitika
    Szombat 2023
  • Kata Bohus :
    'As if we were their colony' – WWII monuments, counter-monuments and postcolonial discourse in today’s Central Europe
  • Kata Bohus :
    “The Reincarnation of Dragon Slayers”: A Transnational Study of Raoul Wallenberg’s Memory through Eyewitness Accounts
  • Kata Bohus :
    “This mystery will be hard to solve”: Hungarian Holocaust Survivors, Diplomacy, and the Transnational Aspects of Raoul Wallenberg’s Early Memory
  • Kata Bohus, Moritz Bauerfeind :
    Disappearing Monuments. The Transiency of Early Holocaust Memorial Structures
  • Kata Bohus :
    Jewish Victim or an Antifascist Hero: The Diary of Anne Frank in Hungarian Theatres and Amateur Theatre Groups during the Kádár Era
  • Kata Bohus :
    Az Eichmann-per. Magyarország és a holokauszt globális emlékezetének kezdete” [The Eichmann trial. Hungary and the beginning of global Holocaust memory]
  • Ernő Munkácsi, Kata Bohus, László Csősz, Ferenc Laczó :
    Munkácsi Ernő, Hogyan történt? Adatok és okmányok a magyar zsidóság tragédiájához [Ernő Munkácsi, How Did it Happen? Data and Documents to the Tragedy of Hungarian Jewry.] New, annotated critical edition of the original 1947 book
  • Kata Bohus :
    Only Heroes and Victims. Monuments and Counter-monuments of WWII in Central Eastern Europe.
  • Kata Bohus :
    Mártírünnepségek a háború után
    Szombat 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Kata Bohus :
    Heroes, Victims, and Comrades. Holocaust Memory and Antifascism in Communist Hungary
  • Kata Bohus :
    The Faceless Executioner. The Reception of the Eichmann Trial in Hungary and the Role of East German Mediation
  • Kata Bohus :
    The Eichmann Trial: Holocaust Memory in the Press and Propaganda of Socialist Hungary
  • Kata Bohus :
    The Eichmann Trial, Holocaust Memory and Regime Critique in Communist Hungary
  • Kata Bohus :
    Introduction of the Thematic Issue of The Hungarian Historical Review - opening lecture
  • Kata Bohus :
    Only Heroes and Victims. Memorializing WWII in East-Central Europe Today
  • Kata Bohus :
    Unser Mut. Juden in Europa 1945-48
    Historical exhibit 2021
  • Kata Bohus, Atina Grossmann :
    Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter) 2020 DOI
  • Kata Bohus :
    Amsterdam: The City Fighting for its Jewish Traditions
    Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter) 2020 DOI
  • Kata Bohus :
    Julia Pirotte and the Documentation of the Kielce Pogrom
    Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter) 2020 DOI
  • Kata Bohus :
    Budapest: the City of Survivors
    Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter) 2020 DOI
  • Kata Bohus, Moritz Bauerfeind :
    Die Familie Senger
    C.H. Beck 2020
  • Kata Bohus :
    Rescue Attempts. The Hungarian Jewish Museum and Jewish Cultural Heritage after 1945
    Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter) 2020 DOI
  • Kata Bohus :
    Białystok: the Dead City
    Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter) 2020 DOI
  • Kata Bohus :
    Eva on Insta. Holocaust Remembrance 2.0
    Cultures of History Forum 31. October 2019 DOI
  • Kata Bohus :
    'Wounded Bodies, Unbroken Spirits' – The Activities of the JDC in Communist Hungary in the 1960s
  • Kata Bohus :
    Martyr Memorial Services and the Formation of New Jewish Identities in Early Post-War Hungary
  • Kata Bohus :
    Anne and Éva. Two diaries, two Holocaust memories in communist Hungary
  • Kata Bohus :
    Anne and Éva. Two diaries, two memories.
  • Kata Bohus :
    Anne and Éva. The duality of Hungarian Holocaust memory
  • Kata Bohus :
    Hungarian ethnic press in Canada and the formation of a Hungarian-Canadian-Jewish identity after the 1956 immigration wave

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Modern European Jewish history

    The history of the Holocaust and Holocaust remembrance

    History of Communism in Eastern Europe