Marc Joosten,
Michal Repisky,
Marius Kadek,
Pekka Pyykkö,
Kenneth Ruud
Electric field gradients at the nuclei from all-electron four-component relativistic density functional theory using Gaussian-type orbitals
Physical review B (PRB) 2024
Eirill Strand Hauge,
Håkon Emil Kristiansen,
Lukas Konecny,
Marius Kadek,
Michal Repisky,
Thomas Bondo Pedersen
Cost-Efficient High-Resolution Linear Absorption Spectra Through Extrapolating the Dipole Moment from Real-Time Time-Dependent Electronic-Structure Theory
Torsha Moitra,
Lukas Konecny,
Marius Kadek,
Angel Rubio,
Michal Repisky
Accurate Relativistic Real-Time Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory for Valence and Core Attosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2023
Lukas Konecny,
Stanislav Komorovsky,
Jan Vicha,
Kenneth Ruud,
Michal Repisky
Exact Two-Component TDDFT with Simple Two-Electron Picture-Change Corrections: X-ray Absorption Spectra Near L- and M-Edges of Four-Component Quality at Two-Component Cost
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2023
Marius Kadek,
Baokai Wang,
Marc Joosten,
Wei-Chi Chiu,
Francois Mairesse,
Michal Repisky
et al.:
Band structures and Z2 invariants of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers from fully relativistic Dirac-Kohn-Sham theory using Gaussian-type orbitals
Marius Kadek,
Lukas Konecny,
Michal Repisky
Relativistic Real-Time Methods
Stefan Knecht,
Michal Repisky,
Hans Jørgen Aagaard Jensen,
Trond Saue
Exact two-component Hamiltonians for relativistic quantum chemistry: Two-electron picture-change corrections made simple
Journal of Chemical Physics 2022
Debora Misenkova,
Florian Lemken,
Michal Repisky,
Jozef Noga,
Olga L. Malkina,
Stanislav Komorovsky
The four-component DFT method for the calculation of the EPR g-tensor using a restricted magnetically balanced basis and London atomic orbitals
Journal of Chemical Physics 2022
Bruno Senjean,
Souloke Sen,
Michal Repisky,
Gerald Knizia,
Lucas Visscher
Generalization of Intrinsic Orbitals to Kramers-Paired Quaternion Spinors, Molecular Fragments, and Valence Virtual Spinors
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2021
Lukas Konecny,
Jan Vicha,
Stanislav Komorovsky,
Kenneth Ruud,
Michal Repisky
Accurate X-ray Absorption Spectra near L- and M-Edges from Relativistic Four-Component Damped Response Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory
Johann V. Pototschnig,
Anastasios Papadopoulos,
Dmitry I. Lyakh,
Michal Repisky,
Loïc Halbert,
Andre Severo Pereira Gomes
et al.:
Implementation of Relativistic Coupled Cluster Theory for Massively Parallel GPU-Accelerated Computing Architectures
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2021
Martin Sojka,
Jan Chyba,
Shib Shankar Paul,
Karolina Wawrocka,
Katerina Honigova,
Ben Joseph R. Cuyacot
et al.:
Supramolecular coronation of platinum(II) complexes by macrocycles: Structure, relativistic DFT calculations, and biological effects
Abril C Castro,
David Balcells,
Michal Repisky,
Trygve Helgaker,
Michele Cascella
First-principles calculation of 1H NMR chemical shifts of complex metal polyhydrides: The essential inclusion of relativity and dynamics
Andrej Antušek,
Michal Repisky
NMR absolute shielding scales and nuclear magnetic dipole moments of transition metal nuclei
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP 2020
Stanislav Komorovsky,
Katarzyna Jakubowska,
Paweł Świder,
Michal Repisky,
Michał Jaszuński
NMR Spin–Spin Coupling Constants Derived from Relativistic Four-Component DFT Theory—Analysis and Visualization
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2020
Michal Repisky,
Stanislav Komorovsky,
Marius Kadek,
Lukas Konecny,
Ulf Egil Ekström,
Elena Malkin
et al.:
ReSpect: Relativistic spectroscopy DFT program package
Journal of Chemical Physics 2020
Marius Kadek,
Michal Repisky,
Kenneth Ruud
All-electron fully relativistic Kohn-Sham theory for solids based on the Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonian and Gaussian-type functions
Abril C. Castro,
Heike Fliegl,
Michele Cascella,
Trygve Helgaker,
Michal Repisky,
Stanislav Komorovsky
et al.:
Four-component relativistic 31P NMR calculations for: Trans -platinum(ii) complexes: Importance of the solvent and dynamics in spectral simulations
Lukas Konecny,
Michal Repisky,
Kenneth Ruud,
Stanislav Komorovsky
Relativistic four-component linear damped response TDDFT for electronic absorption and circular dichroism calculations
Journal of Chemical Physics 2019
Stanislav Komorovsky,
Peter J. Cherry,
Michal Repisky
Four-component relativistic time-dependent density-functional theory using a stable noncollinear DFT ansatz applicable to both closed- and open-shell systems
Journal of Chemical Physics 2019
Lukas Konecny,
Marius Kadek,
Stanislav Komorovsky,
Kenneth Ruud,
Michal Repisky
Resolution-of-identity accelerated relativistic two- and four-component electron dynamics approach to chiroptical spectroscopies
Journal of Chemical Physics 2018
Lukas Jeremias,
Jan Novotny,
Michal Repisky,
Stanislav Komorovsky,
Radek Marek
Interplay of Through-Bond Hyperfine and Substituent Effects on the NMR Chemical Shifts in Ru(III) Complexes
Inorganic Chemistry 2018
Andrej Antušek,
Michal Repisky,
Michal Jaszunski,
Karol Jackowski,
Włodzimierz Makulski,
Maria Misiak
Nuclear magnetic dipole moment of Bi-209 from NMR experiments
Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (PRA) 2018
Benjamin Helmich-Paris,
Michal Repisky,
Lucas Visscher
Relativistic Cholesky-decomposed density matrix MP2
Chemical Physics 2018
Jan Vicha,
Stanislav Komorovsky,
Michal Repisky,
Radek Marek,
Michal Straka
Relativistic Spin-Orbit Heavy Atom on the Light Atom NMR Chemical Shifts: General Trends Across the Periodic Table Explained
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2018
Matti Hanni,
Perttu Lantto,
Michal Repisky,
Jiri Mares,
Brian Saam,
Juha Vaara
Electron and nuclear spin polarization in Rb-Xe spin-exchange optical hyperpolarization
Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (PRA) 2017
Jan Novotny,
Jan Vicha,
Pankaj L Bora,
Michal Repisky,
Michal Straka,
Stanislav Komorovsky
et al.:
Linking the Character of the Metal-Ligand Bond to the Ligand NMR Shielding in Transition-Metal Complexes: NMR Contributions from Spin-Orbit Coupling
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2017
Pi A. B. Haase,
Michal Repisky,
Stanislav Komorovsky,
Jesper Bendix,
Stephan P. A. Sauer
Relativistic DFT Calculations of Hyperfine Coupling Constants in 5d Hexafluorido Complexes: [ReF6]2- and [IrF6]2-
Chemistry - A European Journal 2017
Roberto Di Remigio,
Michal Repisky,
Stanislav Komorovsky,
Peter Hrobárik,
Luca Frediani,
Kenneth Ruud
Four-component relativistic density functional theory with the polarisable continuum model: application to EPR parameters and paramagnetic NMR shifts
Michal Repisky,
Stanislav Komorovsky,
Radovan Bast,
Kenneth Ruud
Relativistic Calculations of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Parameters
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 2016
Stanislav Komorovsky,
Michal Repisky,
Lukas Bucinsky
New quantum number for the many-electron Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonian
Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (PRA) 2016
Benjamin Helmich-Paris,
Michal Repisky,
Lucas Visscher
Laplace-transformed atomic orbital-based Møller-Plesset perturbation theory for relativistic two-component Hamiltonians
Journal of Chemical Physics 2016
Torsha Moitra,
Lukas Konecny,
Marius Kadek,
Angel Rubio,
Michal Repisky
Relativistic real-time time dependent density functional theory for valence and core level attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy
Lukas Konecny,
Stanislav Komorovsky,
Kenneth Ruud,
Michal Repisky
Relativistic TDDFT allows prediction and interpretation of XAS spectra near heavy metal L- and M-edges
Lukas Konecny,
Stanislav Komorovsky,
Kenneth Ruud,
Michal Repisky
Relativistic TDDFT allows prediction and interpretation of XAS spectra near heavy metal L- and M-edges
Michal Repisky
Exact two-component Hamiltonians for relativistic quantum chemistry: Two-electron picture-change corrections made simple
Michal Repisky,
Lukas Konecny,
Torsha Moitra,
Marius Kadek,
Kenneth Ruud
Modern X-ray spectroscopies with atomic mean-field X2C Hamiltonians
Marius Kadek,
Marc Joosten,
Michal Repisky,
Kenneth Ruud
Four-component Dirac-Kohn-Sham theory for relativistic band structures of periodic systems based on Gaussian-type orbitals
Marius Kadek,
Michal Repisky,
Kenneth Ruud
Full-potential relativistic four-component Dirac-Kohn-Sham method for periodic systems using Gaussian-type functions
Marius Kadek,
Michal Repisky,
Kenneth Ruud
All-electron fully relativistic Kohn–Sham theory for solids using Gaussian-type basis functions
Marius Kadek,
Michal Repisky,
Kenneth Ruud
All-electron relativistic four-component Dirac-Kohn-Sham theory for solids using Gaussian-type functions
Marius Kadek,
Michal Repisky,
Kenneth Ruud
All-electron fully relativistic Kohn–Sham theory for solids using Gaussian-type basis functions
Marius Kadek,
Michal Repisky,
Kenneth Ruud
All-electron fully relativistic Kohn–Sham theory for solids using Gaussian-type basis functions
Lukas Konecny,
Michal Repisky,
Kenneth Ruud,
Stanislav Komorovsky
Relativistic four-component linear damped response time-dependent density functional theory
Lukas Konecny,
Marius Kadek,
Kenneth Ruud,
Michal Repisky
Relativistic real-time time-dependent density functional theory for molecular properties
Lukas Konecny,
Marius Kadek,
Mehboob Alam,
Kenneth Ruud,
Michal Repisky
Calculation of Molecular Properties Using Relativistic Real-Time TDDFT
Marius Kadek,
Michal Repisky,
Kenneth Ruud
4-component relativistic calculations with periodic boundary conditions
Michal Repisky
Real-time propagation of the Kohn-Sham density matrix; a means to determine X-ray absorption spectra
Stanislav Komorovsky,
Michal Repisky
New quantum number for the many-electron Dirac-Coulomb
Hamiltonian: Theory and first applications
Marius Kadek,
Michal Repisky,
Kenneth Ruud
4-component relativistic calculations with periodic boundary conditions