Tatyana Viktorovna Balaeva,
Andrei M. Grjibovski,
Olga Samodova,
Anatoly Sannikov,
Elise Klouman
Seroprevalence of markers of hepatitis C virus exposure and associated factors in adults aged 18-39 years in the Arctic Russian city of Arkhangelsk: a cross-sectional study
International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2019
Tatyana Viktorovna Balaeva,
Andrei M. Grjibovski,
Olga Samodova,
Anatoly Sannikov,
Elise Klouman
Seroprevalence of markers of hepatitis B virus infection, associated factors, and vaccination status in young adults in Arkhangelsk, Northwest Russia: A population-based cross-sectional study
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 2018
Karin Nilsen,
Olaf Gjerløw Aasland,
Elise Klouman
The HPV vaccine: knowledge and attitudes among public health nurses and general practitioners in Northern Norway after introduction of the vaccine in the school-based vaccination programme
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2017
Ole Fredrik Andorsen,
Luai A. Ahmed,
Nina Emaus,
Elise Klouman
A prospective cohort study on risk factors of musculoskeletal complaints (pain and/or stiffness) in a general population. The Tromsø study
Ole Fredrik Andorsen,
Luai Awad Ahmed,
Nina Emaus,
Elise Klouman
Musculoskeletal complaints (pain and/or stiffness) and their impact on mortality in the general population. The Tromsø study
Benny Eivind Storheil,
Elise Klouman,
Stian Holmvik,
Nina Emaus,
Nils Fleten
Intertester reliability of shoulder complaints diagnoses in primary health care
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2016
Tatyana Viktorovna Balaeva,
Andrej Grjibovski,
Oleg Sidorenkov,
Olga Samodova,
Natalia Firsova,
Anatoly Sannikov
et al.:
Seroprevalence and correlates of herpes simplex virus type 2 infection among young adults in Arkhangelsk, Northwest Russia: A population-based cross-sectional study
Rajesh Shigdel,
Elise Klouman,
Anita Bhandari,
Luai Awad Ahmed
Factors associated with adherence to antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected patients in Kathmandu District, Nepal
Ole Andorsen,
Luai Awad Ahmed,
Nina Emaus,
Elise Klouman
High prevalence of chronic musculoskeletal complaints among women in a Norwegian general population: The Tromsø study
Laxmi Bhatta,
Elise Klouman,
Keshab Deuba,
Rachana Shrestha,
Deepak Kumar Karki,
Anna Mia Ekström
et al.:
Survival on antiretroviral treatment among adult HIV-infected patients in Nepal: a retrospective cohort study in far-western Region, 2006–2011
BMC Infectious Diseases 2013
Aadne Aasland,
Arne Backer Grønningsæter,
Peter Meylakhs,
Elise Klouman,
Tatyana Viktorovna Balaeva,
Hans Henrik Blystad
et al.:
Irena Jakopanec,
Barbara Schimmer,
Andrej Grjibovski,
Elise Klouman,
Preben Aavitsland
Self-reported sexually transmitted infections and their correlates among men who have sex with men in Norway: an Internet-based cross-sectional survey
BMC Infectious Diseases 2010
Maria Romøren,
Johanne Sundby,
Manonmany Velauthapillai,
Mafizur Rahman,
Elise Klouman,
Per Hjortdahl
Chlamydia and gonorrhoea in pregnant Batswana women: time to discard the syndromic approach?
Maria Romøren,
M Velauthapillai,
M Rahman,
J Sundby,
Elise Klouman,
P Hjortdahl
Trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy: inadequately managed with the syndromic approach
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2007
Elia J Mmbaga,
Akhtar Hussain,
Germana H Leyna,
Carol Holm-Hansen,
Kagoma S Mnyika,
Noel E Sam
et al.:
Trends in HIV-1 prevalence and risk behaviours over 15 years in a rural population in Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania
GH Leyna,
KS Mnyika,
EJ Mmbaga,
A Hussain,
Elise Klouman,
Carol Holm-Hansen
et al.:
Food insuffiency in rural Kilimanjaro,Tanzania
East African Medical Journal 2007
G Tellnes,
J Lund,
Leiv Sandvik,
E Klouman,
Børge Ytterstad
Long-term effects of community-based injury prevention on the island of Vaeroy in Norway: A 20-year follow up
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2006
Tore W. Steen,
Mona Drage,
Elise Klouman
Hivepidemien i den tredje verden - verre enn forventet?
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2006
KS Mnyika,
Elise Klouman,
KI Klepp
Cigarette smoking and use of smokeless tobacco in Moshi rural district in Northern Tanzania
East African Journal of Public Health 2006
Elise Klouman,
R. Manongi,
Knut Inge Klepp
Self-reported and observed female genital cutting in rural Tanzanian: Associated demographic factors, HIV and sexually transmitted infections
Tropical medicine & international health 2005
D. Martin,
Elise Klouman,
M. Masatu,
Knut Inge Klepp
Clinicians’ perspective of a training programme in syndromic management of sexually transmitted infections in Northern Tanzania
International Journal of STD and AIDS 2005
Elise Klouman,
Elisante J. Masenga,
Knut-Inge Klepp,
Noel E. Sam,
Watoky Nkya,
Criston Nkya
HIV and reproductive tract infections in a total village population in rural Kilimanjaro, Tanzania: Women at increased risk
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 1997
Ole Fredrik Andorsen,
Elise Klouman,
Nina Emaus,
Luai Awad Ahmed
"Selv-rapporterte muskelskjelettplager (smerte og/eller stivhet) – innvirkning på dødelighet i en generell befolkning. Tromsøundersøkelsen."
Elise Klouman
29. April 2014
Nils Fleten,
Nina Emaus,
Elise Klouman,
Benny Eivind Storheil,
Stian Holmvik
Inter-tester reliability in the diagnostics of patients with shoulder complaints
Elise Klouman
Pendler mellom enevakt og akademi
01. February 2008
Elise Klouman,
Hanne Nøkleby
HPV-vaksinen - en utprøvd og godkjent realitet
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2007
Elise Klouman
Vaksine mot humant papillomavirus (HPV). Rapport fra en arbeidsgruppe nedsatt av Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt for å vurdere bruk av HPV-vaksine i Norge
Agnes Hajdu,
Hans Henrik Blystad,
Ernst Arne Høiby,
Elise Klouman,
Barbara Schimmer,
Karin Maria Nygård
Unexpected increase in case fatality of invasive group B streptococcal infections in infants in Norway, January-July 2006