Dan Hameiri-Bowen,
Louis-Marie Yindom,
Evgeniya Sovershaeva,
Tsitsi Bandason,
Justin Mayini,
Andrea M Rehman
et al.:
“The effect of 48-weeks azithromycin therapy on levels of soluble biomarkers associated with HIV-associated chronic lung disease”
International Immunopharmacology 2023
Anita Y.M. Howe,
Chaturaka Rodrigo,
Evan B. Cunningham,
Mark W. Douglas,
Julia Dietz,
Jason Grebely
et al.:
Characteristics of hepatitis C virus resistance in an international cohort after a decade of direct-acting antivirals
Dan Hameiri-Bowen,
Evgeniya Sovershaeva,
Trond Flaegstad,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Lucky Gift Ngwira,
Victoria Simms
et al.:
Soluble biomarkers associated with chronic lung disease in older children and adolescents with perinatal HIV infection
Rashida A. Ferrand,
Grace McHugh,
Andrea M. Rehman,
Hilda A. Mujuru,
Victoria Simms,
Edith D. Majonga
et al.:
Effect of Once-Weekly Azithromycin vs Placebo in Children With HIV-Associated Chronic Lung Disease: The BREATHE Randomized Clinical Trial
Hege Kileng,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Rasmus Goll,
Eyvind Jakob Paulssen
Screening for hepatitis C in a general adult
population in a low-prevalence area: the
Tromsø study
BMC Infectious Diseases 2019
Trym Thune Flygel,
Evgeniya Sovershaeva,
Shantelle Classen-Weitz,
Erik Hjerde,
Kilaza S. Mwaikono,
Jon Øyvind Odland
et al.:
Composition of Gut Microbiota of Children and Adolescents With Perinatal Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Taking Antiretroviral Therapy in Zimbabwe
Journal of Infectious Diseases 2019
Evgeniya Sovershaeva,
Katharina Kranzer,
Grace McHugh,
Tsitsi Bandason,
Edith D. Majonga,
Omar S. Usmani
et al.:
History of tuberculosis is associated with lower exhaled nitric oxide levels in HIV-infected children
Moses Kelly Kumwenda,
Elizabeth Lucy Corbett,
Augustine Talumba Choko,
Jeremiah Chikovore,
Kruger Kaswaswa,
Mphatso Mwapasa
et al.:
Post-test adverse psychological effects and coping mechanisms amongst HIV self-tested individuals living in couples in urban Blantyre, Malawi
Midori Kjellin,
Hege Kileng,
Dario Akaberi,
Navaneethan Palanisamy,
Ann-Sofi Duberg,
Astrid Danielsson
et al.:
Effect of the baseline Y93H resistance-associated substitution in HCV genotype 3 for direct-acting antiviral treatment: real-life experience from a multicenter study in Sweden and Norway
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2019
Moses Kelly Kumwenda,
Elizabeth Lucy Corbett,
Jeremiah Chikovore,
Mackwellings Phiri,
Daniel Mwale,
Augustine Talumba Choko
et al.:
Discordance, Disclosure and Normative Gender Roles: Barriers to Couple Testing Within a Community-Level HIV Self-Testing Intervention in Urban Blantyre, Malawi
Hege Kileng,
Midori Kjellin,
Dario Akaberi,
Assar Bergfors,
Ann-Sofi Duberg,
Lars Wesslen
et al.:
Personalized treatment of hepatitis C genotype 1a in Norway and Sweden 2014-2016: a study of treatment outcome in patients with or without resistance-based DAA-therapy
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2018
Carmen Gonzalez-Martinez,
Katharina Kranzer,
Grace McHugh,
Elizabeth L. Corbett,
Hilda A. Mujuru,
Mark P Nicol
et al.:
Azithromycin versus placebo for the
treatment of HIV-associated chronic lung
disease in children and adolescents
(BREATHE trial): study protocol for a
randomised controlled trial
Hege Kileng,
Lars Bernfort,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Odd Sverre Moen,
Magnhild Gangsøy Kristiansen,
Eyvind Jakob Paulssen
et al.:
Future complications of chronic hepatitis C in a low-risk area: Projections from the hepatitis c study in Northern Norway
BMC Infectious Diseases 2017
Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye,
Silje Fismen,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Elin Synnøve Mortensen,
Finn Egil Skjeldestad
Primary cervical cancer screening with an HPV mRNA test: a prospective cohort study
Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye,
Silje Fismen,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Elin Synnøve Mortensen,
Finn Egil Skjeldestad
HPV mRNA is more specific than HPV DNA in triage of women with minor cervical lesions
Moses Kumwenda,
Alister Munthali,
Mackwellings Phiri,
Daniel Mwale,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Eleanor MacPherson
et al.:
Factors shaping initial decision-making to self-test amongst cohabiting couples in urban Blantyre, Malawi
Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye,
Silje Fismen,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Elin Synnøve Mortensen,
Finn Egil Skjeldestad
HPV mRNA testing in triage of women with ASC-US cytology may reduce the time for CIN2+ diagnosis compared with repeat cytology
Current pharmaceutical design 2013
Ruomei Li,
Biswa Nath Sharma,
Stig Linder,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Hans H. Hirsch,
Christine H Rinaldo
Characteristics of polyomavirus BK (BKPyV) infection in primary human urothelial cells
Le Viet,
Thi Ngoc Lan Nguyen,
Phung Xuan Ty,
Bjørn Bjørkvoll,
Hedda B Hoel,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg
et al.:
Prevalence of hepatitis B & hepatitis C virus infections in potential blood donors in rural Vietnam
Jon Florholmen,
Magnhild Gangsøy Kristiansen,
Sonja Eriksson Steigen,
Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye,
Eyvind Jakob Paulssen,
Jan-Magnus Kvamme
et al.:
A rapid chemokine response of macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1 alpha, MIP-1 beta and the regulated on activation, normal T expressed and secreted chemokine is associated with a sustained virological response in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C
Clinical Microbiology and Infection (CMI) 2011
Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye,
Marc Arbyn,
Silje Fismen,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Elin Synnøve Mortensen
HPV E6/E7 mRNA Testing Is More Specific than Cytology in Post-Colposcopy Follow-Up of Women with Negative Cervical Biopsy
Biswa Nath Sharma,
Ruomei Li,
Eva Bernhoff,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Christine H Rinaldo
Fluoroquinolones inhibit human polyomavirus BK (BKV) replication in primary human kidney cells
Antiviral Research 2011
Magnhild Gangsøy Kristiansen,
Maja-Lisa Løchen,
tore jarl Gutteberg,
Liisa Mortensen,
Bjørn Odvar Eriksen,
Jon Florholmen
Total and cause-specific mortality rates in a prospective study of community-acquired hepatitis C virus infection in northern Norway
Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2011
Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye,
Marc Arbyn,
Silje Fismen,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Elin Mortensen
Triage of Women with Low-Grade Cervical Lesions - HPV mRNA Testing versus Repeat Cytology
Bjørn Bjørkvoll,
Viet Le,
Ha Sam Ol,
Thi Ngoc Lan Nguyen,
Sin Sothy,
Hedda B Hoel
et al.:
Screening test accuracy among potential blood donors of HBsAG, anti-HBc and anti-HCV to detect Hepatitis B and C virus infection in rural Cambodia and Vietnam
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 2010
Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye,
Silje Fismen,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Elin Mortensen
HPV mRNA test in women with minor cervical lesions: Experience of the University Hospital of North Norway
Journal of Virological Methods 2010
Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye,
Silje Fismen,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Elin Mortensen
Triage of Women with Minor Cervical Lesions: Data Suggesting a "Test and Treat" Approach for HPV E6/E7 mRNA Testing
Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg
Frykter helsepersonell influensasmitter pasienter
Christine H Rinaldo,
Biswa Nath Sharma,
Marschall Manfred,
Stian Henriksen,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg
Effects of Artesunate on Polyomavirus BK Replication in Primary Human Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells
Tore Jarl Gutteberg
UNN venter på influensautbrudd - Nå kommer smittebølgen
03. January 2013
Tore Jarl Gutteberg
SARS-slektning rammer Tromsø
03. January 2013
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Ørjan Olsvik
Nye virus truer verdens folk?
09. August 2013
Tore Jarl Gutteberg
Globalt samarbeid kan fjerne hepatitt C
13. August 2013
Biswa Nath Sharma,
Manfred Marschall,
Stian Henriksen,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Christine H Rinaldo
Antiviral effects of artesunate on polyomavirus BK replication in primary human renal tubular epithelial cells
Journal of Neurovirology 2013
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Johan Gustav Bellika
The Snow infectious disease forecast service
Stein Olav Skrøvseth,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Torje Starbo Henriksen,
Lars Ilebrekke,
Per Atle Bakkevoll,
Gunnar Skov Simonsen
et al.:
The Snow communicable disease outbreak detection approach
Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye,
Silje Fismen,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Elin Mortensen,
Finn Egil Skjeldestad
HPV mRNA testing is more specific than HPV DNA testing in triage of women with minor cervial lesions
Mbachi Ruth Msomphora,
Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Finn Egil Skjeldestad
Triage of women with ASC-US/LSIL cytology: The added value of implementation of an HPV-test
Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye,
Silje Fismen,
Elin Synnøve Mortensen,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg
HPV-test i forebygging av livmorhalskreft
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 21. February 2012
Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye,
Silje Fismen,
Elin Synnøve Mortensen,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Finn Egil Skjeldestad
Post-colposcopy follow-up of women with negative cervical biopsy - a prospecitve study
Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye,
Silje Fismen,
Elin Synnøve Mortensen,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Finn Egil Skjeldestad
HPV mRNA and cytology cotesting in primary cervical caner screening by age
Christine H Rinaldo,
Ruomei Li,
Biswa Nath Sharma,
Stig Linder,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Hans H. Hirsch
Polyomavirus BK (BKV) Replication in Human Urothelial Cells Role in Polyomavirus-Associated Nephropathy and Hemorrhagic Cystitis
American Journal of Transplantation 2012
Biswa Nath Sharma,
Manfred Marschall,
Stian Henriksen,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Christine Hanssen Rinaldo
Antiviral Effects of Artesunate on Polyomavirus BK Replication in Primary Human Kidney Cells
Christine Hanssen Rinaldo,
Ruomei Li,
Biswa Nath Sharma,
Stig Linder,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Hans H. Hirsch
Polyomavirus BK (BKV) replication in human urothelial cells - role in polyomavirus associated hemorrhagic cystitis and nephropathy
Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye,
Silje Fismen,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Elin Synnøve Mortensen
HPV-testing og livmorhalskreft
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 18. February 2011
Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye,
Silje Fismen,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Elin Synnøve Mortensen
Redegjør for HPV-resultater
Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye,
Silje Fismen,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Elin Synnøve Mortensen,
Finn Egil Skjeldestad
HPV mRNA testing - longterm follow-up
Sveinung Wergeland Sørbye,
Silje Fismen,
Tore Jarl Gutteberg,
Elin Synnøve Mortensen,
Finn Egil Skjeldestad
HPV mRNA test in primry screening of women 20-34 years
Kathrine Lie,
Christine M. Jonassen,
Christina Vogt,
Olav Karsten Vintermyr,
Tor-Arne Hanssen,
tore jarl Gutteberg
Fjerne HPV-takst i sekundærscreening?
Dagens medisin 2010
Bjørn Bjørkvoll,
Le Viet,
Ha Sam Ol,
Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan,
Anne Husebekk,
Hedda B Hoel
et al.:
Screening test accuracy among potential blood donors of HBSAg, Anti-HBC and Anti-HCV to detect hepatitis B and C virus infection in rural Cambodia and Vietnam
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 2010