Anders Ågmo
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PUBLICATIONS 2002 - 2012
- A. Ågmo: Copulation-contingent aversive conditioning and sexual incentive motivation in male rats: evidence for a two-stage process of sexual behavior. Physiology and Behavior, 2002, 77, 425-435.
- A. Ågmo: Lack of opioid or dopaminergic effects on unconditioned sexual incentive motivation in male rats. Behavioral Neuroscience, 2003,117, 55-68.
- A. Ågmo: Unconditioned sexual incentive motivation in the male Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 2003,117, 3-14.
- A. Ågmo and E. Ellingsen: Relevance of non-human animal studies to the understanding of human sexuality. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2003, 44, 293-301.
- M. Kavaliers, D.D. Colwell, E. Choleris, A. Ågmo, L.J. Muglia, S. Ogawa and D.W. Pfaff: Impaired discrimination of and aversion to parasitized male odors by female oxytocin knockout mice. Genes Brain and Behavior, 2003, 2, 220-230.
- E. Ellingsen and A. Ågmo: Sexual incentive motivation and paced sexual behavior in female rats after treatment with drugs modifying dopaminergic neurotransmission. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2004, 77, 431 – 445.
- M. Kavaliers, A. Ågmo, E. Choleris, J.-Å. Gustafsson, K. S. Korach, L. J. Muglia, D. W. Pfaff and S. Ogawa: Oxytocin and estrogen receptor a and b knockout mice provide discriminably different odor cues in behavioral assays. Genes Brain and Behavior, 2004, 3, 189 – 195.
- M. Kavaliers, E. Choleris, A. Ågmo and D. W. Pfaff: Olfactory mediated parasite recognition and avoidance: Linking genes to behavior. Hormones and Behavior, 2004, 46, 272 – 283.
- A. Ågmo, A.L. Turi, E. Ellingsen and H. Kaspersen: Preclinical models of sexual desire: conceptual and behavioral analyses. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2004, 78, 379 – 404.
- R. Paredes and A. Ågmo: Has dopamine a physiological role in the control of sexual behavior? A critical review of the evidence. Progress in Neurobiology, 2004, 73, 179 –226.
- M. Kavaliers, E. Choleris, A. Ågmo, L. J. Muglia, S. Ogawa and D. W. Pfaff: Involvement of the oxytocin gene in the recognition and avoidance of parasitized males by female mice. Animal Behaviour, 2005, 70, 693 – 702.
- M. Kavaliers, E. Choleris, A. Ågmo, J. Braun, D.D. Colwell, L. J. Muglia, S. Ogawa and D. W. Pfaff: Inadvertent social information and the avoidance of parasitized male mice: a novel role for oxytocin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2006, 103, 4293 – 4298.
- T. Viitamaa, A. Haapalinna and A. Ågmo: The adrenergic a2 receptor and sexual incentive motivation in male rats. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2006, 83, 360 – 369.
- A. Ågmo, E. Choleris, M. Kavaliers, D.W. Pfaff and S. Ogawa: Social and sexual incentive properties of estrogen receptor a, estrogen receptor b, or oxytocin knockout mice. Genes Brain and Behavior, 2008, 7, 70 – 77.
- H.A. Hurtazo, R. Paredes and A. Ågmo: Inactivation of the medial preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus (MPOA/AH) by lidocaine reduces male sexual behavior and sexual incentive motivation in male rats. Neuroscience, 2008, 152, 331-337.
- X. Chu and A. Ågmo: Sexual incentive motivation in old male rats: The effects of sildenafil and a compound (Impaza) stimulating endothelial NO synthase. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2008, 89, 209-217.
- M. Hernández-González, M. A. Guevara and A. Ågmo: Motivational influences on the degree and direction of sexual attraction. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2008, 1129, 61-87.
- X. Chu, E.S. Zhavbert, J.L. Dugina, I.A. Kheyfets, S.A. Sergeeva, O. I. Epstein and A. Ågmo: Sildenafil and a compound stimulating endothelial NO synthase modify sexual incentive motivation and copulatory behavior in male Wistar and Fisher 344 rats Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2008, 5, 2085-2099.
- S. P. García-Horsman, A. Ǻgmo and R.G. Paredes: Infusions of naloxone into the medial preoptic area, ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, and amygdala block conditioned place preference induced by paced mating behavior. Hormones and Behavior, 2008, 54, 709-716.
- T. Spiteri and A. Ågmo: Ovarian hormones modulate social recognition in female rats. Physiology and Behavior, 2009, 98, 247 – 250.
- T. Spiteri, S. Musatov, S. Ogawa, A. Ribeiro, D.W. Pfaff and A. Ågmo: Estrogen-induced sexual incentive motivation, proceptivity and receptivity depend on a functional estrogen receptor alpha in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus but not in the amygdala. Neuroendocrinology, 2010, 91, 142 – 154.
- I.L. Kvitvik, K.M. Berg and A. Ågmo: A neutral odor may become a sexual incentive through classical conditioning in male rats. Learning and Motivation, 2010, 41, 1 – 21.
- M. Attila, R. Oksala and A. Ågmo: Sexual incentive motivation requires both androgens and estrogens. Hormones and Behavior, 2010, 58, 341 - 351.
- A.S. Smith, A. Ågmo, A.K. Birnie and J.A. French: Manipulation of the oxytocin system alters social behavior and attraction in pair-bonding primates, Callithrix penicillata. Hormones and Behavior, 2010, 57, 255 – 262.
- T. Spiteri, S. Musatov, S. Ogawa, A. Ribeiro, D.W. Pfaff and A. Ågmo: The role of the estrogen receptor a in the medial amygdala and ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus in social recognition, anxiety and aggression. Behavioural Brain Research, 2010, 210, 211 – 220.
- A. Ågmo: On the intricate relationship between sexual motivation and arousal. Hormones and Behavior, 2011, 59, 681-688.
- H. Kaspersen and A. Ågmo: Paroxetine-induced reduction of sexual incentive motivation in female rats is not modified by 5-HT1B or 5-HT2C antagonists. Psychopharmacology, 2012, 220, 269–280.
- T. Spiteri, S. Ogawa, S. Musatov, D.W. Pfaff and A. Ågmo. The role of the estrogen receptor a in the medial preoptic area in sexual incentive motivation, proceptivity and receptivity, anxiety, and wheel running in female rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 2012, 230, 11– 20.
- M. Ruiz-Díaz, M. Hernández-González, M.A. Guevara, C. Amezcua and A. Ågmo: Prefrontal EEG correlation during Tower of Hanoi and WCST performance: Effect of emotional visual stimuli. Journal of Sexual Medicine, in press.
- A. Ågmo: Sexual Function and Dysfunction: A Synthesis of Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology. San Diego, USA. Academic Press, 2007.
Book chapters:
1. D.W. Pfaff and A. Ågmo: Reproductive motivation. In H. Pashler & R. Gallistel (Eds.), Steven's Handbook of Experimental Psychology. Volume 3, Learning, Motivation, and Emotion. (pp. 709-736). New York: Wiley, 2002.
2. A. Ågmo: La conducta sexual desde un punto de vista epicúreo: Reforzamiento, recompensa e incentivos sexuales. In M.A. Guevara Pérez, L. Chacón, M. Hernández González & J.A. Barradas Bribiesca (Eds.), Aproximaciones al Estudio de la Motivación y Ejecución Sexual. (pp. 13 – 51). Guanajuato, Mexico: Universidad de Guanajuato, 2005
3. A. Ågmo: Freud tenía razón: Sobre la bisexualidad fundamental de los mamíferos. In: M.A. Guevara-Pérez, M. Hernández-González, M. Arteaga Silva and M.E. Olvera Cortés (Eds.), Aproximaciones al Estudio de la Funcionalidad Cerebral y el Comportamiento (pp. 387 – 435). Guadalajara, Mexico: Universidad de Guadalajara, 2007.
4. A. Ågmo: Sobre las estrategias reproductivas en el humano y otros animales. In: M.A. Guevara Pérez, L. Chacón Gutiérrez, J.A. Barradas Bribiesca, M. Hernández González (Eds.), Aproximaciones al estudio de la psicobiología del comportamiento, (pp. 531 – 583). Guanajuato, Mexico: Universidad de Guanajuato, 2008.
5. A. Ågmo: Análisis del confuso concepto de activación sexual. In: M.A. Guevara Pérez, A. Contreras Gómez, M. Arteaga Silva, H. Bonilla Jaime, M. Hernández González (Eds.). Aproximaciones al estudio de la neurobiología conductual, (pp. 457-480). Chilpancingo, Mexico: Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, 2009.
6. A. Ågmo: Una perspectiva histórica sobre el estudio científico de la conducta sexual. In: M.A. Guevara Pérez, M. Arteaga Silva, A. Contreras Gómez, M. Hernández González, H. Bonilla Jaime, (Eds.). Aproximaciones al estudio de la neurociencia del comportamiento, (pp. 23 – 46). Chilpancingo, Mexico: Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, 2010.
Other publications:
- A. Ågmo and J. Vega Matuszczyk. Editorial: From rat sexual behavior to schizophrenia: A tribute to professor emeritus Knut Larsson. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2003, 44, 169-171.
- Ågmo, A. Book review: Sexual appetite, desire and motivation: Energetics of the sexual system, edited by W. Everaerd, E. Laan and S. Both. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2004, 33, 607 – 609.
- Ågmo, A. Noen av seksualitetens mysterier ut fra et psykobiologisk perspektiv. Psykologisk Tidskrift, 2005, 8, 12 – 15.
- Spiteri, T. and Ågmo, A. Modèles précliniques du désir sexuel. Sexologies, 2006, 15, 241 – 249.
- Berg, K.M., Kvitvik, I.-L. and Ågmo, A. Zoofili – når ”kjæledyr” får en annen betydning. Psykologisk Tidskrift, 2007, 11, 23 – 27.
- Ågmo, A. Letter to the editor: On the concept of sexual arousal: A simpler alternative. Hormones and Behavior, 2008, 53, 312 – 314.
- Ågmo, A. Om interindividuelle variasjoner i seksuell aktivitet og det brysomme begrepet sexavhengighet. Psykologisk Tidskrift, 2009, 13, 24 – 29.
- Pfaff, D. and Ågmo, A. Hormonal contributions to arousal and motivation. In: G.F. Koob, M. Le Moal and R. F. Thompson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience (pp. 45 – 48). Oxford: Elsevier, 2010.
- Ågmo, A. Sexual behavior. In: I.P. Stolerman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Psychopharmacology (pp. 1219 – 1223). Heidelberg: Springer, 2010.
- Ågmo, A. Seksualitetens metafysikk i går og i dag. Psykologisk Tidskrift, 2011, 15, 4 – 10.
Research interests
Behavioral neuroscience, particularly the neurobiology of motivational mechanisms and gonadal hormone actions on sociosexual behaviors.