Line Elisabeth Solbakken,
Svein Hugo Bergvik,
Rolf Wynn
Breaking down barriers to mental healthcare access in prison: a qualitative interview study with incarcerated males in Norway
Synnøve Jensen,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Svein Ivar Mellgren,
Kai Ivar Müller,
Svein Hugo Bergvik,
Kjell Arne Arntzen
Health-Related Quality of Life in FKRP-Related Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy R9
Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases 2024
Karin Louise Abeler,
Svein Hugo Bergvik,
Oddgeir Friborg
Disruption of sleep by one night of in-home
polysomnographic recording: a longitudinal
actigraphy study of patients with chronic
musculoskeletal pain and pain-free controls
Sleep Science and Practice (SSP) 2024
Line Elisabeth Solbakken,
Svein Bergvik,
Rolf Wynn
Beliefs about mental health in incarcerated males: a qualitative interview study
Frontiers in Psychiatry 2023
Ingvild Nordnes Myrbakk,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Anne Høye,
Terje Steigen,
Svein Bergvik
Psychometric evaluation of the Coronary Revascularisation Outcome Questionnaire (CROQ) in Norwegian patients admitted to elective coronary angiography and possible percutaneous coronary intervention
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2022
Vendela Husberg,
Laila Arnesdatter Hopstock,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Jan H Rosenvinge,
Svein Bergvik,
Kamilla Rognmo
Epidemiology of comorbid hazardous alcohol use and insomnia in 19 185 women and men attending the population-based Tromsø Study 2015–2016
Karin Abeler,
Svein Bergvik,
Trond Sand,
Oddgeir Friborg
Daily associations between sleep and pain in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain
Journal of Sleep Research 02. February 2021
Andrius Budrionis,
Rolf Wynn,
Luis Marco Ruiz,
Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzaw,
Svein Bergvik,
Sunday Oluwafemi Oyeyemi
et al.:
Impact of the use of electronic health tools on the psychological and emotional well-being of electronic health service users (The Seventh Tromsø Study - Part 3): Population-based questionnaire study
Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) 2020
Karin Abeler,
Trond Sand,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Svein Bergvik
Seasonality in pain, sleep and mental distress in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain at latitude 69° N
Chronobiology International 2020
Lena Elsa Danielsson,
Gunnvald Kvarstein,
Svein Bergvik
Mediators of pain and physical function in female and male patients with chronic pain
Journal of Pain Research 2020
Karin Abeler,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Morten Engstrøm,
Trond Sand,
Svein Bergvik
Sleep Characteristics in Adults With and Without Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. The Role of Mental Distress and Pain Catastrophizing
The Clinical Journal of Pain 2020
Kamilla Rognmo,
Svein Bergvik,
Jan H Rosenvinge,
Katja Lovise Bratlid,
Oddgeir Friborg
Gender differences in the bidirectional relationship between alcohol consumption and sleeplessness: the Tromsø study
Susanna Memmen Bjerke,
Kristin Judith Billaud Feragen,
Svein Bergvik
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ): Informant Agreement between Children born with Cleft Lip and/or Palate and their Parents
The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 2018
Anita Amundsen,
Tone Nordøy,
Kristine Emilie Lingen,
Tore Sørlie,
Svein Bergvik
Is patient behavior during consultation associated with shared decision-making? A study of patients’ questions, cues and concerns in relation to observed shared decision making in a cancer outpatient clinic
Patient Education and Counseling 2018
Anita Amundsen,
Svein Bergvik,
Phyllis Butow,
Martin H.N. Tattersall,
Tore Sørlie,
Tone Nordøy
Supporting doctor-patient communication: Providing a question prompt list and audio recording of the consultation as communication aids to outpatients in a cancer clinic
Patient Education and Counseling 2018
Oddgeir Friborg,
Jørgen Sundby,
Kamilla Rognmo,
Jan H Rosenvinge,
Svein Bergvik
No seasonality in cognitive performance among adolescents at a subarctic latitude 69°N).
Gro Hilde Ramsdal,
Svein Bergvik,
Rolf Wynn
Long-term dropout from school and work and mental health in young adults in Norway: A qualitative interview-based study
Anita Amundsen,
Bente Ervik,
Phyllis Butow,
Martin H.N. Tattersall,
Svein Bergvik,
Tore Sørlie
et al.:
Adapting an Australian question prompt list in oncology to a Norwegian setting—a combined method approach
Supportive Care in Cancer 2016
Agnes Erika Berg Gundersen,
Tore Sørlie,
Svein Bergvik
Women with coronary heart disease – making sense of their symptoms and their experiences from interacting with their general practitioners
Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine 2016
Trygve Nissen,
Svein Bergvik,
Rolf Wynn
The case of case reports: A decade of publications by staff at a major university hospital
European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare 2015
Gro Hilde Ramsdal,
Svein Bergvik,
Rolf Wynn
Parent–child attachment, academic performance and the process of high-school dropout: a narrative review
Attachment & Human Development 2015
Tore Sørlie,
Svein Bergvik
Pasientinformasjon i sykehus - med særlig vekt på ivaretakelse av engstelige og bekymrede pasienter
Gyldendal Akademisk 2013
Rolf Wynn,
Svein Bergvik,
Gunn Pettersen,
Sturla Fossum
Clinicians' experiences of videoconferencing in psychiatry
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2012
Svein Bergvik,
Rolf Wynn
The use of short message service (SMS) among hospitalized coronary patients
General Hospital Psychiatry 2012
Oddgeir Friborg,
Jan Harald Rosenvinge,
Svein Hugo Bergvik
Sleep Well Despite Persistent Pain Symptoms (the Sleep-Well study)
Hanne Wilhelms,
Svein Hugo Bergvik
Linn må bruke titusenvis på parykk hvert år – Jeg har bare lyst til å føle meg vanlig
Svein Hugo Bergvik
Utfordrende pasientmøter
Svein Hugo Bergvik
Hvordan snakke om mestring med pasient og pårørendegrupper. Noen utfordringer og tilnærminger
Rolf Wynn,
Svein Bergvik
The value of case reporting in increasing scientific knowledge
Louisa Palmi Danielsson,
Isak Furu Krogstad,
Rolf Wynn,
Svein Bergvik
Fighting or accepting long-term pain - A qualitative study on acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) in treatment of long-term pain
Anne Gretland,
Svein Bergvik
From Subjective Health Problems to Intersubjective Knowledge. A Qualitative Study of a First Clinical Encounter in Norwegian Psychomotor Physiotherapy
Vendela Husberg,
Laila Arnesdatter Hopstock,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Jan H Rosenvinge,
Svein Bergvik,
Kamilla Rognmo
Insomnia and alcohol use disorder: Findings from a population based study
Vendela Husberg,
Laila Arnesdatter Hopstock,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Jan H Rosenvinge,
Svein Bergvik,
Kamilla Rognmo
The risk and prevalence of insomnia among individuals with alcohol use disorder: Results from the Tromsø study.
Isak Furu Krogstad,
Lena Elsa Danielsson,
Louisa Palmi Danielsson,
Svein Hugo Bergvik
When I realized it worked, I kept on going. A qualitative study of CRPS-patients´ experiences with graded motor imagery treatment.
Lena Elsa Danielsson,
Gunnvald Kvarstein,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Svein Bergvik,
Per M Aslaksen
Quantitative Sensory Testing and cortical thickness in healthy volunteers
Gro Hilde Ramsdal,
Rolf Wynn,
Svein Bergvik
Attachment problems and mental health issues among long-term unemployed youth who had dropped out of high school.
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2018
Svein Bergvik,
Benedicte H Storø,
Ida ML Aasli,
Anita Amundsen
Addressing emotional topics in cancer care – A conversation analytic approach to doctor-patient consultations in an oncology outpatient clinic
Svein Bergvik
The psychology of chronic pain - Treatment approach and research activities at a pain clinic in northern Norway
Anita Amundsen,
Tone Nordøy,
Tore Sørlie,
Phyllis Butow,
Martin Tattersall,
Svein Bergvik
Introducing a Question Prompt List in a Norwegian Oncology Outpatient Clinic
Kristine E Lingen,
Anita Amundsen,
Svein Bergvik
Communication In Oncology Consultations. Patients Emotional Cues And Concerns, And Doctors` Responses
Svein Bergvik,
Anita Amundsen,
Tore Sørlie,
Tone Nordøy
Patients asking questions in Norwegian oncology consultations
Oddgeir Friborg,
Kamilla Rognmo,
Svein Bergvik,
Jørgen Sundby,
Michael Gradisar,
Jan H Rosenvinge
Arctic cognition II (69): Seasonality in cognitive functions
Lena Elsa Danielsson,
Svein Bergvik
Søvnproblemer hos pasienter med langvarig smerte
Lena Elsa Danielsson,
Svein Bergvik
Sleep disturbance among patients with chronic pain.
Svein Bergvik,
Tove Irene Dahl
Co-organizers of the side event session The dark (and light) sides of Arctic sleep
Rolf Wynn,
Gunn Pettersen,
Jan H Rosenvinge,
Svein Bergvik,
Oddgeir Friborg
Nearly all students and patients use the internet for health information: Results fro a Scandinavian study
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2014
Svein Bergvik,
Tore Sørlie,
Rolf Wynn
Locus of control beliefs among coronary patients returned to work
Psychology and Health 2013
Kenth M Solem,
Robert Åseng,
Svein Bergvik
Attitudes towards mental illness among medical and psychological students
Lena Danielsson,
Svein Bergvik
Sleep Disturbance Among Patients With Chronic Pain
Lena Danielsson,
Jan-Are Kolset Johnsen,
Svein Bergvik,
Rolf Wynn,
Å Myhre
Pain discomfort is associated with pain intensity, depression and educational level