Bilde av Jakhelln, Rachel Elise
Photo: Torje Jenssen
Bilde av Jakhelln, Rachel Elise
Department of Education +4777660419 93853176 +47 93853176

Rachel Elise Jakhelln

Associate Professor in Education

  • May Britt Postholm, Rachel Elise Jakhelln :
    Lærerstudentenes erfaringer med trepartssamarbeid i oppstarten av arbeidet med FoU-oppgaven
    Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO) 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Annelise Brox Larsen, Tove Elinor Holmbukt, Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Minjeong Son :
    Master thesis as boundary crossing mediating artefacts
    Routledge 2024 DOI
  • Ida Katrine Riksaasen Hatlevik, Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Doris Jorde :
    Transforming teacher education through innovation
    Routledge 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ida Katrine Riksaasen Hatlevik, Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Doris Jorde :
    Five-year integrated research-based teacher education for primary and secondary school
    Routledge 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Yngve Antonsen, Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Jessica Aspfors, Kristin Emilie W Bjørndal :
    Solo, collaborative or collective? Newly qualified teachers’ experiences of being stirred into induction practices
    European Journal of Teacher Education 2023 ARKIV / PROSJEKT / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Sindre Øyan Blomsø, Rachel Elise Jakhelln, May Britt Postholm :
    Student teachers’ experience of participating in a research and development project in Norway
    Frontiers in Education 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rachel Elise Jakhelln, May Britt Postholm :
    University–school collaboration as an arena for community-building in teacher education
    Educational Research 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kristin Emilie W Bjørndal, Yngve Antonsen, Rachel Elise Jakhelln :
    Stress-coping Strategies amongst Newly Qualified Primary and Lower Secondary School Teachers with a Master’s Degree in Norway
    Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 2021 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Ela Sjølie, Jessica Aspfors, Rachel Elise Jakhelln :
    Praksisteori og teorien om praksisarkitekturer
    Universitetsforlaget 2021
  • Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Ela Sjølie, Jessica Aspfors :
    Behov for en ny praksisteori?
    Universitetsforlaget 2021
  • Yngve Antonsen, Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Kristin Emilie W Bjørndal :
    Skolers læringspraksiser og nyutdannede lærere
    Universitetsforlaget 2021 ARKIV
  • Jessica Aspfors, Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Ela Sjølie :
    En ny praksisteori i norsk kontekst
    Universitetsforlaget 2021
  • Stephen Kemmis, Christine Edwards-Groves, Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Choy Sarojni, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Lisbeth Gyllander Torkildsen et al.:
    Teaching as Pedagogical Praxis
    Springer 2020 DOI
  • Yngve Antonsen, Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Kristin Emilie W Bjørndal :
    Nyutdannede grunnskolelæreres faglige fordypning og masteroppgave – relevant for skolen?
    Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis 2020 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Yngve Antonsen, Gregor Maxwell, Kristin Emilie W Bjørndal, Rachel Elise Jakhelln :
    «Det er et kjemperart system» – spesialpedagogikk, tilpasset opplæring og nyutdannede læreres kompetanse
    Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO) 2020 PROSJEKT / FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Kristin Emilie W Bjørndal, Yngve Antonsen, Rachel Elise Jakhelln :
    FoU-kompetansen hos nyutdannede grunnskolelærere – grunnlag for skoleutvikling?
    Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO) 2020 ARKIV / PROSJEKT / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Ian Hardy, Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Ben Smit :
    The policies and politics of teachers’ initial learning: the complexity of national initial teacher education policies
    Teaching Education 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Torbjørn Lund :
    Masterveiledning – en utfordring for grunnskolelærerutdanningen
  • Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Gunilla Brita Maria Eklund, Jessica Aspfors, Kristin Emilie W Bjørndal, Gerd Stølen :
    Newly qualified teachers' understandings of research-based teacher education practices-Two cases From Finland and Norway
    Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Michaela Pörn :
    Challenges in supporting and assessing bachelor’s theses based on action research in initial teacher education.
    Educational Action Research 11. July 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Andreas Lund, Jon Magne Vestøl :
    Universitetsskoler som arena for nye partnerskap og profesjonskvalifisering
    Universitetsforlaget 2017 ARKIV
  • Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Kristin Emilie W Bjørndal, Gerd Stølen :
    Masteroppgaven – relevant for grunnskolelæreren?
    Acta Didactica Norge 2016 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Ida K. Riksaasen Hatlevik, Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Doris Jorde :
    Transforming University-based Teacher Education through Innovation: A Norwegian Response to Research Literacy, Integration and Technology
    Routledge 2024
  • Ida Katrine Riksaasen Hatlevik, Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Doris Jorde :
    Transforming University-based Teacher Education through Innovation A Norwegian Response to Research Literacy, Integration and Technology
    Routledge 2024 ARKIV
  • Jessica Aspfors, Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Ela Sjølie :
    Å analysere og endre praksis - teorien om praksisarkitekturer
    Universitetsforlaget 2021
  • Yngve Antonsen, Jessica Aspfors, Gregor Ross Maxwell, Rachel Elise Jakhelln :
    School development strategies and teachers' professional learning – Norwegian teachers’ experiences
  • Knut-Rune Olsen, Elise Wedde, Yngve Antonsen, Eva Bjerkholt, Gunn Gallavara, Heidi Gilberg et al.:
    Lærerstudenters forventninger til arbeidet som profesjonelle lærere i skolen. Resultater fra en spørreundersøkelse i regi av NFR-prosjektet STEP: Partnerskap for bærekraftig overgang fra lærerutdanning til yrke. USN Skriftserien nr. 105 2022
    Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge/Universitetet i Søraust-Noreg 2022
  • Yngve Antonsen, Kristin Emilie W Bjørndal, Rachel Elise Jakhelln :
    Den fantastiske masterlæreren møter skolen? Følgeforskning på lærere utdannet i Pilot i Nord.
  • May Britt Postholm, Rachel Elise Jakhelln :
    University-school collaboration as an arena for community building in teacher education.
  • Yngve Antonsen, Kristin Emilie W Bjørndal, Rachel Elise Jakhelln :
    Hvordan bedre yrkesstarten for lærere 2022
  • Yngve Antonsen, Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Kristin Emilie W Bjørndal :
    Behold femårig lærerutdanning 08. February 2021 FULLTEKST / DATA
  • Rachel Elise Jakhelln, May Britt Postholm :
    Learning, Assessment and Boundary crossing in Teacher Education (LAB-Ted): The Norwegian case
  • Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Ela Sjølie, Jessica Aspfors :
    Bonusmateriale: Om utvikling av en teori
    Universitetsforlaget 2021
  • Gregor Maxwell, Yngve Antonsen, Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Kristin Emilie W Bjørndal :
    Inclusive education competence in teacher education – an absence in newly qualified teachers in Norway
  • Yngve Antonsen, Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Kristin Emilie W Bjørndal :
    Newly qualified teachers’ experiences of their knowledge-base in practice – a Norwegian longitudinal study.
  • Torunn Klemp, May Britt Postholm, Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Vivi Lisbeth Nilssen :
    The design of the research project "Learning, Assessment and Boundary Crossing in Teacher Education" (LAB-Ted)
  • Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Gunilla Brita Maria Eklund, Jessica Aspfors, Kristin Emilie W Bjørndal, Gerd Stølen :
    Newly qualified teachers’ understanding of research-based teacher education in Finland and Norway
  • Rigmor Olsen, Rachel Elise Jakhelln :
    Improving mentoring and supervision through extended boundary crossing in a tripartite collaboration in initial teacher education
  • Kristin Emilie W Bjørndal, Rachel Elise Jakhelln :
    Nyutdannede «masterlærere» og yrkespraksis
  • Yngve Antonsen, Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Kristin Emilie W Bjørndal :
    RELEMAST – Relevant MA education for primary and lower secondary school teachers
  • Yngve Antonsen, Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Kristin Emilie W Bjørndal :
    RELEMAST - Relevant masterutdanning
  • Ian Hardy, Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Ben Smit :
    The policy and politics of teachers' initial learning; Netherlands, Norway and Australia
  • Stephen Kemmis, Rachel Elise Jakhelln :
    Symposium: Pedagogy, Education and Praxis: A ten-year progress report from an international research network./ Teaching
  • Kristin Emilie W Bjørndal, Rachel Elise Jakhelln :
    Hva med masterlærerne som er ferdig utdannet – hva sier de?
  • Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Gerd Stølen :
    Transition or transformation? Early career teachers' experiences with their first workplace and the dialectic of recognition
  • Rachel Elise Jakhelln :
    Universitetsskoler som modell og mulighet i lærerutdanningen
  • Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Kristin Emilie W Bjørndal :
    Absence and presence of leadership? The experience of early career teachers’ with school management with respect to their competence from initial teacher education
  • Ian Hardy, Anette Olin, Hannu Heikkinen, Rachel Elise Jakhelln :
    The Policy, Poitics, Practice and Praxis of Teahcers' Initial and Continuing Learning
  • Siw Skrøvset, Rachel Elise Jakhelln :
    Hvem er lærerutdanneren - sett fra universitetet
  • Andreas Lund, Rachel Elise Jakhelln, Jon Magne Vestøl, Karen Hammerness :
    University schools as an arena for transformation of teacher education: Research-based and student active approaches to professional development (Symposium)

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Newly qualifyed Teachers

    Teacher education and practicum in teacher education

    Transition from study to work

    Professional knowledge


    Member of project