Bilde av Lien, Ingrid Hovda
Bilde av Lien, Ingrid Hovda
Seniorrådgiver Faculty administration at Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics +4777644470 77644470 Tromsø You can find me here

Ingrid Hovda Lien

  • Bjørn-Petter Finstad, Ragnhild Sandvoll, Ingrid Hovda Lien :
    Praksis som læringsform i studier uten profesjonstilknytning - utfordringer og muligheter
    Nordic Journal of STEM Education 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mirjam Lukasse, Ingrid Hovda Lien, Sara Thommessen, Sosan McAuley, Marian Morrison :
    Oxytocin and emergency caesarean section in a mediumsized hospital in Pakistan: A cross-sectional study
    European Journal of Midwifery 2020 DOI
  • Monica Alterskjær Sundset, Ragnhild Sofie Sandvoll, Bjørn-Petter Finstad, Ingrid Hovda Lien, Torstein Låg :
    Praksis i ikke-profesjonsrettede utdanninger - hva sier forskningen?
  • Ingrid Hovda Lien :
    Indigenous movements in Guatemala and Bolivia- different experiences in making the multicultural democracy work
  • Ingrid Hovda Lien :
    From resistance to political power; Indigenous demands for political power through decentralization and autonomy
  • Ingrid Hovda Lien :
    From resistance to political power; Indigenous peoples demands for political power through decentralization and autonomy. The cases of Guatemala and Nicaragua
  • Ingrid Hovda Lien :
    Ciudadania multicultural; integracion o autonomia
  • Ingrid Hovda Lien :
    Problems of accountability in Guatemala - seen from an indigenous angle
  • Ingrid Hovda Lien :
    Om jord, folk, makt og autonomi. Utveier?
  • Ingrid Hovda Lien :
    "From resistance to political power". Indigenous demands for political power through decentralization and autonomy. The cases of Guatemala and Nicaragua
  • Ingrid Hovda Lien :
    Multicultural citizenship in Latin America: A comparative study of political conditions for indigenous people in Guatemala, Bolivia and Nicaragua
  • Ingrid Hovda Lien :
    Multicultural citizenship in Latin America; A comparative study of the political condition for the indigenous people in Guatemala, Bolivia and Nicaragua
  • Ingrid Hovda Lien :
    Antes, hoy y manana - experiencias como estudiantes Noruega en MCB2, algunos resultados de investigaciones

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →