Kjersti Bergum Kristensen

Job description

Works in the research group Evidence-based Practice in Services for Children and Adolescents.

  • Research on children of parents with a mental illness in mental health and social services for adults.
  • Research on intervention effects and use. 
  • TeraVRi - development of digital learning resourses with the use of VR technology
  • Teaching about mental health during pragnancy and maternity, use of the assessment tool EPDS and supportive communication..
  • Writer for Ungsinn
  • Support for services working with children and adolescents.

  • Kjersti Bergum Kristensen, Camilla Lauritzen, Bjørn Helge Handegård, Charlotte Reedtz :
    Parents with a mental illness and their sense of parenting competence
    Advances in mental health 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kjersti Bergum Kristensen, Camilla Lauritzen, Charlotte Reedtz :
    Support for Children of Parents With Mental Illness: An Analysis of Patients’ Health Records
    Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kjersti Bergum Kristensen, Camilla Lauritzen, Charlotte Reedtz :
    Child-focused practice in social services for adults in Norway
    Journal of Social Work 23. August 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Charlotte Reedtz, Eva Jensaas, Trine Storjord, Kjersti Bergum Kristensen, Camilla Lauritzen :
    Identification of Children of Mentally Ill Patients and Provision of Support According to the Norwegian Health Legislation: A 11-Year Review
    Frontiers in Psychiatry 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kjersti Bergum Kristensen, Charlotte Reedtz, June Thorvaldsen Forsberg, Camilla Lauritzen, Geraldine Danielle Yolande Mabille, Karin Källsmyr :
    Effektevaluering av Barneperspektivsamtalen+
  • Kjersti Bergum Kristensen, Camilla Lauritzen, Charlotte Reedtz :
    Family focus in mental health and social services for adults: Supporting minor children of parents in challenging life situations
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2023
  • Charlotte Reedtz, Kjersti Bergum Kristensen, Camilla Lauritzen :
    Barneperspektivsamtalen: Å veilede foreldre med livsutfordringer til god ivaretakelse av sine barn.
    Fagbokforlaget 2022
  • Kjersti Bergum Kristensen :
    Når barn har en forelder som er syk i tankene og følelsene
    Forskning.no 09. October 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Kjersti Bergum Kristensen :
    The BAP project - Children of mentally ill parents
  • Kjersti Bergum Kristensen :
    Forskningsdagene 2018 - Oppvekst
    Forskningsdagene 2018 2018
  • Kjersti Bergum Kristensen :
    Implementering av retningslinjer for barn som pårørende – hvilke utfordringer møter vi og hva skal til for å implementere. Presentasjon av studie og noen tips på veien

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →