Anna Nylund
Job description
The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →
Publications outside Cristin
- (with Niemi-Kiesiläinen, Johanna) Valitus hovioikeuteen (Court of Appeal). I Lappalainen, Juha Prosessioikeus (Procedural Law). WSOYPro 2007, pp. 947-990.
- Tillgången till den andra instansen i tvistemål (Access to the Second Courts in Civil Litigation). Suomalaisen lakimiesyhdistyksen julkaisuja, Serie A nr 274, Helsingfors 2006.
- Rättshjälp och rättegångskostander (Legal Aid and Legal Costs). Tidskrift utgiven av Juridiska föreningen i Finland nr. 3/2002, pp. 279-294.
- Tillgången till den andra instansen i tvistemål (Access to the Second Courts in Civil Litigation). Tidskrift utgiven av Juridiska föreningen i Finland nr. 6/2006, pp. 601-606.
- Review of Siltala, Raimo: Oikeustieteen tieteenteoria. Tidskrift utgiven av Juridiska föreningen i Finland nr. 1/2004, pp. 106-112.
- Review of Lindblom, Per Henrik: Miljöprocess I & II. Tidskrift utgiven av Juridiska föreningen i Finland nr. 1/2003, pp. 130-132.
Research interests
Civil procedure law, in particular Europeanization of civil procedure law
Mediation and alternative dispute resolution
Children and family dispute resolution
Comparative (civil procedure) law
civil procedure, negotiation and mediation, comparative law, legal theory and methods
Member of project
A CV is available in the right hand column
Recent publications
Krans, Bart; Nylund, Anna (eds.), Civil Courts Coping with Covid-19. Eleven 2021 (available open access)
Krans, Bart; Nylund, Anna (eds.), Procedural Autonomy across Europe. Intersentia 2020 (ISBN 978-1-78068-906-7)
Krans, Bart; Nylund, Anna (eds.), Civil Justice and Covid-19. : Septentrio Academic Publishing 2020
Nylund, Anna; Civil Procedure in Norway. Wolters Kluwer 2020 (ISBN 9789403526706)
Nylund, Anna, Comparing the Efficiency and Quality of Civil Justice in Scandinavia: The Role of Structural Differences and Definitions of Quality. Civil Justice Quarterly 2019 38(4): 427-439
Haugli, Trude; Nylund, Anna; Sigurdsen, Randi; Bendiksen, Lena R. Lauritsen (eds.), Children’s Constitutional Rights in the Nordic Countries, Stockholm Studies in Child Law and Children’s Rights, Brill 2019 (ISSN 2405-8343)
Selected recent lectures and talks
- Comments on the European Rules of Civil Procedure. The Future of Civil Procedure in Europe. A Nordic Perspective on the Model European Rules of Civil Procedure. Swedish Network for European Legal Studies and Uppsala University, 15 March 2021
- Concentrated hearings and case management - international trends. Webinar on Concentrated Court Hearings: Why is it Not Possible in Western Balkan Judiciaries or is it? Norwegian Council of the Judiciary, 16 December 2020
-ADR and formal justice: Rhetoric and Reality. Frontiers in Civil Justice; Erasmus University Rotterdam, 16 November 2020
- Case management. ELI/UNIDROIT European Rules of Civil Procedure. The ELI Annual Conference - 4 September 2019
Membership in academic organisations
Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
International Association of Procedural Law (Member of Council)
International Academy of Comparative Law
International Association of Child Law Researchers
Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung für Internationales Verfahrensrecht
Nordic Association for Procedural Law
Norsk forening for komparativ rett (Norwegian Association of Comparative Law, Member of Board)
Nordisk forening for rettsmekling (Nordic Association of Court-Annexed Mediation)
- Anna Nylund-pressebilde (jpg)
- CV-Anna Nylund (pdf)