Bilde av Bohne, Agnes
Photo: Bjørn-Kåre Iversen
Bilde av Bohne, Agnes
Department of Psychology +4777625252 Tromsø

Agnes Bohne

Job description

Clinical psychologist and PhD Research Fellow in the project Northern Babies Longitudinal Study (NorBaby).

Working in both the Department of Psychology at UiT and in the Child and Adolescent Clinic of the University Hospital of North Norway.

  • Francesca Parisi, Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt, Agnes Bohne, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang, Gerit Pfuhl :
    Perceived Parenting Stress Is Related to Cardiac Flexibility in Mothers: Data from the NorBaby Study
    Behavioral Sciences 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Agnes Bohne, Dag Nordahl, Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt, Vibeke Moe, Inger Pauline Landsem, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang et al.:
    Do parental cognitions during pregnancy predict bonding after birth in a low-risk sample?
    Frontiers in Psychology 14. November 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Agnes Bohne, Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt, Dag Nordahl, Inger Pauline Landsem, Vibeke Moe, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang et al.:
    The role of early adversity and cognitive vulnerability in postnatal stress and depression
    Current Psychology 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Agnes Bohne, Dag Nordahl, Åsne Lindahl, Pål Gunnar Ulvenes, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang, Gerit Pfuhl :
    Emotional Infant Face Processing in Women With Major Depression and Expecting Parents With Depressive Symptoms
    Frontiers in Psychology 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt, Dag Nordahl, Inger Pauline Landsem, Gabor Csifcsak, Agnes Bohne, Gerit Pfuhl et al.:
    Newborn Behavioral Observation, maternal stress, depressive symptoms and the mother-infant relationship: results from the Northern Babies Longitudinal Study (NorBaby)
    BMC Psychiatry 15. June 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Dag Nordahl, Kamilla Rognmo, Agnes Bohne, Inger Pauline Landsem, Vibeke Moe, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang et al.:
    Adult attachment style and maternal-infant bonding: the indirect path of parenting stress
    BMC Psychology 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Dag Nordahl, Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt, Agnes Bohne, Inger Pauline Landsem, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang, Jens Thimm :
    Early maladaptive schemas as predictors of maternal bonding to the unborn child
    BMC Psychology 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jana Kristin Maack, Agnes Bohne, Dag Nordahl, Lina Livsdatter, Åsne Lindahl, Morten Øvervoll et al.:
    The Tromso Infant Faces Database (TIF): Development, validation and application to assess parenting experience on clarity and intensity ratings
    Frontiers in Psychology 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Børge Mathiassen, Yngvild Arnesen, Agnes Bohne :
    Vurderingssamtaler – en gyllen mulighet for tillit og håp
    Dagens medisin 2022 ARKIV
  • Agnes Bohne, Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Et svik mot de minste barna og foreldrene deres
    Nordlys 05. March 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang, Yngvild Arnesen, Elisabeth Ovanger Barrett, Agnes Bohne, Karen Hopmann, Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt et al.:
    Derfor har tiltakene skapt lidelser for barn og unge
    Morgenbladet 2021
  • Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt, Agnes Bohne :
    Spedbarn og søvn: Normalitet eller vansker?​ Og hva kan vi bidra med?​
  • Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang, Agnes Bohne, Dag Nordahl, Gerit Pfuhl, Inger Pauline Landsem, Jens Thimm et al.:
    Perinatal psykisk helse: Forskning og tiltak
    Tidsskrift for kognitiv terapi 06. October 2021
  • Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt, Dag Nordahl, Gerit Pfuhl, Inger Pauline Landsem, Jens Thimm, Agnes Bohne et al.:
    Protokoll for God start for Små i Nord-studien – prediksjon av postpartum depresjon og styrking av foreldre-barn-samspill med The Newborn Behavioral Observation
    BestPractice Nordic 2020
  • Dag Nordahl, Kamilla Rognmo, Agnes Bohne, Inger Pauline Landsem, Vibeke Moe, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang et al.:
    Adult attachment styles and maternal-infant bonding: The indirect path of parenting stress
  • Dag Nordahl, Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt, Agnes Bohne, Inger Pauline Landsem, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang, Jens Thimm :
    Early maladaptive schemas as predictors of maternal bonding to the unborn child
  • Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt, Inger Pauline Landsem, Dag Nordahl, Agnes Bohne, Maja Myrvang, Siri Høylo Fundingsrud et al.:
    The Northern Babies Longitudinal Study Predicting Postpartum Depression and Improving Parent-infant Interaction With The Newborn Behavioral Observation (NBO)
  • Agnes Bohne, Ragnhild Sørensen Høifødt, Dag Nordahl, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    God start for Små i Nord - og deres foreldre
    Nordlys 22. March 2017
  • Agnes Bohne :
    Gir foreldre med fødselsdepresjon forskerhjelp
    22. March 2017
  • Agnes Bohne, Gerit Pfuhl, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Uansvarlig av FHI
    Dagens medisin 2017
  • Agnes Bohne :
    God start for Små i Nord: Sammenhenger mellom kognitive faktorer i perinatal periode, og samspill og utvikling hos barnet.
  • Agnes Bohne, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Fra praksis: Psykhjelpen for de minste
    Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening 2017
  • Agnes Bohne, Gerit Pfuhl, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Nedlatende av FHI
    Dagens medisin 2017
  • Agnes Bohne :
    Video publisert på NRK P1 sin Facebook-side
    22. October 2017
  • Agnes Bohne, Kari Galaaen, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Psykhjelpen - et lavterskeltilbud
    Tidsskrift for helsesøstre 2017
  • Agnes Bohne :
    Intervju i Norgesglasset NRK P1
    10. October 2017
  • Agnes Bohne, Åsne Lindahl, Dag Nordahl, Pål Ulvenes, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang, Gerit Pfuhl :
    Kognitive forvrengninger i prosessering av spedbarns emosjonsuttrykk hos kvinner med alvorlig depresjon
  • Agnes Bohne, Inger Pauline Landsem, Gerit Pfuhl, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Hva prøver babyen å fortelle deg?
    29. September 2017

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Psychology of infants and young children

    Perinatal mental health

    Clinical Child and Adolescent psychology

    Cognitive schemas and bias

    Parent-child interaction

    Developmental psychology



    2010-2016 Professional Studies in Psychology

    2009-2010 One-year course in Psychology

    2007-2008 One-year course in Literature Studies

    Selected work experience

    2018 to date Clinical psychologist at Division of Child and Adolescent Health, University Hospital of Northern Norway

    2015-2017 Social worker at Solbakken Child and Family Centre, Agency for Child and Family Welfare Services

    2014 Social worker, substance abuse and mental health services, Tromsø City Council

    2009-2014 Social worker, Tromsø Youth Centre, Agency for Child and Family Welfare Services

    2007 to date Actress in the improvisation theatre groups Gratis øl Teatersportlag (“Free Beer Theatre Sports Team”) and Billig Brus (“Cheap Soda”): improvisation theatre for children