Bilde av Lehnbom, Elin C.
Bilde av Lehnbom, Elin C.
Associate Professor in Clinical Pharmacy Klinisk farmasi og farmakoepidemiologi, forskningsgruppe +4777645889 92096663

Elin C. Lehnbom

  • Beate Hennie Garcia, Harald Chr. Langaas, Jan Anker Jahnsen, Jan Didrik Schjøtt, Terje Nilsen, Elin Christina Lehnbom :
    Exploring virtual delivery of academic detailing to general practitioners compared with in-person delivery: a qualitative study
    BMJ Open Quality 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Aaron M. Gilson, Jason S. Chladek, Jamie A. Stone, Taylor L. Watterson, Elin Christina Lehnbom, Emily L. Hoffins et al.:
    Older Adult Misuse of Over-The-Counter Medications: Effectiveness of a Novel Pharmacy-Based Intervention to Improve Patient Safety
    Journal of patient safety 2024 DOI
  • Tine Johnsgård, Renate Elenjord, Renata Vesela Holis, Marit Waaseth, Birgitte Zahl-Holmstad, Marie Fagerli et al.:
    How much time do emergency department physicians spend on medication-related tasks? A time- and-motion study
    BMC Emergency Medicine 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Karl-Erik Bø, Kjell Hermann Halvorsen, Yen-Ngoc Anna Le, Elin Christina Lehnbom :
    Barriers and facilitators of pharmacists’ integration in a multidisciplinary home care team: a qualitative interview study based on the normalization process theory
    BMC Health Services Research 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Catharina Carlqvist, Mirjam Ekstedt, Elin Christina Lehnbom :
    Exploring the impact of pharmacist-supported medication reviews in dementia care: experiences of general practitioners and nurses
    BMC Geriatrics 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Igor Adelsjö, Elin Christina Lehnbom, Amanda Hellström, Lina Nilsson, Maria Flink, Mirjam Ekstedt :
    The impact of discharge letter content on unplanned hospital readmissions within 30 and 90 days in older adults with chronic illness – a mixed methods study
    BMC Geriatrics 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Karl-Erik Bø, Kjell Hermann Halvorsen, Elin Christina Lehnbom :
    Intervention description of pharmacist-facilitated medication reviews in Nordic primary care settings: a scoping review
    Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Renata Vesela Holis, Renate Elenjord, Elin Christina Lehnbom, Sigrid Andersen, Marie Fagerli, Tine Johnsgård et al.:
    How Do Pharmacists Distribute Their Work Time during a Clinical Intervention Trial?—A Time and Motion Study
    Pharmacy 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • E. Mantzourani, D.H. James, M.A. Akthar, S.L. Brown, R. Yemm, Elin Christina Lehnbom et al.:
    Can a mock medication-taking learning activity enable pharmacy students to experience the range of barriers and facilitators to medication adherence? An analysis informed by the Theoretical Domains Framework and COM-B model
    Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy (ERCSP) 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Birgitte Zahl-Holmstad, Beate Hennie Garcia, Kristian Svendsen, Tine Johnsgård, Renata Vesela, Eirik Hugaas Ofstad et al.:
    Completeness of medication information in admission notes from emergency departments
    BMC Health Services Research 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Elin Lehnbom, Maria E. Berbakov, Emily L. Hoffins, Jukrin Moon, Lauren Welch, Michelle A. Chui :
    Elevating Safe Use of Over-The-Counter Medications in Older Adults: A Narrative Review of Pharmacy Involved Interventions and Recommendations for Improvement
    Drugs & Aging 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tine Johnsgård, Renate Elenjord, Elin Lehnbom, Torsten Risør, Birgitte Zahl-Holmstad, Renata Vesela et al.:
    Emergency department physicians’ experiences and perceptions with medication-related work tasks and the potential role of clinical pharmacists
    International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Birgitte Zahl-Holmstad, Beate Hennie Garcia, Tine Johnsgård, Eirik Hugaas Ofstad, Elin Lehnbom, Kristian Svendsen et al.:
    Patient perceptions and experiences with medication-related activities in the emergency department: a qualitative study
    BMJ Open Quality 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Karl-Erik Bø, Kjell H. Halvorsen, Torsten Risør, Elin Lehnbom :
    ‘Illuminating determinants of implementation of non-dispensing pharmacist services in home care: a qualitative interview study’
    Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ajay Karia, Richard Norman, Suzanne Robinson, Elin Lehnbom, Tracey-Lea Laba, Iva Durakovic et al.:
    Pharmacist's time spent: Space for Pharmacy-based Interventions and Consultation TimE (SPICE)-an observational time and motion study
    BMJ Open 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Igor Adelsjö, Lina Nilsson, Amanda Hellström, Mirjam Ekstedt, Elin Lehnbom :
    Communication about medication management during patient-physician consultations in primary care: a participant observation study
    BMJ Open 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mari Johannessen Walquist, Kristian Svendsen, Beate Hennie Garcia, Trine Strand Bergmo, Anne Elise Eggen, Kjell H. Halvorsen et al.:
    Self-reported medication information needs among medication users in a general population aged 40 years and above – the Tromsø study
    BMC Public Health 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kjerstin Havnes, Elin Lehnbom, Scott R. Walter, Beate Garcia, Kjell H. Halvorsen :
    Time distribution for pharmacists conducting a randomized controlled trial — An observational time and motion study.
  • Renata Vesela, Renate Elenjord, Elin Lehnbom, Eirik Hugaas Ofstad, Tine Johnsgård, Birgitte Zahl-Holmstad et al.:
    Integrating the clinical pharmacist into the emergency department interdisciplinary team: A study protocol for a multicentre trial applying a non-randomised stepped-wedge study design
    BMJ Open 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lisbeth Damlien Nymoen, Therese Thanh Tu Tran, Scott R Walter, Elin Lehnbom, Ingrid Kinne Tunestveit, Erik Øie et al.:
    Emergency department physicians' distribution of time in the fast paced-workflow-a novel time-motion study of drug-related activities.
    International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Linda W. Peute, Valentina Lichtner, Melissa T. Baysari, Maria Hägglund, Juell Homco, Stephanie Jansen-Kosterink et al.:
    Challenges and Best Practices in Ethical Review of Human and Organizational Factors Studies in Health Technology: a Synthesis of Testimonies
    Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Melissa Baysari, Jessica Del Gigante, Maria Moran, Elin Lehnbom, Richard Day :
    Mandatory medication indications in electronic systems – the prescriber perspective
    Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Johanna Westbrook, Ling Li, Sonal Shah, Elin Lehnbom, Mirela Prgomet, Behnaz Schofield et al.:
    A cross-country time and motion study to measure the impact of electronic medication management systems on the work of hospital pharmacists in Australia and England
    International Journal of Medical Informatics 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marit Waaseth, Adelina Ademi, Mette Fredheim, Margaret Aarag Antonsen, Nina M Bjæring Brox, Elin Lehnbom :
    Medication Errors and Safety Culture in a Norwegian Hospital
    Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Elin Lehnbom, MT Baysari, JI Westbrook :
    Pharmacists’ expectations and perceptions of electronic medication management: lessons from Australia
    Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 07. November 2019 ARKIV
  • Malin Holmqvist, Mirjam Ekstedt, Scott R Walter, Elin Lehnbom :
    Medication management in municipality based health care: a time and motion study of nurses
    Home Healthcare Now 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • D Cavaye, Elin Lehnbom, T-L Laba, E El-Boustani, R Joshi, R Webster :
    Considering pharmacy workflow in the context of Australian community pharmacy: A pilot time and motion study
    Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mona Garada, Andrew J McLachlan, Gordon D Schiff, Elin Lehnbom :
    What do Australian consumers, pharmacists and prescribers think about documenting indications on prescriptions and dispensed medicines labels?: A qualitative study
    BMC Health Services Research 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rigmor Furu, Iris Helene Borch, Beate Hennie Garcia, Anita Iversen, Catrine Buck Jensen, Elin Christina Lehnbom et al.:
    VeiKomp Nord, Veiledningskompetanse for en bærekraftig helsetjeneste i Nord-Norge 2023-2028
    2024 ARKIV
  • Birgitte Zahl-Holmstad, Beate Hennie Garcia, Eirik Hugaas Ofstad, Elin Lehnbom, Kristian Svendsen, Renata Vesela et al.:
    Patients’ experiences with medication-related activities in the emergency department
  • Renata Vesela, Tine Johnsgård, Marie Fagerli, Kristian Svendsen, Birgitte Zahl-Holmstad, Renate Elenjord et al.:
    Identifying how nurses spend their time in three Norwegian emergency departments: a time-and-motion study
  • Tine Johnsgård, Renata Vesela, Marie Fagerli, Kristian Svendsen, Marit Waaseth, Beate Hennie Garcia et al.:
    How much time do emergency department physicians spend on drug-related tasks?
  • Karl-Erik Bø, Kjell Hermann Halvorsen, Elin Lehnbom :
    Job demands and the buffering pharmacist: issues that impact medication management in the home care setting. A qualitative study
  • Tine Johnsgård, Ingvil Nagelhus, Elaine Fjellstad, Elin Lehnbom, Renate Elenjord, Torsten Risør et al.:
    Exploring physicians’ experiences with and perceptions of medication related work tasks in emergency departments – a qualitative study.
  • Elin Lehnbom :
    Äldre och läkemedel – vad behöver göras?
  • Elin Lehnbom :
    Äldre och läkemedel
  • Thony Björk, Wilhelmina Hoffman, Margareta Jonsson, Kristina Johnell, Eva Krutmeijer, Elin Lehnbom et al.:
    Dålig kunskap om äldres användning av mediciner
    Dagens nyheter 02. August 2021
  • Ajay Karia, Christine Balane, Richard Norman, Suzanne Robinson, Elin Lehnbom, Iva Durakovic et al.:
    Community pharmacist workflow: Space for Pharmacy-based Interventions and Consultation TimE study protocol.
    International Journal of Pharmacy Practice (IJPP) 2020 DOI
  • Lene Lundberg, Trine Strand Bergmo, Elin Lehnbom :
    Digital Medication Management - submit your paper
    2020 OMTALE
  • Elin Lehnbom :
    Farmaceutisk rådgivning i primärvården – behovsinventering och tankar om vägen framåt
  • Kjerstin Havnes, Elin Lehnbom, Scott Walter, Beate Hennie Garcia, Kjell H. Halvorsen :
    Thorough work or hours to waste, time for care or always haste? Observing clinical pharmacists in the IMMENSE-study
  • Delyth H James, Mariya A Akthar, Caroline Limbert, Jane Hanrahan, Elin Lehnbom, Efi Mantzourani :
    Application of the COM-B model and theoretical domains framework to students’ adherence to ‘mock-medicines’
  • Igor Adelsjö, Lina Nilsson, Amanda Hellström, Mirjam Ekstedt, Elin Lehnbom :
    How is medication management communicated during patient-physician consultations in primary care?
  • Elin Lehnbom, Igor Adelsjö, Lina Nilsson, Amanda Hellström, Mirjam Ekstedt :
    Diskussion kring läkemedel på årsbesök I primärvården: preliminaära resultat från en observationsstudie
  • Marit Waaseth, Adelina Ademi, Mette Fredheim, Margaret Aarag Antonsen, Nina M Bjæring Brox, Elin Lehnbom :
    Medication errors and safety culture in a Norwegian hospital
  • Melissa Baysari, Jessica Del Gigante, Maria Moran, Elin Lehnbom, Richard Day :
    Mandatory medication indications in electronic systems – the prescriber perspective
  • Kjerstin Havnes, Stine-Mari Haustreis, Hilde Ljones Wetting, Jeanette Schultz Johansen, Beate Hennie Garcia, Scott Walter et al.:
    Workflow of clinical pharmacists leading research at geriatric wards
  • Renate Elenjord, Ann Katrin Østbø, Kristian Svendsen, Elin Lehnbom :
    How do pharmacy staff distribute the time in a Hospital outpatient Pharmacy? – The first WOMBAT time and motion study in a Norwegian Hospital Pharmacy
  • Adelina Ademi, Elin Lehnbom, Mette Fredheim, Margaret Aarag Antonsen, Nina M Bjæring Brox, Marit Waaseth :
    Legemiddelhåndtering i sykehus - avvik og meldekultur
  • Elin Lehnbom, Malin Holmqvist, Scott R Walter, Mirjam Ekstedt :
    Medication management in Swedish municipality-based healthcare: a time and motion study of nurses’ time distribution

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Dr. Elin Lehnbom is a pharmacist with a strong academic and research profile. She earned a Bachelor of Pharmacy, a Master's in Pharmaceutical Science, and a Master's in Clinical Pharmacy. Her PhD research at the University of Sydney focused on pharmacists' roles and e-Health in chronic illness management. With 3.5 years as a postdoctoral researcher at UNSW's Centre for Health Systems and Safety Research and 2 years as a social pharmacy lecturer at the University of Sydney, she moved to Tromsø, Norway, in 2017. There, she works as an Associate Professor in clinical pharmacy. She also completed a sabbatical at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, contributing to a project on outpatient pharmacy redesign to minimize risky over-the-counter medication use in older adults.

    Dr. Lehnbom uses qualitative and quantitative research to improve medication use, emphasizing the role of information and communication technologies. Her ability to forge and sustain collaborations is reflected in her prolific output, which includes 116 peer-reviewed articles, conference presentations, and debate pieces.



    Dr. Lehnbom is a dedicated educator with a solid teaching background, and she completed a Pedagogical Portfolio in 2018. She has supervised 23 master's students and is currently mentoring two doctoral candidates. Her teaching philosophy emphasizes engagement, and she employs a variety of teaching methods, including lectures, workshops, mentoring, quizzes, role-playing, and videos. In recognition of her outstanding work in finding clinicl placements in new settings, she, along with two colleagues, was awarded the Educational Prize at the Faculty of Health Sciences, UiT The Arctic University of Norway in 2022.