Johanna Myrseth Aarflot,
Jørn Berger Nyvoll,
Inger Lise Næss
Nansen Legacy research elevator pitch
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen,
Jørn Berger Nyvoll,
Inger Lise Næss,
Lena Seuthe
You have probably heard that the ice sheets are melting
Marti A. Arumi,
Jørn Berger Nyvoll
The Arctic is changing fast, almost faster than we can follow
Tom Langbehn,
Jørn Berger Nyvoll
Sea ice disappearing may be good news for the fish in the Arctic, but bad news for the zooplankton!
Zoé Charlotte Koenig,
Jørn Berger Nyvoll
The sea ice is melting in the winter when it is freezing cold
Maria Guadalupe Digernes,
Jørn Berger Nyvoll
The ocean is like a sponge and absorb one third of the CO2 we produce!
Tristan Petit,
Jørn Berger Nyvoll
Light climate in the Northern Barents sea: Evolution study with the gradual receding of sea-ice
Yasemin Vicdan Bodur,
Jørn Berger Nyvoll
The seafloor is the dump yard of the ocean
Elliot Manuarii Sivel,
Jørn Berger Nyvoll
Who eats whom?
Ina Nilsen,
Jørn Berger Nyvoll
Can we predict invasion from south when the Barents Sea gets warmer by modeling?
Christine Gawinski,
Jørn Berger Nyvoll
There is more to the Ocean then giants
Oliver Müller,
Jørn Berger Nyvoll
A single litre of seawater contains billions of bacteria
Magnus Brynildsrud Andersson,
Mathilde Torsøe,
Jørn Berger Nyvoll
Grunnleggaren - om rektor Peter F. Hjort
Liv Helene Willumsen,
Stig Brøndbo,
Jørn Berger Nyvoll,
Randi Skjelmo
Historien om UiT starter med en krangel i India på 1700-tallet
Liv Helene Willumsen,
Randi Skjelmo,
Mathilde Torsøe,
Jørn Berger Nyvoll
Han var Norges første professor
Liv Helene Willumsen,
Randi Skjelmo,
Stig Brøndbo,
Jørn Berger Nyvoll
Da forskerne åpnet dokumentboksen i Rigsarkivet i København, oppdaget de en historisk rød tråd fra en krangel i India i 1708 til UiT Norges arktiske universitet
20. December 2018
Liv Helene Willumsen,
Randi Skjelmo,
Stig Brøndbo,
Jørn Berger Nyvoll,
Mathilde Torsøe
Han var Norges første professor. Om Knud Leem, professor i det samiske språk
09. February 2018