Andreas Langdal
Ph.D. candidate
Job description
My PhD project is linked to the interdisciplinary research project SECURE (Novel Marine Resources for Food Security and Food Safety) where we look at the utilization and potential of low-trophic marine species. The overall goal of the project is to develop knowledge that enables sustainable food security. I look at the connection between new marine raw materials and the environmental footprint in singular production stages and through the value chain, in the production of food and feed. This involves examining the content of important nutrients, contaminants, and estimating the environmental footprint (CO2eq., land-use change, etc.). My results will then be ranked against more traditional marine resources to create a broader understanding of the potential of the species analysed.
The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →
Research interests
- Environmental and social sustainability
- Life cycle assessments
- Production-, processing-, and transport of seafood, and a content consumer of every kind of food
- Food quality
- Nutrient content in food and food products
- Environmental toxins
- Laboratory course responsible in BIO-2602 Fish nutrition.