Bilde av Singh, Harpal
Bilde av Singh, Harpal
Department of Computer Science and Computational Engineering +4776966128 You can find me here

Harpal Singh


Job description

I am working in the Department of Computer Science and Computational Engineering as a Researcher.

Presently I am the project manager for the Herøy R&D for the work package Structural Health Monitoring for UiT Narvik. 

  • Kristoffer Meyer Tangrand, Harpal Singh :
    Analysis of civil engineering infrastructure in Norway with solutions based on structural health monitoring and artificial intelligence
    Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace (MESA) 2023 ARKIV / DATA
  • Davit Baramidze, Lars-Erik Persson, Harpal Singh, George Tephnadze :
    Some New Weak (Hp- Lp) -Type Inequality for Weighted Maximal Operators of Partial Sums of Walsh–Fourier Series
    Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Natasha Gabatsuyevna Samko, Harpal Singh :
    A note on contributions concerning nonseparable spaces with respect to signal processing within Bayesian frameworks
    Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Davit Baramidze, Lars-Erik Persson, Harpal Singh, George Tephnadze :
    Some new results and inequalities for subsequences of Nörlund logarithmic means of Walsh–Fourier series
    Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Harpal Singh, Niklas Grip, Per Johan Nicklasson :
    A comprehensive study of signal processing techniques of importance for operation modal analysis (OMA) and its application to a high-rise building
    Nonlinear Studies 2021 DATA
  • Harpal Singh, Lars-Erik Persson, Gabdolla Akishev :
    Some New Fourier and Jackson–Nikol’skii Type Inequalities in Unbounded Orthonormal Systems
    Constructive Mathematical Analysis 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Gabdolla Akishev, Lars Erik Persson, Harpal Singh :
    Inequalities for the Fourier coefficients in unbounded orthogonal systems in generalized Lorentz spaces
    Nonlinear Studies 2020 OMTALE
  • Harpal Singh, Niklas Grip :
    Recent trends in operation modal analysis techniques and its application on a steel truss bridge
    Nonlinear Studies 2019 ARKIV / OMTALE
  • Jan-Roger Olsen, Hoang Thach Nguyen, Rune Schlanbusch, Harpal Singh, Per Jarle Schulstadsveen :
    DropCube - A Platform for Testing Spacecraft Attitude Control Systems
    IEEE conference proceedings 2014 DOI
  • Zeeshan Azad, Harpal Singh, Vanni Nicoletti :
    Shell-Based Finite Element Modeling of Herøysund Bridge in Norway
    Modelling 23. December 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jan Westby, Line Husjord, Annette Meidell, Mona Lahm Høgbakk, Anne Svelstad Evju, Sverre Håkon Evju et al.:
    "20 skipbrudne reddet i land i Beisfjord - øvelse"
    09. October 2022 DATA

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Structural Health Monitoring,  Operational Modal Analysis,  Signal Processing,  Image Processing,  Artificial Intelligence,  Renewable Energy and Sustainability.

    Member of research group

    Member of project