Knut Arne Holtedahl,
Lars Borgquist,
Gé A. Donker,
Frank Buntinx,
David Weller,
Christine Campbell
et al.:
Symptoms and signs of urogenital cancer in primary care
Knut Arne Holtedahl,
Lars Borgquist,
Gé A. Donker,
Frank Buntinx,
David Weller,
Christine Campbell
et al.:
Symptoms and signs of colorectal cancer, with differences between proximal and distal colon cancer: a prospective cohort study of diagnostic accuracy in primary care
Knut Arne Holtedahl
Forty Years of Arctic Primary Care Research on the Early Diagnosis of Cancer
Knut Arne Holtedahl,
Benedicte Scheel,
May-Lill Johansen
General practitioners' participation in cancer treatment in Norway
Rural and remote health 2018
Knut Arne Holtedahl,
Peter Hjertholm,
Lars Borgquist,
Gé A. Donker,
Frank Buntinx,
David Weller
et al.:
Abdominal symptoms and cancer in the abdomen: prospective cohort study in European primary care
British Journal of General Practice 2018
Knut Arne Holtedahl,
Peter Vedsted,
Lars Borgquist,
Gé A. Donker,
Frank Buntinx,
David Weller
et al.:
Abdominal symptoms in general practice: Frequency, cancer suspicions raised, and actions taken by GPs in six European countries. Cohort study with prospective registration of cancer
Benedicte Scheel,
Knut Arne Holtedahl
Symptoms, signs, and tests: The general practitioner's comprehensive approach towards a cancer diagnosis
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2015
Knut A. Holtedahl,
Daniel Salpou,
Tonje Braaten,
Zogoi Berved
Optimal starting point for antiretroviral HIV treatment in a town in Cameroon: a randomised controlled study
Knut A. Holtedahl
Cohort study: Predictive values of GPs' suspicion of serious disease are high enough to warrant subsequent investigation
Evidence-Based Medicine 2014
Susanne Ingebrigtsen,
Benedicte Scheel,
Børge Hart,
Tommy Arild Garden Thorsen,
Knut A. Holtedahl
Frequency of warning signs of cancer in Norwegian general practice, with prospective recording of subsequent cancer
Family Practice 24. October 2012
Knut A. Holtedahl
Kreftdiagnostikk i allmennpraksis
Gyldendal Akademisk 2013
Knut A. Holtedahl
Gyldendal Akademisk 2013
Knut A. Holtedahl
Tretthet og slapphet
Gyldendal Akademisk 2013
Benedicte Scheel,
Susanne Ingebrigtsen,
Tommy Arild Garden Thorsen,
Knut A. Holtedahl
Cancer suspicion in general practice: the role of symptoms and patient characteristics, and their association with subsequent cancer
British Journal of General Practice 2013
May-Lill Johansen,
Knut A. Holtedahl,
Carl Edvard Rudebeck
How does the thought of cancer arise in a general practice consultation? Interviews with GPs
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2012
May-Lill Johansen,
Knut A. Holtedahl,
Anette Sofie Davidsen,
Carl Edvard Rudebeck
'I deal with the small things': The doctor-patient relationship and professional identity in GPs' stories of cancer care
Steinar Hunskaar,
Mette Brekke,
Per Hjortdahl,
Knut Arne Holtedahl,
Hogne Sandvik,
Tone Smith-Sivertsen
Steinar Hunskaar,
Knut A. Holtedahl,
Per Hjortdahl,
Tone Smith-Sivertsen,
Mette Brekke,
Hogne Sandvik
Allmennmedisin, 3. utgave
Gyldendal Akademisk 2013
Håvard Kjesbu Skjellegrind,
Knut Arne Holtedahl
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S 2023
Knut Arne Holtedahl
Challenges in early diagnosis of cancer: the fast track
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2020
Knut Arne Holtedahl
Positive predictive value and sensitivity of selected abdominal symptoms in relation to some major abdominal forms of cancer with a discussion of the data basis for calculations. Examples from bladder, kidney and colorectal cancer in a cohort study with prospective registration of cancer.
Knut Arne Holtedahl
Relationship between abdominal symptoms and cancer in the abdomen: cohort study in primary care with prospective registration of cancer, in six European countries
Knut Arne Holtedahl,
Ranjan Parajuli
Abdominal symptoms: Frequency, cancer suspicions raised and actions taken in general practice, with differences in six European countries
Knut Arne Holtedahl,
Ranjan Parajuli
Abdominal symptoms in general practice: Validity in relation to new abdominal cancer
Knut Arne Holtedahl
Kan vi få et fredsdepartement?
Nordlys 25. January 2016
Knut Arne Holtedahl,
Ranjan Parajuli,
Tonje Braaten
Cancer suspicion starting with abdominal symptoms in general practice
Ranjan Parajuli,
Tonje Braaten,
Knut Arne Holtedahl
Abdominal symptoms and cancer: multinational
retrospective coh ort study with prospective recording
of cancer
Knut Arne Holtedahl,
Benedicte Scheel
Symptoms, signs and tests: The general practitioner's comprehensive approach towards a cancer diagnosis. Retrospective cohort study with prospective registration of cancer in general practice
Knut Arne Holtedahl
Hva skal leger si nei til?
Utposten 2015
Knut A. Holtedahl
Hva skal leger si nei til?
Nordlys 16. February 2015
Knut A. Holtedahl
Tidlig kreftdiagnostikk, hvordan?
Børge Hart,
Knut A. Holtedahl
The role of abdominal symptoms in early diagnosis of cancer in general practice - a cohort study
Knut A. Holtedahl
Predictive values of GPs’ suspicion of serious disease are high enough to warrant subsequent investigation
Knut A. Holtedahl,
Benedicte Scheel
Sensitivity of symptoms and signs in different types of cancer
Ingjerd Sørlie Yri,
Knut A. Holtedahl
Sjekk krefttegnene
06. November 2013
May-Lill Johansen,
Knut A. Holtedahl,
Anette Sofie Davidsen,
Carl Edvard Rudebeck
A narrative analysis of GPs’ stories of caring for people with cancer
May-Lill Johansen,
Knut A. Holtedahl,
Carl Edvard Rudebeck
How does the thought of cancer arise during a GP-consultation?
May-Lill Johansen,
Knut A. Holtedahl,
Carl Edvard Rudebeck
How does the thought of cancer arise in a general practice consultation?
May-Lill Johansen,
Knut A. Holtedahl,
Anette Sofie Davidsen,
Carl Edvard Rudebeck
The doctor-patient relationship and professional identity in GPs' stories of cancer care
Benedicte Scheel,
Knut A. Holtedahl
Cancer suspicion in general practice: The role of symptoms and patient characteristics, and association with subsequent cancer
Lisbeth Nilsen,
Knut A. Holtedahl
Fastleger fanger opp krefttilfeller
12. September 2013
Benedicte Iversen Scheel,
Knut A. Holtedahl
Diagnostic value of 'warning signs of cancer' in Norwegian general practice
Børge Hart,
Lisbeth Ellegaard,
Knut A. Holtedahl
The role of abdominal symptoms in early diagnosis of cancer in general practice - a cohort study
Knut A. Holtedahl,
Børge Hart
Diagnostikk av abdominalkreft i allmennpraksis
Knut A. Holtedahl
Kreftdiagnostikk i allmennpraksis
Knut A. Holtedahl
Clinical competence and childhood cancer - a view from primary care
Acta Paediatrica 2012
Knut A. Holtedahl
Hver åttende har mulige tegn på kreft
01. November 2012
Knut A. Holtedahl
Når bør kreftalarmen ringe?
10. December 2012
Knut A. Holtedahl
Ny studie:Én av åtte pasienter har mulige tegn på kreft
02. November 2012
Knut A. Holtedahl
Varmt og klokt om legegjerningen
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 2012