Bilde av Huse, Tone
Bilde av Huse, Tone
Department of Archaeology, History, Religious Studies and Theology +4777645284 You can find me here

Tone Huse

Associate Professor

Job description

I am an Associate Professor of Science and Technology Studies. My current research focuses on the geography, temporality and materiality of urban politics in Nuuk, Kalaallit Nunaat (a.k.a. Greenland). My research spans the decades from 1950 to the present and seeks to understand Nordic colonialism through the lens of place making practices. I am also engaged in work concerning the economization of the ocean and its beings, historically and in the present, and seek to understand how nature and economy work upon and co-modify one another. My work has the character of radical interdisciplinarity, and I am committed to experimenting with new means for interacting with broad publics.

  • Kristin Asdal, Béatrice Cointe, Bård Hobæk, Hilde Reinertsen, Tone Huse, Silje Rebecca Morsman et al.:
    'The good economy': a conceptual and empirical move for investigating how economies and versions of the good are entangled
    BioSocieties 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tone Huse :
    On working relations with the citizen
    Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory 2015 DOI
  • Tone Huse :
    Architectural imprints of colonialism in the Arctic
    Moving Worlds: A Journal of Transcultural Writings 2015
  • Oddrun Kristine Sæter, Tone Huse :
    Fra variabelsosiologi til sosiale kontekster. Chicagoskolens perspektiver på studiet av byen
    Sosiologi i dag 2011 ARKIV
  • Kristin Asdal, Tone Huse :
    Nature-Made Economy: Cod, capital and the great economization of the ocean
    MIT Press 2023 ARKIV
  • Tone Huse :
    Everyday Life in the Gentrifying City: On Displacement, Ethnic Privileging and the Right to Stay Put
    Ashgate 2014
  • Tone Huse :
    Tøyengata. Et nyrikt stykke Norge
    Flamme forlag 2010
  • Tone Huse, Prashanti Mayfield :
    Active Past: Rethinking temporality in studies of/with/in postcolonising land
  • Tone Huse, Vivi Noahsen :
    Archive as Place
  • Joar Nango, Tone Huse :
    Biennale Architettura 2023 Venice 2023
  • Tone Huse :
    The Urban Arctic - Research design and ethics
  • Tone Huse :
    Art-Science Collaboration
  • Tone Huse :
    Urban Transformation in a Warming Arctic
  • Tone Huse :
    Ethnography and Indigenous Studies
  • Tone Huse, Martin Svingen Refseth :
    An Urban Future for Sápmi?, edited by Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, Astri Dankertsen and Marte Winsvold
    Nordic Journal of Urban Studies 2023
  • Tone Huse :
    Temporal displacement: colonial architecture and its contestation
  • Tone Huse, Kristin Asdal :
    Natur og økonomi: evige motsatser?
  • Tone Huse, Kristin Asdal :
    Natur og økonomi i havets brytningstid
  • Tone Huse, Kristin Asdal :
    Presentation, TIK Lounge and Launch Seminar, Nature-Made Economy
  • Tone Huse :
    Refelctions on positionally and researh ethics: UrbTrans
  • Kristin Asdal, Tone Huse, Narve Fulsås, Bente Sundsvold, Anne Husebekk :
    Natur og økonomi i havets brytningstid - Bpkbad og panelsamtale
    2023 FULLTEKST
  • Tone Huse :
    Displacement: time and temporality in Nordic colonial architecture
  • Gro Birgit Ween, Britt Kramvig, Hadi Strømmen Lile, Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, Tor A Benjaminsen, Liisa-Ravna Finbog et al.:
    «Samenes historie» - perspektiver, representasjon og fokus 03. January 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Britt Kramvig, Gro Birgit Ween, Hadi Strømmen Lile, Kirsten Elisabeth Stien, Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, Liisa-Ravna Finbog et al.:
    «Samenes historie» - perspektiver, representasjon og fokus 03. January 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Tone Huse :
    "Out of Space-Out of Time"
  • Tone Huse :
    Intervju på NRK, P2, Helgemorgen 10.04.21
    10. April 2021
  • Britt Kramvig, Gro Birgit Ween, Hadi Strømmen Lile, Liisa-Ravna Finbog, Tone Huse, Tor A Benjaminsen et al.:
    Samisk historie på samiske premisser
    Nordnorsk debatt - Nordlys 21. December 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Tone Huse :
    Archives and documents in UrbTrans
  • Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv, Gerit Pfuhl, Eirik Årsand, Kåre Skallerud, Tone Huse :
    Blir alt virkelig bra igjen?
  • Tone Huse :
    panelsamtale - Plattform tilknyttet Joar Nangos Festspill utstilling 2020
    panelsamtale 2020
  • Tone Huse :
    Blok P object walk. tekstlig bidrag til Joar Nangos festspillutstilling
    Joar Nangos festspillutstilling 2020 2020
  • Tone Huse :
    Om byenes samfunn og hva de kan lære oss
    Tidsskrift for boligforskning 2020 DOI
  • Þóra Pétursdóttir, Tone Huse, Britt Kramvig :
    How and why do objects come to matter in the Arctic?
  • Britt Kramvig, Tone Huse, Helen Ruth Verran, Þóra Pétursdóttir :
    How and why do objects come to matter in the Arctic?
  • Tone Huse :
    Object Study, Blok P
    Kunstutstilling 2016
  • Tone Huse :
    The Car, the Citizen and the Climate: Rethinking the Politics of Urban Climate Mitigation
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2016
  • Hannah Knox, Tone Huse :
    Political materials: rethinking environment, remaking theory
    Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory 2015
  • Øyvind Ravna, Vegard Nergard, Berit Kristofferen, Britt Kramvig, Jahn Petter Johnsen, Solveig Joks et al.:
    Om urfolks viten og professoral ignoranse
    Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 26. February 2014 FULLTEKST
  • Andreas Høyer, Tone Huse :
    – Er det greit at Tromsø sentrum står tomt?
    22. October 2013
  • Per Kristian Trollvik, Tone Huse :
    debatt om bruk av byrommet
    22. October 2013
  • Tone Huse :
    Plaster på såret
    29. May 2013
  • Rikke Lange, Tone Huse :
    - Folk må tørre å engasjere seg før det er for sent!
    25. October 2013
  • Maria Horvel, Tone Huse :
    - Kunstnarghetto utan sjel
    15. October 2012
  • Tone Huse :
    Stier i det nyliberale Oslo
    20. October 2012
  • Sandberg Tor, Tone Huse :
    Vil bygge tettere og høyere
    26. September 2012
  • Sølvi Fosseide, Tone Huse :
    Mandagsportrettet, Kulturnytt
    29. November 2010
  • Svein Bjørnerem, Tone Huse :
    Bragepris-nominert. Aukrakvinne med bok om Tøyengata i Oslo
    06. November 2010
  • Bakk Hansen Anita, Tone Huse :
    Et nært forhold til Gamle Oslo
    04. November 2010
  • Per Asbjørn Risnes, Tone Huse :
    Den gyldne middelvei
    27. November 2010
  • Tone Huse :
    Har delt Oslo i to
    09. July 2010

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →