Yanina Prystauka,
Vincent Francesco Deluca,
Alicia Luque,
Toms Voits,
Jason Rothman
Cognitive Neuroscience Perspectives on Language Acquisition and Processing.
Maki Kubota,
Jorge Gonzalez Alonso,
Isabel Nadine Jensen,
Alicia Luque,
Sergio Miguel Pereira Soares,
Yanina Prystauka
et al.:
Bilectal Exposure Modulates Neural Signatures to Conflicting Grammatical Properties: Norway as a Natural Laboratory
Kara Morgan-Short,
Irene Finestrat,
Alicia Luque,
David Abugaber
Exploring New Insights into Explicit and Implicit Second Language Processing: Event-Related Potentials Analyzed by Source Attribution.
Language Learning 2022
Jason Rothman,
Fatih Bayram,
Vincent DeLuca,
Grazia Di Pisa,
Jon Andoni Dunabeitia Landaburu,
Khadij Gharibi
et al.:
Monolingual comparative normativity in bilingualism research is out of control: Arguments and alternatives
Applied Psycholinguistics 2022
Victoria Ogunniyi,
David Abugaber,
Irene Finestrat,
Alicia Luque,
Kara Morgan-Short
Predicting Second Language Proficiency with Resting-State Brain Rhythms.
Columbia Undergraduate Science Journal 2021
Belem López,
Alicia Luque,
Brandy Piña-Watson
Context, Intersectionality, and Resilience: Moving Toward a More Holistic Study of Bilingualism in Cognitive Science
Cultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology 2021
Fatih Bayram,
Maki Kubota,
Alicia Luque,
Diego Pascual y Cabo,
Jason Rothman
You can’t fix what is not broken: Contextualizing the imbalance of perceptions about heritage language bilingualism.
Alicia Luque,
Kara Morgan-Short
The relationship between cognitive control and second language proficiency.
Journal of Neurolinguistics 2020
Brechje Antonet van Osch,
Nadine Kolb,
Alicia Luque,
Merete Brendeford Anderssen,
Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard
Cross-linguistic influence in adverb placement in L3 Spanish: comparing offline and online measures
Nadine Kolb,
Brechje Antonet van Osch,
Alicia Luque,
Merete Brendeford Anderssen,
Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard
Cross-linguistic influence in the production and processing of adverbs in L3 Spanish, French and German: Exploring individual differences
Brechje Antonet van Osch,
Nadine Kolb,
Rosalinde Stadt,
Alicia Luque,
Merete Brendeford Anderssen,
Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard
Cross-linguistic influence from English in beginner learners of French and German as an L3 in the Netherlands: Comparing offline knowledge and online processing of adverb placement
Brechje Antonet van Osch,
Rosalinde Stadt,
Nadine Kolb,
Alicia Luque,
Merete Brendeford Anderssen,
Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard
Cross-linguistic influence at the initial stages: Influence from L1 Dutch and L2 English on adverb placement in L3 French and German
Rosalinde Stadt,
Brechje Antonet van Osch,
Nadine Kolb,
Alicia Luque,
Merete Brendeford Anderssen,
Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard
Cross-linguistic influence at the initial stages: Influence from L1 Dutch and L2 English on verb placement in L3 French and L3 German
Nadine Kolb,
Brechje Antonet van Osch,
Merete Brendeford Anderssen,
Alicia Luque,
Sergey Minor,
Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard
et al.:
(Extra-)linguistic variables in multilingual language development in children and adolescents
Brechje Antonet van Osch,
Nadine Kolb,
Alicia Luque,
Merete Brendeford Anderssen,
Marit Kristine Westergaard
Cross-linguistic influence from Norwegian and English in the production and processing of adverbs in L3 Spanish and French
Jorge González Alonso,
Maki Kubota,
Merete Andersen,
Isabel Nadine Jensen,
Alicia Luque,
Sergio Miguel Pereira Soares
et al.:
Bidialectal Exposure Modulates Neural Signatures to Conflicting Grammatical Properties: Norway as a Natural Laboratory
Jorge González Alonso,
Maki Kubota,
Alicia Luque,
Sergio M. Pereira Soares,
Yanina Prystauka,
Øystein Alexander Vangsnes
et al.:
Grad av eksponering påvirker hvor følsomme talere er for motstridende grammatiske trekk i nært beslektede varieteter: en ERP-studie
Øystein Alexander Vangsnes,
Maki Kubota,
Jorge González Alonso,
Merete Andersen,
Isabel Nadine Jensen,
Alicia Luque
et al.:
Nordnorske predikative adjektiv og bilektalitet: En ERP-studie av grammatisk følsomhet hos talere med ulik eksponering for nordnorsk dialekt
Maki Kubota,
Jorge González Alonso,
Alicia Luque,
Isabel Nadine Jensen,
Yanina Prystauka,
Sergio Miguel Pereira Soares
et al.:
Bidialectal Exposure Modulates Neural Signatures to Conflicting Grammatical Properties: Norway as a Natural Laboratory
Maki Kubota,
Jorge González Alonso,
Merete Andersen,
Isabel Nadine Jensen,
Alicia Luque,
Sergio Miguel Pereira Soares
et al.:
Bidialectal exposure modulates neural signatures to conflicting grammatical properties: Norway as a natural laboratory
Irene Finestrat,
David Abugaber,
Alicia Luque,
Kara Morgan-Short
Assessing Individual Neurocognitive Differences in Native Language Morphosyntactic Processing.
Jorge González Alonso,
Maki Kubota,
Isabel Nadine Jensen,
Alicia Luque,
Sergio M. Pereira Soares,
Yanina Prystauka
et al.:
Degree of Bidialectal Exposure Modulates Sensitivity to Conflicting Grammatical Properties across Closely Related Varieties: An ERP Study.
Alicia Luque,
Irene Finestrat,
Kara Morgan-Short
Bilingualism Matters: Exploring the Role of Degree of Bilingualism for the Development of L2 Grammatical Knowledge Under Incidental Learning Conditions.
David Abugaber,
Irene Finestrat,
Alicia Luque,
Kara Morgan-Short
Regression-Based Mass Univariate EEG Analyses Suggest No Word Frequency Effects in Processing of Regular Word Inflections.
Victoria Ogunniyi,
David Abugaber,
Irene Finestrat,
Alicia Luque,
Kara Morgan-Short
Neural Oscillations as Predictors of Variability in Second Language Learning.
Alicia Luque,
Mandy Faretta-Stutenberg,
Bernard I Issa,
Harriet Bowden
Capturing the Diversity in Heritage Bilingual Experiences: Assessing the Validity of Objective and Subjective Language Proficiency Measures.
Alicia Luque,
Kara Morgan-Short
Investigating the Role of Cognitive Control in Adult Second Language Learning.
Irene Finestrat,
David Abugaber,
Alicia Luque,
Kara Morgan-Short
Examining Measures of Individual Variability in ERP Responses and Expanding the Evidence to the L2.