Bilde av Benedek, Mónika
Bilde av Benedek, Mónika
Associate Professor of Aural-skills and Music Pedagogy Academy of Music Tromsø

Mónika Benedek

  • Monika Benedek :
    A kevert (online és offline) módszerű hallásképzés lehetőségei: egy kutatás eredményei
    Parlando Zenepedagógiai Folyóirat 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Monika Benedek :
    Online or Offline? Developing a pilot blended instruction for ear-training at Finnish university
    Finnish Journal of Music Education 2019 FULLTEKST
  • Monika Benedek :
    Improvizációs koncepciók az előadói gyakorlatban és a zenepedagógiában
    Parlando Zenepedagógiai Folyóirat 2018 FULLTEKST
  • Monika Benedek :
    Improvizálhatok? Improvizációs gyakorlatok a zeneiskolai szolfézs és zeneelmélet órákon c. továbbképzések - a tanár szemszögéből
    Parlando Zenepedagógiai Folyóirat 2018 FULLTEKST
  • Monika Benedek :
    Lectio Praecursoria: The role of piano improvisation in teaching harmony, using combined materials selected from the baroque period and jazz standard repertoire: towards a comprehensive approach
    Finnish Journal of Music Education 2016
  • Monika Benedek :
    The role of piano improvisation in teaching harmony, using combined materials selected from the baroque period and jazz standard repertoire: towards a comprehensive approach – Main findings of PhD research
    Parlando Zenepedagógiai Folyóirat 2016 FULLTEKST
  • Monika Benedek :
    The Active Use of Relative Sol-fa in the Theory of Classical and Jazz Music Education
    Bulletin of the International Kodály Society 2010
  • Monika Benedek :
    Accordances and Differences in the Classical and Jazz Harmony Notation
    Bulletin of the International Kodály Society 2008
  • Monika Benedek :
    From 1 2 3 to Do Re Mi: Learning Relative Solfa from the Cipher-System. New Concepts in Norwegian Music Pedagogy. Vol. 1
    2023 ARKIV
  • Monika Benedek, David Vinden :
    Harmony through Relative Solfa – A practical approach using fine music examples selected from different eras
  • Monika Benedek :
    The role of piano improvisation in teaching harmony, using combined materials selected from the baroque period and jazz standard repertoire: towards a comprehensive approach.
    2015 FULLTEKST
  • Monika Benedek :
    Supplement Book for Classical Harmony Studies Vol. I
  • Monika Benedek :
    New publication: Loopsongs
  • Monika Benedek :
  • Monika Benedek :
    Numerical System versus Relative Solmisation - Part 2
  • Monika Benedek :
    Presentation of new book publication: From 1 2 3 to Do Re Mi
  • Monika Benedek :
    Numerical System versus Relative Solmisation supporting inner hearing, musical reading and writing skills - Part 1
  • Monika Benedek :
    Testing new exercises and pedagogical approaches to supporting warm-up process for choirs.
  • Monika Benedek :
    Numerical System versus Relative Solmisation supporting inner-hearing, musical reading and writing skills
  • Monika Benedek :
    Alternative teaching approaches & tools for supporting comprehensive musicianship in aural-skills training
  • Monika Benedek :
    Online or Offline? Developing a pilot blended instruction for ear-training at Finnish university. Senior research paper with commentator
  • Monika Benedek :
    Teaching piano improvisation and harmony for undergraduate students in music education using combined materials selected from baroque period and jazz standard repertoire.
  • Monika Benedek :
    Applying Improvisation in the Baroque and Jazz / Pop Harmony Teaching
  • Monika Benedek, David Vinden :
    Harmony through Relative Solfa – A practical approach using music examples selected from the canon of music - workshop
  • Monika Benedek :
    Individual and Peer Improvisation in Learning Baroque and Jazz-Pop Harmony
  • Monika Benedek :
    The Role of Improvisation in the Teaching of Baroque and Jazz-Pop Harmony - Pre-conference poster
  • Monika Benedek :
    The Role of Improvisation in the Teaching of Baroque and Jazz-Pop Harmony
  • Monika Benedek :
    Testing Teaching Material for Classical and Jazz Harmony Studies
  • Monika Benedek :
    Developing Teaching Methods for Combining Classical and Jazz Harmony
  • Monika Benedek :
    Variation and Improvisation - A Creative Approach to Teaching Classical Harmony in Jazz Tertiary Education
  • Monika Benedek :
    Megegyezések és különbségek a klasszikus és a jazz-zene harmóniajelölésében - Beszámoló a XVIII. Nemzetközi Kodály Szimpóziumon tartott előadásról
    2010 DOI
  • Monika Benedek :
    The Active Use of Relative Solfa in the Theory of Classical and Jazz Music Education - workshop
  • Monika Benedek :
    Accordances and Differences in the Classical and Jazz Harmony Notation - workshop
  • Monika Benedek :
    Kodolányi János Főiskola Régizene-együttese és Vegyeskara

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Project 1: Application of Relative Solfa in the Norwegian higher music education

    Project 2: Application loop-songs in the choral warm-up

    Further research interest:
    Improvisation in the music theory and aural skills
    Blended-learning (online and offline) in musicianship


    Main courses in the Bachelor program: aural skills and music pedagogy

    Main courses in the Master's program: own skills (aural skills, music theory an applied piano) and music pedagogy (Kodály and Orff methodology)

    Additional courses: music pedagogy with improvisation, choir and ensemble conducting 

    Member of research group