Bilde av Sandring, Vetle Lars Wisløff
Bilde av Sandring, Vetle Lars Wisløff
Department of Archaeology, History, Religious Studies and Theology +4777649052 You can find me here

Vetle Lars Wisløff Sandring

Doctoral research fellow

Job description

I do research on computer games in history education. When I don't do that I work on the early modern period in the European arctic, digital humanities and history didactics

  • Vetle Lars Wisløff Sandring :
    History, history education and computer games
    Peter Lang Publishing Group 2023
  • Vetle Lars Wisløff Sandring :
    Which historical thinking skills and concepts can be taught with game-based Learning?
  • Vetle Lars Wisløff Sandring :
    Historical skills in Minecraft
  • Vetle Lars Wisløff Sandring :
    Historical research and the Cold War
  • Vetle Lars Wisløff Sandring :
    Folk og Røvere i Koutken Finneby
  • Vetle Lars Wisløff Sandring :
    Om Historiedidaktiske tradisjoner og kildeferdigheter

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    • Computer games in education
    • Didactics of history
    • Early modern period above the polar circle
    • Digital humanities



    • SVH-8002 Research dissemination - Seminar about scientific posters
    • HIS-2001 Historie sett i lys av kildene - Several seminars about historical sources


    • HIS-1000 Introduction to history. The what, how and why of history - Course responsibility and lecturer
    • SVH-8001 & SVH-8002 Research dissemination - seminar about scientific posters