Jagan Gorle,
Bendik Fyhn Terjesen,
Astrid Buran Holan,
Arne Berge,
Steven T. Summerfelt
Qualifying the design of a floating closed-
containment fish farm using computational fluid
Steven T. Summerfelt,
Frode Mathisen,
Astrid Buran Holan,
Bendik Fyhn Terjesen
Survey of large circular and octagonal tanks operated at Norwegian commercial smolt and post-smolt sites
Aquacultural Engineering 2016
Ida Rud,
Jelena Kolarevic,
Astrid Buran Holan,
Ingunn Berget,
Sara Calabrese,
Bendik Fyhn Terjesen
Deep-sequencing of the bacterial microbiota in commercial-scale recirculating and semi-closed aquaculture systems for Atlantic salmon post-smolt production
Aquacultural Engineering 2016
Per-Arvid Wold,
Astrid Buran Holan,
Gunvor Øie,
Kari Attramadal,
Ingrid Bakke,
Olav Vadstein
et al.:
Effects of membrane filtration on bacterial number and microbial diversity in marine recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) production
Astrid Buran Holan,
Per-Arvid Wold,
TorOve Leiknes
Assessment of a biofilm reactor coupled with membrane filtration for increased ammonia conversion, and reduced particle and nitrogen concentration in marine recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)
Stine Veronica Wiborg Dahle,
Trond Waldemar Rosten,
TorOve Leiknes,
Astrid Buran Holan
Membranfiltrering – aktuell teknologi som smittebarriere mot Moritella viscosa i lukkede oppdrettssystemer
Vann 2014
Astrid Buran Holan,
Per-Arvid Wold,
TorOve Leiknes
Membrane performance and fouling behavior of membrane bioreactors installed in marine recirculating aquaculture systems
Aquacultural Engineering 2014
Astrid Buran Holan,
Per-Arvid Wold,
TorOve Leiknes
Intensive rearing of cod larvae (Gadus morhua) in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) implementing a membrane bioreactor (MBR) for enhanced colloidal particle and fine suspended solids removal
Aquacultural Engineering 2014
Astrid Buran Holan,
Per-Arvid Wold,
Gunvor Øie,
TorOve Leiknes
Integrated membrane bioreactor for water quality control in marine recirculating aquaculture systems
Separation science and technology (Print) 2013
Astrid Buran Holan
Effects of seawater quality on treatment of intake water for use in closed-containment aquaculture systems
Astrid Buran Holan,
Bjørn Roth,
Mette Serine Wesmajervi Breiland,
Jelena Kolarevic,
Øyvind J Hansen,
Audun Iversen
et al.:
Beste praksis for medikamentfrie metoder for lakseluskontroll (MEDFRI) - Faglig sluttrapport
Astrid Buran Holan
Beste praksis? Underveisrapportering fra pågående prosjekt
Astrid Buran Holan
Toleranse til partikler hos postsmolt
Steve T. Summerfelt,
Frode Mathisen,
Astrid Buran Holan,
Jagan Gorle,
Bendik Fyhn Terjesen
Dimensioning and Operation of Large Culture Tanks in Norwegian Smolt and Post-Smolt Facilities
Astrid Buran Holan,
Jelena Kolarevic,
Bendik Fyhn Terjesen
Evaluation of membrane treatment effect on water quality in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) for Atlantic salmon post-smolts (Salmo salar. (Abstract ID 42494)
Astrid Buran Holan,
Brian Vinci,
Sigurd O Handeland,
Bendik Fyhn Terjesen
Evaluation of available water treatment technologies for semi-closed aquaculture systems (in Norwegian). In Abstracts RCN Program conference Mariculture 2016
Astrid Buran Holan,
Jelena Kolarevic,
Sven Martin Jørgensen,
Britt Kristin Megård Reiten,
Frode Nerland,
Per S. Brunsvik
et al.:
Particle tolerance of Atlantic salmon post-smolts reared in recirculating aquaculture systems. In Aquaculture Europe 2016 Abstracts, pp 435-436
Jelena Kolarevic,
Bendik Fyhn Terjesen,
Astrid Buran Holan
Environmentally controlled production of Atlantic salmon in Norway
Steven T. Summerfelt,
Frode Mathisen,
Astrid Buran Holan,
Bendik Fyhn Terjesen
Survey - Use of large circular tanks in Norwegian Salmon smolt and post-smolt facilities.
Martin Hansen Skjelvareid,
Mette Serine Wesmajervi Breiland,
Astrid Buran Holan,
Atle Mortensen
Effekt av ultralyd på lakselus - Resultater fra smitteforsøk med lakselus i kar
Astrid Buran Holan,
Jelena Kolarevic
Postsmoltproduksjon i resirkulert sjøvann på land
Astrid Buran Holan,
Jelena Kolarevic,
Bendik Fyhn Terjesen,
Ragnhild Olsen Fossmark,
Ingrid Bakke,
Olav Vadstein
Evaluation of membrane treatment effect on water quality in RAS for Atlantic salmon post-smolts
Astrid Buran Holan
Utviklingen innenfor bruk av RAS i norsk akvakultur
Astrid Buran Holan
Ser muligheter for AGD-fri fisk i lukkede merder
Norsk Fiskeoppdrett 2015
Astrid Buran Holan
Resirkulering i ferskvann og sjøvann
Astrid Buran Holan,
Bendik Fyhn Terjesen
CtrlAQUA Center for Closed Containment Aquaculture
Astrid Buran Holan,
Jelena Kolarevic,
Bendik Fyhn Terjesen
Evaluation of membrane treatment in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) for Atlantic salmon post-smolts (Salmo salar). Conference Abstract p. 360
Astrid Buran Holan,
Jelena Kolarevic,
Reidar Fossmark,
I. Bakke,
Olav Vadstein,
Bendik Fyhn Terjesen
Evaluation of membrane treatment effect on water quality in recrculating aquaculture systems (RAS) for post-smolts (Salmo salar). In Book of abstracts, p. 23
Elin Kjørsvik,
Anh Pham Hung,
Per-Arvid Wold,
Astrid Buran Holan,
Andreas Hagemann
Microbial characterization and influence on copepod (Acartia tonsa) nauplii and egg production in water treatment systems with and without membrane filtration
Day Pham Thanh,
Elin Kjørsvik,
Per-Arvid Wold,
Astrid Buran Holan,
Andreas Hagemann
Particle characterization and influence on the nauplii and egg production of calanoid copepod (Acartia tonsa Dana) in water treatment systems with and without membrane filtration
Astrid Buran Holan
Membranfiltrering i akvakultur
Astrid Buran Holan,
Stine Veronica Wiborg Dahle,
Trond Waldemar Rosten
Membranfiltrering – aktuell teknologi som smittebarriere mot Moritella viscosa i lukkede oppdrettssystemer
Astrid Buran Holan,
Stine Veronica Wiborg Dahle,
Trond Waldemar Rosten
Membrane filtration of the bacteria Moritella viscosa from seawater
Kamal Azrague,
Astrid Buran Holan,
Yngve Ulgenes,
Jelena Kolarevic,
Bendik Fyhn Terjesen
Development of rapid methods for measurement of biodegradable organic carbon (BDOC) in RAS
Stine Veronica Wiborg Dahle,
Trond Waldemar Rosten,
Astrid Buran Holan,
TorOve Leiknes,
Catrine Ahlen,
Marianne Aas
Membranfiltrering av bakterien Moritella
viscosa fra sjøvann
Astrid Buran Holan,
Per-Arvid Wold,
Kari Attramadal,
TorOve Leiknes
Reduction of colloidal particles in rearing of cod larvae in recirculating aquaculture system applying a membrane bioreactor
Per-Arvid Wold,
Astrid Buran Holan,
Ingrid Overrein,
Dag Altin,
Kari Attramadal,
Gunvor Øie
et al.:
Membrane filtration in RAS – effects on tank bacterial communities
Astrid Buran Holan
Our research into membrane bioreactors in aquaculture
Astrid Buran Holan,
Per-Arvid Wold,
Dag Altin,
Ingrid Overrein,
Kari Attramadal,
Gunvor Øie
et al.:
Water quality control in RAS by membrane bioreactor (MBR) filtration
Astrid Buran Holan,
Per-Arvid Wold,
Kari Attramadal,
Gunvor Øie,
Dag Altin,
Ingrid Overrein
et al.:
Membrane filtration for recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)
Per-Arvid Wold,
Astrid Buran Holan,
Ingrid Overrein,
Dag Altin,
Werner Storøy,
Kari Attramadal
et al.:
Membrane filtration in RAS - effect on bacterial communities
Per-Arvid Wold,
Astrid Buran Holan
Membranfiltrering som en del av vannbehandlingen i resirkuleringsanlegg
Norsk Fiskeoppdrett 2012
Astrid Buran Holan,
Per-Arvid Wold,
Dag Altin,
Ingrid Overrein,
Kari Attramadal,
Gunvor Øie
et al.:
Reduction of colloidal and fine particle fractions in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) by an integrated biofilm membrane bioreactor (BF-MBR) system
Kari Attramadal,
Astrid Buran,
Gunvor Øie,
Olav Vadstein,
Yngvar Olsen
Recirculation: Microbial Control Strategy For Intensive Marine Larviculture
Global Aquaculture Advocate 2010
Kari Attramadal,
T.T.M. Vu,
Astrid Buran,
Per-Arvid Wold,
Gunvor Øie,
TorOve Leiknes
et al.:
Recirculation as a microbial control strategy in intensive aquaculture of marine larvae
Kari Attramadal,
Minh Vu Thi Thuy,
Astrid Buran,
Per-Arvid Wold,
Gunvor Øie,
Olav Vadstein
et al.:
Recirculation as a microbial control strategy in intensive aquaculture of marine larvae