Bilde av Do, Huu-Luat
Bilde av Do, Huu-Luat
Stipendiat The Norwegian College of Fishery Science +4777646566 Tromsø You can find me here

Huu-Luat Do

Job description

I am a PhD student in Natural Resource Economics at The Norwegian College of Fishery Science, UiT The Arctic University of Norway. I have been participating in the work package "Governance incentives to increase the use of biodegradable materials" in the Research Council of Norway SFI project, Dsolve, on plastic litter problems caused by the fishery and aquaculture industries.

For more details on my research and experiences, visit my personal website.

  • Huu Luat Do, Claire Winifred Armstrong :
    Navigating transition: understanding fishers’ perceptions of biodegradable fishing gear adoption
    Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 2025 DOI
  • Huu-Luat Do, Claire Armstrong :
    Ghost fishing gear and their effect on ecosystem services – Identification and knowledge gaps
    Marine Policy 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Claire Winifred Armstrong, Huu Luat Do, Roger Bertram Larsen :
    Opinion: Lost fishing gear - what do fishers think?
    World Fishing 2024

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Publications outside Cristin

    Ho, T. Q., Do, H. L., & Eggert, H. (2025). Shrimp farming industry in Vietnam: An aquaculture performance indicators approach. Aquaculture Economics & Management, 1–24. DOI:10.1080/13657305.2024.2449410

    Nguyen, L., & Do, H. L. (2024). Children's cognitive development: does parental wage employment matter?. Children and Youth Services Review, 161, 107657. DOI:10.1016/j.childyouth.2024.107657

    Brander, L.M., de Groot, R., Schägner, J.P., Guisado-Goñi, V., van't Hoff, V., Solomonides, S., McVittie, A., Eppink, F., Sposato, M., Do, L., and Ghermandi, A., (2024). Economic values for ecosystem services: A global synthesis and way forward. Ecosystem Services, 66, 101606. DOI:10.1016/j.ecoser.2024.101606

    Do, H. L., & Ho, T. Q. (2022). Climate change adaptation stratergies and shrimp aquaculture: empirical evidence from the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. Ecological Economics, 196, 107411. DOI:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2022.107411

    Do, H. L., & Thuy, T. D. (2022). Productivity response and production risk: A study of mangrove forest effects in aquaculture in the Mekong River Delta. Ecological Economics, 194, 107326. DOI:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2021.107326

    Truong, T. D., & Do, L. H. (2018). Mangrove forests and aquaculture in the Mekong river delta. Land Use Policy, 73, 20–28. DOI:10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.01.029

    Research interests

    Environmental Economics, Applied microeconomics, Applied econometrics


    FSK - 2020: Resourse economics module 

    FSK - 3624: Mini-lecture on Mitigating lost gear impacts and Promoting sustainable practices for Master students

    ECOGIV PhD students: Mini lecture on Systematic literature review 


    Member of research group

    Member of project