Bilde av Ose, Tommy
Bilde av Ose, Tommy
Department of Social Sciences You can find me here

Tommy Ose

Researcher/Lecturer in Anthropology

Job description

Researcher and Lecturer in Anthropology, bachelor and master level.

  • Tommy Ose, Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Britt Kramvig :
    “Exercises in Excess - Food Waste and the value of food in the affluent North. A perspective on value chains and their disruption.”
    7Letras 2018
  • Anniken Førde, Tommy Ose :
    Petroleum, forsking og etikk
    Nordlys 08. December 2014
  • Gun Roos, Unni Kjærnes, Tommy Ose :
    Warning labels on food from the point of view of consumers
    2010 FULLTEKST

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Economic and Environmental Anthropology, Northern Societies.

    Key research interests: Perspectives on nature - traditions, relationships and practices. Moral Economies, formal/Informal economies, food, hunting, values-value.

    Art as critical, creative modules in research and dissemination.

    Member of research group