Bilde av Solbakken, Anne Randi
Photo: Privat

Anne Randi Solbakken

PhD student

Job description

The main research question is about studying which factors lead to the dropout from Sami education in primary school in Norway, with a focus on Northern Sami, and possibly compared to other parts of Sápmi. Based on this, the problem reads as follows:

"Which factors lead to Northern Sámi students in primary school dropping out of, taking a break from, or completing the Sámi subject?"

  • Anne Randi Solbakken :
    Manne Norgga beale davvisámegieloahppit heitet sámegieloahpahusas? Maid muitalit logut?
    2023 OMTALE
  • Anne Randi Solbakken :
    Barn og unges utvikling - tradisjonell samisk barneoppdragelse sett i lys av etablerte utviklingsteoretikere innen pedagogikk.

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Member of research group