Per Øystein Haavold

  • Per Øystein Haavold, Jan Nyquist Roksvold :
    Effekten av utforskende undervisning
    Universitetsforlaget 2024
  • Ida Friestad Pedersen, Per Øystein Haavold :
    Hvilken utvikling kan vi se hos lærerne som deltok i SUM-prosjektet?
    Universitetsforlaget 2024
  • Kjeld Morten Blomhøj, Per Øystein Haavold :
    Implementering av utforskende undervisning i skolen: SUM - Sammenheng gjennom Utforskende Matematikkundervisning
    Universitetsforlaget 2024
  • Per Øystein Haavold, Jan Nyquist Roksvold, Bharath Sriraman :
    Pre-Service teachers’ Knowledge of and Beliefs About Direct and Indirect Proofs
    Investigations in Mathematics Learning 2024 DOI
  • Kjeld Morten Blomhøj, Per Øystein Haavold :
    Utforskende undervisning - fra teori til praksis
    Universitetsforlaget 2024
  • Ida Friestad Pedersen, Per Øystein Haavold :
    Hvordan kan elevers oppfatninger om matematikk og motivasjon for å lære matematikk knyttes til utforskende undervisning? Et perspektiv fra SUM-prosjektet
    Universitetsforlaget 2024
  • Per Øystein Haavold, Ida Friestad Pedersen :
    Utforskende undervisning og læringsmål: Taxicab-geometri
    Universitetsforlaget 2024
  • Per Øystein Haavold, Eirin Utsigt Stenberg :
    Innsikt i problemløsing og utforsking
    Universitetsforlaget 2024
  • Ida Friestad Pedersen, Per Øystein Haavold :
    Students’ mathematical beliefs and motivation in the context of inquiry-based mathematics teaching
    International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ida Friestad Pedersen, Per Øystein Haavold :
    Developing and validating survey instruments for assessing beliefs and motivation in mathematics
    European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2022
  • Kjeld Morten Blomhøj, Per Øystein Haavold, Ida Friestad Pedersen :
    Inquiry-based mathematics teaching in practice: a case of a three-phased didactical model
    European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2022
  • Jan Nyquist Roksvold, Per Øystein Haavold :
    Using pathologies as starting points for inquiry-based mathematics education: The case of the palindrome
    Skrifter från Svensk förening för matematikdidaktisk forskning 2021 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Per Øystein Haavold, Bharath Sriraman :
    Creativity in problem solving: Integrating two different views of insight
    ZDM: Mathematics Education 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Per Øystein Haavold, Bharath Sriraman, Kyeonghwa Lee :
    Creativity in Mathematics Education
    Springer 2020 DOI
  • Per Øystein Haavold :
    Impediments to mathematical creativity: Fixation and flexibility in proof validation
    The Mathematics Enthusiast 2020 ARKIV
  • Per Øystein Haavold, Kjeld Morten Blomhøj :
    Coherence through inquiry based mathematics education
    European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2019 ARKIV
  • Per Øystein Haavold :
    I hvilken grad påvirker omvendt undervisning elevenes matematikkunnskap og oppfatninger om matematikk?
    Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO) 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bharath Sriraman, Per Øystein Haavold :
    Reconciling the Realist/Anti Realist Dichotomy in the Philosophy of Mathematics
    Springer 2018 DOI
  • Per Øystein Haavold :
    An Investigation of the Relationship between Age, Achievement, and Creativity in Mathematics
    The Journal of creative behavior 2018 DOI
  • Bharath Sriraman, Per Øystein Haavold :
    Creativity and Giftedness in Mathematics Education: A Pragmatic View
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2017
  • Per Øystein Haavold, Alv Birkeland :
    Contradictory Concepts of Creativity in Mathematics Teacher Education
    Springer 2016 DOI
  • Per Øystein Haavold :
    An empirical investigation of a theoretical model for mathematical creativity
    The Journal of creative behavior 2016 DOI
  • Bharath Sriraman, Per Øystein Haavold, Kyeonghwa lee :
    Creativity in Mathematics Education.
    Springer Publishing Company 2014 DOI
  • Bharath Sriraman, Per Øystein Haavold, Kyeonghwa lee :
    Mathematical creativity and giftedness: a commentary on and review of theory, new operational views, and ways forward
    ZDM: Mathematics Education 2013 DOI
  • Per Øystein Haavold :
    What Characterises High Achieving Students’ Mathematical Reasoning?
    Brill|Sense 2011
  • Per Øystein Haavold :
    What is mathematical competence and what ought it be?
    Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 2011
  • Bharath Sriraman, Per Øystein Haavold, Gunnar Kristiansen :
    Immigrant and "Alien" Reactions to Obama's Educational Policy: Disposition of Authenticity or the Politics of The Emperor's New Clothes
    Journal of Educational Thought 2010
  • Per Øystein Haavold :
    Utforskende undervisning i matematikk
    Universitetsforlaget 2024
  • Per Øystein Haavold, Anne Birgitte Fyhn, Geir Olaf Pettersen, Thomas F. Eidissen, Monica Volden :
    Formidlingskonferanse i forbindelse med SUM
  • Per Øystein Haavold, Morten Blomhøj :
    Coherence Through Inquiry Based Mathematics

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →