How to apply
Short term courses and events
If you want to attend an EUGLOH event or a course with short term duration, you can send an application via a form attached to specific announcements. There you can also find the name and e-mail of a contact person, if you have questions.
The contact person can help you with application forms, financial support or other related matters. Travelling expenses and accommodation costs are covered by EUGLOH.
You can read more about upcoming EUGLOH events or courses here.
The same information is made public at UiT's homepage (in Norwegian and English).
Information about student exchange with longer duration
Outbound students who would like to go on exchange, or inbound students to UiT, can find information here about what UiT's mobility programmes can offer.
Here you can also find information about stipends and economic support regarding Erasmus + applications.
Here you can find practical information about how you can establish yourself in Tromsø, as a student.
Partner universities / UiT faculties
What the EUGLOH partner universities have in common:
- long-lasting collaboration in higher education and research;
- extensive expertise in a variety of fields related to Global Health;
- impressive network of large-scale infrastructures;
- strong research and socio-economic ecosystems;
- broad geographic and cultural diversity.
UiT's partneruniversities:
Université Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay);
Lunds universitet (LU);
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU);
Universidade do Porto (UPorto);
University of Szeged (USZ);
University of Alcalá (UAH);
Universität Hamburg (UHH);
University of Novi Sad (UNS).
Send your ideas to EUGLOH / Networking
- Are you an academic or researcher at a partner university who would like to connect with collegues at UiT about new ideas for joint projects or activities?
- Are you a foreign student who would like to join a group of students at UiT who are part of the EUGLOH-network?
If you need help with connecting or you have questions about EUGLOH, do not hesitate to contact us.
Ideas for projects that could lead to exchange
EUGLOH finances many short term events and activities at UiT which adresses global health issues, which promote exchange between partner universities.
We aim to reach out to colleagues in Europe who have new ideas about how we can create new projects.
Promotion of activities relevant for EUGLOH
At the UiT Campus there are many activities and events that are not formally financed by EUGLOH, but which are still highly relevant to the values and perspectives of the alliance. If you would like to make your activity in this area more visible, do contact us.
We would like to know more about, for example, short term events and activities such as courses, seminars, workshops, conferences, student activities or cultural events which highlight global health issues.
EUGLOH has initiatied a new program which makes it easier for competent lecturers at partner universities, who teaches at bachelor and master level to find, to find new jobs.
This is made possible via our Visiting Guest Lecturer Programme.
On this webpage you can find a catalogue where you can search for courses.
If you wish to be guest lecturer, you should contact the proposer of the course opportunity to agree on terms for possible employment.
EUGLOH organization
One main aim of the EUGLOH alliance is to integrate partner universities at several levels.
This is achieved by channeling this process through work packages (acronym: WP).
Below you can find the description of each WP and the name of each WP manager at UiT Norway's Arctic University.
Work package 1 ( WP 1): Project coordination and management
Organizational procedures and management of EUGLOH.
Work package 2 (WP 2): Transnational teaching and learning
- Joint European model for academic degrees and standardized framework for assessment of competency.
- Mobility program, joint European educational activities and standardized curriculum.
Contact persons:
Øyvind Hjuring Mikalsen, Chief academic coordinator, Research Administration and Education Quality Section, UiT
Kristina Svensen, Advisor, Research Administration and Education Quality Section, UiT
Work package 3 (WP 3): Research-based learning
- Cooperation regarding PhD programs
- Joint European platform for learning based on learning and challenges
Contact person: Anniken Marie Williams, Advisor, International Cooperation Section
Work package 4 (WP 4): Employability and lifelong learning
- Action plan for joint Lifelong Learning
- EUGLOH transversal competencies framework
- Partner universities and synergies
Contact person: Mette Ravn Midtgard, Senior adviser and business community coordinator, Research Aministration and Education Quality Section
Work package 5 (WP 5): Campus life
- Establishment of campus hubs for student activities
- Integration of campuses of European partner universities
Contact person: Verena Woltering, Senior Adviser, Research Administration and Education Quality Section
Work package 6 (WP 6): Service to society
- Knowledge transfer
- Online knowledge transfer portal
- Open science training program
- Dialogue with business community and society
Contact person: Anniken Marie Williams, Advisor, International Cooperation Section
Work package 7 (WP 7): External strategy and focus areas
Cooperation with international and regional partners
Contact person: Sigrid Ag, Head of International Cooperation Section
Work package 8 (WP 8): Dissemination and sustainability
- Dissemination of news about EUGLOH for the press
- Marketing on social media of EUGLOH
E-mail: Kim Bredesen, Adviser, Communication Section
Secretary General of EUGLOH:
Emily Helmeid, Université Paris-Saclay
EUGLOH executive board:
Professor Sandrine Lacombe, Université Paris-Saclay
Dr. Lena Eskilsson, The University of Lund
Professor Francesca Biagini, Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität
Márta Széll, Professor and Vice-Rector at Szeged University
Joana Resende, Associate Professor, at the University of Porto
A full presentation of Academic Leaders, Project Managers, Student Board representatives, and other actors in the EUGLOH-organization, you can find here.
Governance Model
The leadership of EUGLOH follows a shared governance model. This model ensures the participation of all members of the academic community, especially students (from all socio-cultural backgrounds, subject areas and degree levels). It also guarantees inclusive and holistic representation in the decision-making processes of the Alliance.
Governing Board
Responsibilities: The Governing Board is the ultimate decision-making body of the Alliance; it is entitled to consider legal issues and lobbying to or on behalf of the Alliance. It is a decision-making body that takes decisions on the overall strategic orientation and mission of the project, endorsement of the budget and legal issues concerning the consortium
Members: The Governing Board is led by a rotating chair, chosen from among the rectors and presidents of the partner institutions. The board's voting members are the President or Rector of each partner institution. It is advised by a rotating group of three (3) representatives of the International Student Board, by the representatives of the International Academic Board, and by the EUGLOH Coordinator and Secretary-General. Vice-rectors and vice-presidents as well as the Student Coordinator may also attend, among others.
Executive Board
Responsibilities: The Executive Board is the supervisory body for the execution of the Project; it is responsible for making the bridge between strategy and operations for the Alliance and thus has a key role in making its tactical decisions. The Executive Board shall report to and be accountable to the Governing Board.
Members: The Executive Board is led by the Alliance Coordinator. Its voting members are the Vice-Presidents, Vice-Rectors or their equivalent from each partner institution. They are advised by the International Student and Academic Boards (all members who may attend) and by the Secretary-General. Academic Work Package Leaders, Institutional Managers and Work Package Managers and co-managers may also participate.
The Secretariat is responsible for ensuring the overall execution of the EUGLOH work plan – coordinating the actions of Work Package Managers and co-managers (and through them, their teams) as well as those of the Institutional Managers.
Work package coordination
There are eight work packages, each pursuing different objectives. Every work package has its own coordination team, composed of Work Package Managers and co-managers and guided by Academic Leaders and co-leaders, students, and potentially associated partners. The Work Package Managers and co-managers are in charge of implementing tasks and activities jointly decided by the team. They work with the Secretariat to ensure the overall coordination of the EUGLOH work plan.
- International
- Cooperation
EUGLOH – solving global health challenges step by step – via education, research and innovation
At UiT The Arctic University of Norway you can attend courses centered on global health at both bachelor and master level.
You can attend summer schools or participate in workshops and seminars where you can meet students from Norway and other Europeans countries.
Travel and accommodation expenses are then covered. These and more opportunities are made possible by UiT being a partner university in the EUGLOH alliance.
More about EUGLOH
UiT The Arctic University of Norway has, since it was founded, prioritized the education of health personnel and research on health and welfare. We have therefore built up expertise and interdisciplinary collaboration that can contribute to developing the Arctic region in these areas.
In 2023, we deepened this work on an European level when we became a partner in The European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH). We also have local partners such as Helse Nord, Troms County Council, Tromsø Municipality and Arctic Frontiers.
Today, nine European universities are partners in this alliance. They have joined forces when it comes to education, research and innovation. Their joint projects are financed by EU's ERASMUS program and Horizon Europe.
A main goal of EUGLOH is to build the future European campus for global health.
Together, the nine universities have created a common platform that opens up many opportunities for thousands of students, researchers and academic staff.
Through EUGLOH, 338,500 students, 54,000 academics and 112 faculties and schools are now connected.
Educational expertise and scientific infrastructure at the nine universities are made available through EUGLOH to both students, academic staff and researchers, within a wide range. There, life sciences and social sciences play a central role. In such a setting, emphasis is also placed on research-based learning.
EUGLOH's intercampus initiative is intended to be able to meet a number of challenges related to welfare and public health.
EUGLOH aims to make studies at each campus as easy and practically accessible as possible. It is also a goal to facilitate good working conditions for academic staff and researchers.
"A tsunami of change that is on the way"
How can music strengthen mental health in a time of major societal changes? The Music Conservatory at UiT, in collaboration with European partners, will explore what this question entails in a new interdisciplinary project.
Read moreFor students
An important goal for the EUGLOH alliance is to enable students to stay at partner universities. We have a platforms which can secure a high degree of mobility for students at bachelor's and master's levels.
This can involve short-term stays, such as workshops, summer schools, seminars, or conferences.
With programs such as ERASMUS+ it is also possible for students to have long-term study stays at EUGLOH's partner universities.
In addition to this, students can apply to have internship stays at partner universities, which are part of their own degree, or they can be trainees in a private company, facilitated by EUGLOH.
Study opportunities
Here you can find a list of study programs, which you can apply to, at a bachelor and master level, at EUGLOH partner universities.
If you want to apply for a master’s degree, in a field relevant for global health, there are several options.
It is possible for students to apply for internships, e.g. if you want to work on an international team at a partner university.
Traineeships for studenter
One of EUGLOH's goals is to connect companies with competent candidates who want to gain experience at an international level, to complete a traineeship as part of their degree.
This can strengthen their professional competency and create a good foundation for a future career. In a job market with high mobility this may increase future prospects for employment.
EUGLOH aims to connect firms with competent candidates who would like to gain professional experience from an internship at an international level, as part of their education.
At EUGLOH partner universities it is possible to apply for traineeships which are related to global health, in several academic disciplines.
At the partner universities it is possible to find several PhD programmes where you can study subjects which are connected to global health.
Here you can find more information about EUGLOH PhD programmes.
Both at UiT, and at our partner universities, you can participate in short-term courses, summer schools, seminars, workshops, and conferences. Travelling expenses and accommodation costs are covered by EUGLOH. You will find more information under the tab "How to apply".
For academic staff
University employees and researchers at the nine partner universities can apply to EUGLOH for funds to cover travel expenses to attend or arrange courses or activities.
In addition to this there are several other ways you can find support at our partner universities, to create momentum or open new doors for your career or your scientific projects.
It is possible to apply for internships for academic staff who want to be part of an international team, at UiT, or at partner universities.
PhD vacancies
At UiT and our partner universities it is possible to find PhD programmes where you can work in several fields connected with global health. Click here if you want to know more about where you can apply for such positions.
Postdoc vacancies
The EUGLOH alliance offers opportunities for candidates to apply for postdoc positions in projects connected with global health. Your can apply for such positions at certain partner universities. Click here if you want to know more.
The International Cooperation Section at UiT The Arctic University of Norway is now offering new stipends to university employees.
It is earmarked to university employees who would like to initiate activities which stimulate increased cooperation between UiT and at least one other partner university in the EUGLOH alliance.
The stipend will preferably be used for travel between two partner universities, but it can also be used to support other types of activities.
Besides from covering travel expenses, the stipend can be supplemented with other sources of funding (e.g. ERASMUS, annuum or project funding).
The stipend is only given to applicants who plan to initiate a new project or promote existing projects in areas such as education, research, innovation or cooperation between scientific institutions.
If we receive more applications than available stipends, we will prioritize applications that align with existing goals for international cooperation, within EUGLOH and/or UIT. Applications for travel funding to/from less visited partners will also be prioritized.
Click here to send us an application for a stipend.
New application will be receieved and processed by our EUGLOH-staff at UiT.
Would you like to cooperate with another European university by creating new courses or seminars?
Then it might be of interest to you to look closer at the EUGLOH Seed Money Programme. It aims to enable teachers to create new joint learning pathways. By using the strengths of the respective universities, the EUGLOH partners can help tackle the global health challenges that society faces, in a very broad sense.
The programme also offers teachers the opportunity for international contacts, by working with other teachers at the EUGLOH partner universities.
The courses that are to be developed are intended to be part of the course offer for EUGLOH students.
The seed money for approved projects can be used for covering salaries, costs for travel and meetings as well as other costs. The partners will share the funding as outlined in their application.
How to apply
Deadline for applications is 1 February 2024.
Templates as well as the links to apply can be found at the bottom of this webpage.
NB: Please note that applications must be signed by heads of departments (or dean, vice rector or other authorized level) at the institutions involved. Signatures from the participating teachers must also be included.
Selection process and reports
A review board will prepare a suggestion to the Work Package task group “Joint Learning Pathways” on which applications to support. The task group will then make the final decision. The results will be communicated in March.
Four months after the approval of a project, the project managers are requested to send a brief progress report (one page). After the completion of the project, a written report on the progress and challenges faced during the co-creation process, as well as a summary of the next actions should be submitted together with the documents on how the course or programme (COIL) will be carried out.
A financial report has to be made in accordance with instructions from the EUGLOH Institutional Manager at the respective partner university. Deadline for the reports are 15 months after the approval of the proposal.
If you have questions or enquiries about EUGLOH-cooperation at UiT, you can send an e-mail to this adress:
European EUGLOH-website:
Here you can subscribe for EUGLOH's newsletter.
EUGLOH Local Student Board UiT
LSB UiT on social media: EUGLOH Local Student Board | Samskipnaden
You can also contact:
Kim Bredesen
Communications officer, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Mobile phone: 98 46 08 56Morten Simonsen-Sagerup
Institutional coordinator EUGLOH
Mobile phone: 77 64 42 87
Kurs om nettverkslæring i digitale rom / Course about Network Learning in Digital Arenas
EUGLOH- workshop i Portugal: lær å gjøre en 3-minutters PhD- pitch / EUGLOH Workshop in Portugal: Learn How to Do a 3-minute PhD Pitch
Nettkurs om engelskferdigheter på arbeidsplassen / Online Course about English Language Skills in the Workplace
Symposium: utdanning innen reproduktiv helse / Reproductive Health Education