Norwegian language courses and programmes - Campus Tromsø

There is a variety of courses and programmes in Norwegian language and literature at UiT in Tromsø, The Norwegian language courses are offered on basic, intermediate and advanced levels.
Norwegian Courses for enrolled students and foreign employees at UiT - Level A1, Level A2 and Level B1 (0 ECTS)
Level A1 (Introductory Level, first part), Level A2 (Introductory Level, second part), and Level B1 (Intermediate Level) are exclusively for employees and registered international students at UiT Campus Tromsø. The courses are not offered to family members of students and employees. The courses will run for an entire semester and take place physically on campus in Tromsø. The lectures are not broadcast on any digital platforms.
Registration deadline: FRIDAY 24 JANUARY 2025
Advanced Norwegian Level 3 - Trinn III (20 ECTS)
This is an advanced Norwegian language course for international students. It is equivalent to Level B2/C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and Test i norsk - høyre nivå B1 - C1 (Bergenstesten) at Folkeuniversitetet. A passed level III exam in Norwegian as a foreign language is necessary if you want to apply as a "regular student" (non international admissions) for study programmes or courses taught in Norwegian. The course is therefore a prerequisite for immigrants and foreign students who want to enroll at a Norwegian taught Bachelor or Master's degree programme at UiT or need a documentation of their Norwegian language skills in connection with work applications.
Courses at advanced level III are offered in form of two courses, NOR-0035 and NOR-0036, where both courses must be taken at the same time. The courses are offered both in the spring and autumn semester.
- Course description for NOR-0035 Norsk for internasjonale studenter - Trinn 3, Skriftlig
- Course description for NOR-0036 Norsk for internasjonale studenter - Trinn 3, Muntlig
The number of applicants exceeds by far the number of places available, and a qualifying examination at the beginning of each semester decides final admission.
Admission to this course does not give the right to student visa or extension of residence permit in Norway.
Applicants with advanced Norwegian language skills such as Level III or Bergentest will not be prioritised.
Application requirements:
Admission requirements (in Norwegian only): Norwegian Level III (advanced level)
- Norwegian Higher Education Entrance Qualification
- Passed Entrance Examination arranged approximately two weeks before the start of the course. The date and time for the entrance examination can be found in the course description in the beginning of November for the Spring semester and beginning of June for the fall semester
- To pass the entrance examination it is recommended that you have skills equivalent to Norwegian Level II.
Singular courses in Scandinavian languages and literature
UiT offers also special courses in Scandinavian languages and literature for international students who study Norwegian or Scandinavian languages and literatures at their home university. Courses are offered only on bachelor level (1000- and 2000-level).
International students study side by side Norwegian students and the language of instruction is Norwegian. However, they are exempted from the requirement of documenting "nynorsk". Also the evaluation of exams follows criteria which are adapted to the prerequisites of international students. For course description, see courses with NOR-code (spesialemner for internasjonale studenter) at the following website:
Courses in Scandianvian languages and literature for international students
Nordisk - Språk og litteratur - bachelor (180 ECTS)
This study programme is primarily meant for students having Norwegian as their mother tongue. Applicants are required to document that they master both Norwegian languages fluently - both nynorsk and bokmål. Only in individual cases the programme is open to exchange or guest students and other international students.
For more information see the UiT study catalogue:
Last changed: 08.11.2024 13.52