Faculty administration at Science and Technology

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Information for employees will during 2014 be transferred to UiT intranet:
https://intranett.uit.no/intranett were you can find internal information by choosing "om UiT/About UiT". For a period of time information will be present at both external and internal pages.

The Faculty administration is led by the Director of the Faculty and are organized in 4 sections:


The Faculty administration supports the management of the Faculty as well as offer services to the departments and personnel.

The Faculty administration works in close collaboration with the Central Administration.

Employees at Faculty administration at Science and Technology:



Trial Lecture - Master of Science Sushmit Dhar

20. mars     10:15     Auditorium 1.022, Teknologibygget     Digital, Tromsø    

Thesis Defense - Master of Science Sushmit Dhar

20. mars     12:15     Auditorium 1.022, Teknologibygget     Digital, Tromsø    

Kompetansefrokost: UiT, studentene og arbeidslivet

21. mars     08:30     Didaktikken, ILP-bygget     Tromsø