Aag, Frid Jorunn

Senior Librarian
Library Collections
The University Library
Works with:
Library / Loan

Andreassen, Helene N.

Head of Library Teaching and Learning Support
Culture and Social Sciences Library
The University Library
Works with:
Library / Teaching / Information literacy / Academic honesty / Research data management / Research support / Literature search / Plagiarism

Askheimer, Maria Ulrika

Senior Adviser
Library Collections
The University Library

Aslaksen, Lise

Library Collections
The University Library
Works with:
Library / Library guidance

Aspaas, Per Pippin

Head of library research and publishing support
Psychology and Law Library
The University Library
Works with:
Library / Library guidance / Classification / Literature search / User support / In-active archives / Research support / Open Access

Benedictus, Lammy

Library Collections
The University Library

Berg, Jan Martin

Culture and Social Sciences Library
The University Library

Bjørndal, Cato

The University Library

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