Assistant professor / university lecturer Master's programme in Public Health Nursing
Associate professor, managing director
Assistant professor
Associated professor
Study leader Master in nursing
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Program Director
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Professor in health sciences
Professor in Health Sciences
PhD Fellow
Associate Professor/ Academic leader of the Fit Futures study
Timeplanlegging/ FS / NOA /Studieadministrasjon / Canvas /TSD /tilganger
PhD candidate. Facualty of Health Sciences.
Doctoral Research Fellow
Vice-Dean education
Head of Administration
Professor, Head of Department (Department of Health and Care Sciences)
Associate professor
Studieretning Operasjonssykepleie
Ph.D. - student
Professor, PhD, masterprogram in nursing and masterprogram and Phd in health sciences
Human Resources Advisor at IHO
Assistant Professor
University lecturer
Associate professor masterprogram in public health nursing/ Research group leader Courage2B
1. amanuensis
Associate Professor
Study management, research and teaching
Assistant professor/Doctoral research fellow
Associate Professor
Professor. Bachelor in Nursing. Research and science. Health promotion.
Associate professor & Responsible for Internationalisation at the Department of Health and Care Sciences
Assosiated proffesor Department of health and care sciencies, Faculty of health sciences, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Associate professor in the department of midwifery
Doctoral Research Fellow
Associate professor health sciences
Professor nursing and health care education
Deputy head of education / assistant professor
Lecturer, radiography
PhD Student
Department head of Nurse anesthesia, Master of Nursing
Postdoctor at Center for Care Research North
Assistant professor
Assistant professor and phd-candidate IHO Narvik
Associated Professor
Assistant professor midwifery
associate professor
Kullansvarlig for kull 2020 i Alta
University lecturer
Pro-Dean of PhD Education and Clinical Training
Professor in Mental Heath Work
Associate professor
Lecturer IHO
Programme director for master's degree programs in healthcare sciences
Programme director, Bachelor in Nursing campus Narvik