We have 202 projects at our unit:
If not us, then who? Ethnographic insights into nurses’ role in redesigning a rural health service to meet changing demands
Production of 67Cu at a biomedical cyclotron via 70Zn(p,α)67Cu reaction and its evaluation in a preclinical study using small animal SPECT/CT
“Modernized” en Bloc Radical Cystectomy Versus Standard Radical Cystectomy: A Nationwide Multi-Institutional Propensity Score Matched Analysis
Mange med samisk bakgrunn kan ikke samisk. Men forsker aner håp for de yngste
«Hobbysame», «nysame» og «juksesame»: Når er man egentlig samisk nok?
Association Between GABRG2 and Self-Rating of the Effects of Alcohol in a French Young Adult Sample
Se alle registreringer i Cristin
Se alle registreringer i Cristin
Grunnvåg, Jeanette : Targeting virulence: Activity-Based Protein Profiling (ABPP) for Discovery of Potential Therapeutic Targets in Enterococcus faecium Jenssen, Marita : Psoriasis and vitamin D: Insights from a randomised clinical trial, a cross-sectional analysis of the Tromsø Study 2015-16 and a factorial Mendelian randomisation study using the UK Biobank and HUNT Brinchmann, Beate : Can Individual Placement and Support (IPS) contribute to change the life of individuals experiencing mental health problems? Challenges related to Efficacy, Effectiveness, and ImplementationMasteroppgaver:
Olaussen, Ingebjørg Mai : Beyond the Melody: Exploring the Therapeutic Label and Music’s Intrinsic Value Anwar Ul Haq, Muhammad : Atrial fibrillation and its relation to alcohol consumption in the general population: The seventh survey of the Tromsø Study. Mathiassen, Kristoffer : Pårørendes erfaringer i rollen som omsorgsgivere for et familiemedlem med kreft i livets sluttfase - En litteraturstudieArtikler og rapporter:
Jenssen, Marita / Arora, Nikhil / Løset, Mari / Åsvold, Bjørn Olav / Thomas, Laurent Francois / VAssmyr, Ole-Jørgen Bekkevold / Mai, Xiao-Mei / Sun, Yi-Qian / Furberg, Anne-Sofie / Jorde, Rolf / Wilsgaard, Tom / Danielsen, Kjersti / Brumpton, Ben Michael : Exploring Interaction between Genetically Predicted Body Mass Index and Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels on the Odds for Psoriasis in UK Biobank and the HUNT Study: A Factorial Mendelian Randomization Study Wang, Jin : Deep learning-assisted two-dimensional transperineal ultrasound for analyzing bladder neck motion in women with stress urinary incontinence Grunnvåg, Jeanette : Targeting virulence: Activity-Based Protein Profiling (ABPP) for Discovery of Potential Therapeutic Targets in Enterococcus faeciumSe alle oppføringer i Munin – Open research archive
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