Faculty of Health Sciences

Norsk flagg   

The Faculty of Health Sciences conducts research, educates students and shares its research results in almost every area of health science. The northern regions are of great importance to us.

The Arctic University of Norway is the world’s northernmost university and is the largest research and educational institute in northern Scandinavia. The university is involved internationally in research and teaching as well as in solidarity work. We recognise the importance of sound and practical educational experiences, both for the benefit of our students and to meet our society’s educational and research needs. UiT the Arctic University of Norway conducts research and offers academic programmes in pharmaceutical studies, nursing, clinical medicine, clinical dentistry, medical biology, psychology, community medicine and paediatric and adolescent mental health.

Employees at Faculty of Health Sciences:



Disputas Cand.Med Marit Katinka Busund

20. februar     12:15     Auditorium Cortex     Digital, Tromsø    

Skriveseminar Migrasjon / Writing forum on migration research

20. februar     14:15     Teams     Digital    

Research seminar on breast cancer

21. februar     09:15     Aud. 1, MH1 building     Tromsø    

Opplæring i tiltaket Foreldre-baby samspill

24. februar     09:00     MH2 U.10.325     Tromsø