Telephone: +47 77 66 07 93
Delivery address:
UiT Norway's Arctic University
HSL faculty
A-wing 2nd floor
Breivika 3
9019 Tromsø
Invoice address:
UiT Norway's Arctic University
Invoice receipt
PO Box 6050 Langnes
9037 Tromsø
Mailing address:
HSL faculty
UiT Norway's Arctic University
PO Box 6050 Langnes
9037 Tromsø
Units under Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education:
Faculty management at Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
Institute of philosophy and first semester studies
Centre for women's and gender research
Department of Archaeology, History, Religious Studies and Theology
Department of Education
Department of Social Sciences
Department of Language and Culture
The Barents Institute
Department of Child Welfare and Social Work
Centre for Peace Studies (CPS)
Centre for Sami Studies
Faculty administration at HSL-fak
Enhet for administrative tjenester HSL
Enhet for instituttadministrasjon