About us – Department of Health and Care Sciences

About us – Department of Health and Care Sciences

The department management consists of the head of department, the deputy head of education, and the head of administration. The department leader group further includes 4 assistant heads of department of nursing,  as well as 7 program directors for the respective bachelor's programs in occupational therapy, physiotherapy, radiography, and paramedicine, in addition to the master's programs in midwifery, nursing, and health sciences. The master's program in nursing includes specializations in anesthestic nursing, intensive care nursing, operating theatre room nursing, pediatric nursing, and oncology nursing. The master's program in health sciences include specializations in public health nursing, neurophysiotherapy, psychomotor physiotherapy, mental health work, aging and geriatric health work, as well as health science development work. 

Contact us

For study-related questions:

Email: studie-hf-iho@hjelp.uit.no

Phone: 0047 77 66 07 70


For other inquiries:

Email: postmottak@iho.uit.no


UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Department of Health and Care Sciences

9037 Tromsø


Meetings and minutes