The Department of Chemistry has approximately 100 employees, of which approximately half come from other countries and parts of the world. The department offers education at Bachelor's, Master's and PhD level.
The department has four research groups located in the Science building and in the Science Park (SIVA Innovation Centre):
- Chemical Synthesis and Analysis (Science building)
- Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (Science building)
- Biological Chemistry and Bioinformatics (Forskningsparken / SIVA innovasjonssenter)
Head of Department: Annette Bayer, 77 64 40 69
Head of Administration, Department of Chemistry: Ronny Helland, 77 64 40 64
Head of Administration, Hylleraas Centre: Stig Eide, 77 62 31 00
Safety representative, Science building: Truls Ingebrigtsen, tlf 77 64 40 95, Jostein Johansen (deputy), tlf. 77 64 51 12
Safety representative, Science Park: Eva Bjørkeng, tlf. 77 64 58 01, Heidi Erlandsen (deputy), tlf. 77 64 60 25
Post address:
Institutt for kjemi
Fakultet for Naturvitenskap og Teknologi
UiT Norges arktiske universitet
Postboks 6050 Langnes
N-9037 Tromsø
Visiting address:
Institutt for kjemi
Realfagsbygget, C-fløya
Hansine Hansens veg 56
9019 Tromsø
Institutt for kjemi
Siva Innovasjonssenter, byggetrinn 3
Sykehusvegen 23
9019 Tromsø