
Department of Technology and Safety

Norsk flagg   

Technology and safety study programs targeted towards business and industry

At the Department of Technology and Safety both studies and research is aimed towards operational and technological challenges in the High North. Students attending our engineering programs are sought after both in the public sector and private enterprises, especially oil/gas and maritime industry. Post qualifying programmes and courses are important. The Department organises specialised courses and simulator training based on industry demands.

Research at the Department
At the Department research is aimed towards operational and technological challenges in the High North.

Priority area of research
The main focus is on development of technology and preparedness together with elucidation of risk exposure at operational procedures in the High North.

The main objective is on providing research that can incite innovation and development for business and industry in the region. Industry partners play an important role in initiating and development of new research projects.

Employees at Department of Technology and Safety:



Trial lecture - Master of Science Yufei Wang

18. februar     10:15     Teknologibygget Auditorium 1.022     Digital, Tromsø    

Doctoral defense - Master of Science Yufei Wang

18. februar     12:15     Teknologibygget Auditorium 1.022     Tromsø    

8th Societal Security Conference - The Responsibility to (Self)Protect?

4. november     08:30     Hybrid     Tromsø