At the Department of Technology and safety research is aimed towards operational and technological challenges in the High North.
Priority area of research
The main focus is on development of technology and preparedness together with elucidation of risk exposure at operational procedures in the High North.
The main objective is on providing research that can incite innovation and development for business and industry in the region. Industry partners play an important role in initiating and development of new research projects.
Research themes:
- Operations and maintenance of complex production facilities
- Challenges related to maritime operations in cold climate
- Subsea sensors for oil and gas
- Artic earth observation and surveillance technologies
- Coastal environment, technology and innovation in the Arctic
- Risk analysis to identity suitable technology for waste handling in the Arctic oil industry and shipping
We have 13 projects at our unit:
Using precision-cut liver slices for assessing hepatic toxicity of components of crude oil on Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
A sustainable way to prevent oral diseases caused by heavy metals with phytoremediation
Advancing Anaerobic Digestion of Biodiesel Byproducts: A Comprehensive Review
Static and dynamic stability of a polar ship in the arctic region with ice accumulation
Integrating Emerging Technologies into Education and Training: Proceedings of the 2nd ETELT 2024 Workshop
A Bayesian network model for estimating the combined risk in Northeast Passage escort operations
Se alle registreringer i Cristin
Se alle registreringer i Cristin
Dahl, Joakim Broks : Measuring societal safety: An analysis of societal safety-related composite indices and their alignment with the Norwegian understanding of societal safety Madsen, Henrik Tams : Evidence in the Air - Exploring the Implementation and Experiences with Evidence-Based Training in Scandinavia Rød, Maria : Flymedisinsk sertifisering av mental skikkethetArtikler og rapporter:
Xu, Sheng / Kim, Ekaterina : A Bayesian network model for estimating the combined risk in Northeast Passage escort operations Nouri Qarahassanlou, Ali / Pouresmaieli, Mahdi / Salehi, Sana : A sustainable way to prevent oral diseases caused by heavy metals with phytoremediation Qi, Jiangzhang / Wei, Chai / Sinsabvarodom, Chana / Cui, Meng / Dou, Xiaoliang / Zhu, Tiantian / Ji, Shunying : Static and dynamic stability of a polar ship in the arctic region with ice accumulationSe alle oppføringer i Munin – Open research archive