About us – Faculty of Law

About us – Faculty of Law

Law studies have been offered at UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) from 1984, initially at the Institute of Fisheries. In 1987, the law programme was moved to a new Institute of Law, which in 1997 became the Faculty of Law.

In addition to the five-year integrated master’s degree in law, the faculty offers two LL.M. programmes and a PhD programme. The faculty has about 90 employees, around 20 – 25 of whom are employed in PhD positions. Of the faculty’s current master’s degree students, approximately 950 are admitted to the five-year integrated master’s programme, 20-25 to the LL.M. programme, Master of Laws in the Law of the Sea, and eight to the Joint Nordic Master’s Programme in Environmental Law (NOMPEL).


The rule of law, transparent and controlled exercise of power, freedom of expression and respect for the rights and dignity of the individual are core values in a democratic state governed by the rule of law and for the faculty’s activities. The faculty will perform its activities in line with the core values of UiT the Arctic University of Norway: Credibility, academic freedom, closeness, creativity, and commitment.  

Areas of priority 

The Faculty will be at the international forefront in the Law of the Sea, Environmental Law, Sami and Indigenous Peoples’ Law and educational quality.  


The Faculty of Law Strategic Action Plan 2023-2026 (in Norwegian only).

Working environment and organisation 

The faculty will work actively to achieve a good working environment and an efficient and flexible organisation that contributes to the faculty and UiT achieving their goals.  

Available positions 

Available positions will be announced via Jobbnorge.no and EURAXESS

Postal address:

Faculty of Law

UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Postboks 6050 Langnes

N-9037 Tromsø


Phone: +47 77 64 41 97

Email: postmottak@jus.uit.no
