Photo: Ingun A. Mæhlum

Faculty of Law

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The Faculty of Law at UiT will, through research, education and dissemination, be a visible and key contributor in the advancement of the rule of law and legal competence in society. The faculty is one of three faculties in Norway offering a 5-year integrated master's programme in law.

The faculty’s research activities are mainly organized in six research groups; Sami- and indigenous peoples law, Child law, Constitutional law (only in Norwegian)Administrative law (only in Norwegian), Law on Property rights (only in Norwegian) and Crime Control and Security law. It is also the home of the Norwegian Centre for the Law of the Sea (NCLOS), a world leading research environment on the Law of the Sea.

In addition to the 5-year integrated master's programme in law, the faculty offers Master of Laws (LL.M) in Law of the Sea, a Joint Nordic Master Programme in Environmental Law (NOMPEL), and a PhD programme in law.

Student exchange program

Law of the Sea - master

Environmental Law

Employees at Faculty of Law:



Foredrag: Hva er samerett?

6. februar     13:15     Rom 4.213, Teorifagsbygget hus 4     Tromsø    

Environmental Humanities #39 Skills Circle on Fieldwork

10. februar     09:30     Árdna     Tromsø