Euraxess - Researchers in Motion at UiT
UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) is an active supporter of the European Research Area’s initiative to mobilise researchers' careers through Euraxess - Researchers in Motion (Euraxess) - which is the operational side of the European Commision strategy adressing barrieres to the mobility of researchers. It seeks to enhance the career development of researchers.
- 2005: Entered the Euraxess Services Network
- 2006: Started to announce vacant academic positions through Euraxess Jobs & Funding
- 2010: Endorsed the Declaration of comittment to the principles and requirements of being a EURAXESS Services Local Contact Point
- 2010: Endorsed the Declaration of commitment to the Recommendation of the European Commission on the European Charter for Researchers, The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers incorporating the Charter and Code, now changed to The European Charter for Researchers.
- 2012: Awarded the right to use the HR Excellence in Research logo in August 2012