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MORGAM (MOnica Risk, Genetics, Archiving and Monograph) is a multinational collaborative study based on harmonization of data from population-based cohort studies, with the aim to assess cardiovascular disease and its risk factors. 

...: Inger Pauline Landsem has produced a report on the Premature Project at the request of the Health Trusts... to the Premature Project. Marianne Noredhov and Inger Pauline Landsem are working on research... the Tromsø Intervention Study on Preterms started. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Inger Pauline...

Systems Epidemiology maintains a strong focus on the broad topic of lifestyle and social inequalities in cancer and non-communicable diseases. Lifestyle and other environmental factors have been estimated to cause a substantial proportion of non-communicable diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. This suggests that many cases of non-communicable diseases would be preventable if changes in lifestyle were implemented. Smoking, alcohol, unhealthy diet, obesity and lack of physical activity are modifiable risk factors with sizeable prevalence, particularly among disadvantaged populations, and play important roles in the etiology of several non-communicable diseases. As this topic is vast and there is substantial coverage on this topic in Systems Epidemiology, we have grouped specific objectives under projects and/or areas of research. These are described below.

Prosjektgruppe:Prof. Tore Sørlie, Forskningsgruppe psykiatri, IKM/UiT, DrPH, MPH, Helsefaglig forskningsleder, Ellen Blix, Klinisk forskningssenter/UNNPhD-student, Kand. Sykepleievit  Bente-Liss Roaldsen, Kreftavdelingen/UNN, IKM/UiT

Dette prosjektet dreier seg om å undersøke hvordan kvensk/norskfinsk kulturarv kommer til uttrykk i dag. Prosjektet gjøres av UiT Norges arktiske universitet i samarbeid med Vadsø museum-Ruija Kvenmuseum og Nicolaysen Film AS.

... those in whom DVT was ruled out. We will also explore changes in complement components and plasma EVs... (Aarhus University), Inger Lise Gade (Aalborg University), Tom Eirik Mollnes (Norwegian Complement...

Summary of the impactBy carefully building architectures, designs, implementations, and experimentation of distributed computer systems that aims at improving the sustainability of our society, the department is providing unique answers to both the public and the industry major concerns in northern Norway. The systems we build and are building are useful to quantify and understand important factors and parameters that impact our everyday life in Norway and northern Norway.

Data from a case-control study published in New England Journal of Medicine in 2003 suggested that atherosclerosis was associated with VTE risk and launched the hypothesis of a link between arterial and venous thrombosis. In this project, we investigate the bidirectional relationship between arterial and venous thrombosis in large population-based cohorts, and explore the impact of atherosclerosis and atherosclerotic risk factors as potential common risk factors.

... in the High North. We also aim to support knowledge-based health policy decision-making to improve...

The overarching goal of this extensive research project is to comprehensively investigate atrial fibrillation within the Tromsø Study 1986 to 2016. The study seeks to elucidate the natural history of atrial fibrillation and its subtypes, evaluate its association with risk factors, estimate the effect of joint interventions in a counterfactual setting, and assess the impact of atrial fibrillation on various health outcomes. The findings are anticipated to provide crucial insights into atrial fibrillation prevention, management, and prognosis while addressing knowledge gaps in the field.

We study the incidence, mortality, characteristics and risk factors of ischemic stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage and aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage in the general population

... northern Norwegian populations, but have also raised new research questions. In addition, there is a need...

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. It is a complex disease that is influenced by various genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Coronary heart disease and its risk factors in the Tromsø Study is a large-scale research project comprising several sub-projects aimed at investigating various aspects of CHD in the general population.

.... The lecture will also shed light on how telescopes, deployed in space, can contribute to creating new...
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