Clinical Dentistry


 Our ambition is to develop research into community dentistry by focusing on practice within the dental public healthcare system (risk patients, minorities, northern research). We also have plans to move into clinical research, in collaboration with the University Clinic and the Public Dental Service Competence Centre og Northern Norway. In general, our projects are developed as new staff join our team.

The Department of Clinical Dentistry (IKO) has a Clinical Dentistry Research Group which is lead by Jan Bergdahl.

For more details about the faculty's research strategies, click here (in norwegian)


Phone: +47 77 64 91 16/77 64 91 00
Fax: +47 77 64 91 01

Department of Clinical Dentistry
Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Tromsø
9037 Tromsø

Contact for appointments:
University Dental Clinic
Phone: +47 77 78 90 30

Visiting address:
TANN Building
Hansine Hansensvei 86
9019 Tromsø