Building, Energy and Material technology Research Group (BEaM)

The group conducts applied research in interdisciplinary themes of building, energy and material to develop technologies that are energy efficient, environmentally friendly and sustainable.

Our research strengths are in construction technologies and renovation of buildings, renewable energy technologies including bio energy, hydrogen and fuel cells and building materials especially for cold climate and the Arctic conditions.

IB - test room

The overall goal of  our research activities is to develop technologies for energy.conservation  and environmental protection. Many of our projects are in partnernship with industry and SMEs in the region to enhance national and international engineering competence.   

The researchers in the group contribute in the fundamental areas of fluid dynamics, heat and mass transfer, structural,  mathematical modelling and simulations in a wide range of engineering applications.

BEaM offers laboratory services and contract research for the industry. Some examples are material testing and classification, thermography, air tightness measurements, acoustical analyses, tracer gas measurements, indoor environment investigations.



BEaM group has access to a range of well-equipped laboratories and facilities to conduct research work as well as certified laboratories to carry out commercial test work. Certified labs are: 

  • Concrete lab
  • Land surveying
  • Material testing
  • Structural testing
  • Geo-lab
  • Mining and mineralogy lab

Wind Tunnels

Three wind tunnels which allow research staff and undergraduate students to validate computer simulation models.  Modelling  physical scenarios that might otherwise be impossible to simulate numerically.

Test room / climate chamber

Indoor climate chamber can simulate various HVAC Systems such as:  Ventilation, Domestic heating systems, Cooling

Equipments are available for a range of measuements: 

Indoor climate analyser, tracer gas analyses, gas analysers, Particle analysers, Thermography, Comfort meter,  Acoustics.

Water and environmental lab

The labratory is equipped to carry out research in  water and waste  water treatment tecnology. Facilties include measuring and analysis of various chemical and biological pollutants in water and waste water including emerging pollutants such as micro plastics.

Frost in the Ground LAb (FIG)

FiG is field lab faciltity 5 km north of  Narvik. It is equipped to measure freezing and thawing cycles of different soils.  The temperature and moisture content can be measured  upto 2m below the ground


Instituttleder, professor Bjørn Reidar Sørensen

Leder av forskningsgruppen, professor Rajnish Kaur Calay