
Health, art and society (HAS) is an international interdisciplinary research group working on patient- and next of kin narratives. The research group has members from the humanities, social sciences and medicine. Linda Nesby is leader of the research group and May-Lill Johansen is deputy.


Linda Hamrin Nesby

Professor Nordic literature
Department of Language and Culture
Campus Tromsø

Laura Castor

Professor Emerita English literature
Department of Language and Culture
Campus Tromsø

Morten Auklend

Department of Language and Culture
Campus Tromsø

Sunniva Solhaug Fjelldal

PhD candidate. Facualty of Health Sciences.
Department of Health and Care Sciences
Campus Tromsø

Ann Therese Lotherington

Professor in Sociology, academic director for SKK
Centre for women's and gender research
Campus Tromsø

+47 918 11 551

May-Lill Johansen

Research director and Associate Professor
General Practice Research Unit in Tromsø
Campus Tromsø

Mona Kiil

Postdoctoral researcher
Centre for Women's and Gender Research
Campus Tromsø

+47 482 11351

Paula Ryggvik Mikalsen

Postdoc, Arctic Auditories
Centre for women's and gender research
Campus Tromsø

Ingri Løkholm Ramberg

Associate professor
Department of Education
Campus Alta

External members:

Ahlzén, Rolf. Medical doctor, Assistant professor, Karlstad University, Sweden

Andreassen, Hege. KVINNFORSK, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Bernhardsson, Katarina. Associate professor, Lund University, Sweden

Crawford, Paul. Professor, University of Nottingham, UK

Gammelgaard, Lasse. Adjunkt, University of Aarhus, Denmark

Goldbeck-Wood, Sandra.  Gynaecologist at Cambridge University Hospitals, Editor in Chief of BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health, and a published poet, UK

Grange, Huw. Departmental Lecturer in Medieval French, Baliol College, Oxford, UK

Johansen, Jan-Are Kolset. Department of Clinical Dentistry, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Jørgensen, Jens Lohfert. Associate professor, Aalborg University, Denmark

Parelius, Fredrik. Ph.d. scholar, University of Bergen, Norway

Pereyra, Soledad. Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina

Rasmussen, Anders Juhl Langscheidel. Assistant professor, post doc, The university of Southern Denmark (SDU), Denmark

Ringberg, Unni. Medical doctor, associate professor, The Faculty of Health Sciences, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Sigurdson, Ola. Professor. Religious studies/Systematic Theology. University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Simonhjell, Nora. Associate professor, University of Agder, Norway

Stage, Carsten. Adjunkt, University of Aarhus, Denmark

Warberg, Silje Haugen. Associate professor. Norwegian University of Science and Tecnology, NOrway

Aaslestad, Petter. Head of The Norwegian Association of Researchers. Professor. Norwegian University of Science and Tecnology, Norway

Partner institutions

The Nordic Network for Narrativity in Medicine (NMM)

Health, Media and Narrative at The University of Aarhus

Uses of Literature. Syd-dansk universitet, Odense

Liv og livsmot. UiT The Arctic University of Norway